How is Jow Forums preparing for the inevitable economic collapse?
How is Jow Forums preparing for the inevitable economic collapse?
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i dream about it, hoping it grows into something larger.
The economy rises and falls, these things happen, what more do you want?
Soon the bubble will pop and people will be throwing themselves out of windows
and hope to god the chaos doesn't last more then a year.
What the fuck happened in 1845?
the grear midwest prostitute crisis
Stockpiling guns and ammo and not telling another living soul about it (except my wife)
All my property is free and clear and I stock gold, silver and cash.
Bury a few under the garden in case she can't keep her mouth shut.
The same thing I do every day: procrastinate.
Way ahead of ya. Got a few caches not even she knows about. Because
well if its anything like the last one I probably won't even notice
>The US had only just recovered from the ‘Panic of 1837’, only for 19 of its 26 states to default in the early 1840s. The default was fuelled by what now seems a rather archaic practice, canal building. A canal-building boom caused vast debts of $80m to pile up, after a surge in infrastructure projects and a race to raise capital to open new banks.
Railway Mania was an instance of speculative frenzy in Britain in the 1840s. It followed a common pattern: as the price of railway shares increased, more and more money was poured in by speculators until the inevitable collapse.
>Civil war: imminent
>World war: imminent
>Poles melting: imminent
>Irreversible global warming: imminent
>Yellowstone volcano explosion: imminent
>Kilauea Volcano massive eruption: imminent
What a time to be alive.
So what your saying is the bigun is coming soon. Thanks for the heads up.
Youve got a perrenial garden going too right
I wish
>well if its anything like the last one I probably won't even notice
This. Other than being laid off for a fewweeks in 08/09, and no overtime for about a year and a half, I never missed a beat.
Did you see the graph. 1987 was a warm up for 2000 which was a warm up for 2008 which was a warm up for the big one. This is 1929 level shit. All the growth since 2000 has been a facade. I hope youve got a safe job.
Cant, I live in a Soc Dem country
>All the growth since 2000 has been a facade.
Maybe in the faggy tech world. I work in heavy manufacturing. Didn't really notice, the 2000 one either, again other than a few weeks layoff.
>never happens
>2008 says another bailout
>some sort of major jew act
Hope so, as long as there's still jobs for me, I want to laugh at boomers, the suv driving gen x and y couples, and the psycho gen y won't be able to afford their masochistic shitskin invasion anymore.