Hookup culture

ive never understood the appeal of casual sex. it seems so pointless to me. society loves to shame virgins for "not being able to get laid" but why would i even want to "get laid"? how does sterile casual sex with promiscuous people benefit me? statistically speaking nothing is more damaging to marriages and families than casual sex. as someone who wants to get married and raise a family why wouldnt i choose to remain pure? for a board that loves to moralize about "traditional values" there is no shortage of degenerate fornicators here.

>dude hedonism lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/hookup culture/

Guys, I like the idea of not posting memes for 1 week so Jow Forums will have to make original content. So let's start with this on 20.07-27.07. Spread awareness by posting this until then.

man i relate to dat shit cuz i want to impregnate

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All women are whores for recreational use by Chads. After 1000 cocks they'll settle down with beta cuck.

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o-original salsa?


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I only had one experience hooking up with someone through Tinder and even then she was a 6/10. If I had played my cards right, I could have gotten her to invite her friend over, but I was just horny. She had me facefuck her and blow my load down her throat, then she rode my dick like it was the last boat to America.

Long story short, it was temporarily fulfilling, but degenerate in the long run. Thanks for reading my blog post.

I want dem temporary tiddies.

Its exciting. Same reason People like to watch Movies and/or listen to Music. Just a fun experience

That girl is amazing.

Nah, she's kinda gross.

Can relate.
>Be the young me
>Just want to have a meaningful relationship, get married, family, a wholesome life, mutual support, fucken do this life thing together, grow old together
>Approach girl I liked
>"You just want to get in my pants"
>Then she goes and rides the cock carousel to the edge of her fertile years
>several times

i really sympathize with you brother. but you are going to get wrecked so badly when you find "the one." i want you to succeed, i wish we all could, but you're playing russian roulette with all chambers loaded

When I was single (divorced) I would wear my ring, pretend to be married, pick up Starbucks barista whores 1/3 my age cum dump them at their places and go home alone accounting to no one. It was kinda perfect. I got married again and it’s heaven this time but those were the days.

It’s a good gross. No shame in fapping.

Can someone make an Adolph version preferably with a Japanese junior idol? Asking for former President Clinton.


Same. I've always found the idea of having casual sex with someone whom I have no interest in to be pointless. I can just stay home, save my money, and jack off if blowing a load is all I want.

how many times are you going to spam this board with this thread?

saged for being an ANTIFA redditor faggot

There's nothing wrong with dating and have sex with different women to figure out what you like. I'm not saying go be a whore and have tons of casual sex, but get out there, date, and have relationships.

Yeah, it’s not really worth the time and effort. Unless you’re desperate for validation, which is degenerate in itself.

I'm 21 today, When Caivs Ivlivs Caesar was 21 he was also contemplating what he was doing with his life at 21 when looking at a statue of Alexandros of Macedonia who was the youngest conquerer ever.

This.. I am 55 and fucked hundreds of girls. You are total idiot if you are not having sex before marriage.

the hookup culture is for npcs, thats all you need to know. Yeah a lot of people would love to destroy a hapa like pic related, but is it the right thing to do? mate u know the answer

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>ive never understood the appeal of casual sex
you can't miss what you haven't experienced. not a joke or an insult, just making sure you understand the blatantly obvious reason that you're not pining for casual sex

if you decide to climb a mountain then the probability of you climbing another mountain in the future goes way up. this is a matter of pure, basic logic

porn fucked our brains, sex is awesome but outside of marriage is totally degenerate and destructive to society. I think we all know that.

If you can keep your virginity more power to you especially if you can save it for your wife

because it feels good.

I'm not judging you for sleeping with a couple of girls but of you sleep with dozens probably hundreds of girls you are a degenerate in my book. Stuff has gone to shit butany of you yourselves are out here despoiling. I hope you guys are cursed with daughters and that they are debased. You reap what you sow, go ahead and say that you will raise them better or that you will have sons, I'll take those odds

>t.virgin with no game

It’s fun if you are good at it, like a game

How old were you when you got divorced?

>has his entire family shot up in a food court by a lonely virgin who felt too much pressure because of the shallow culture he helped create

You boomers never cease trying to destroy the civilized world. Shut the fuck up, no one cares that you're a boring piece of shit and you had to fuck women to feel validated

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Thank you

Brit here in Japan
>Gets tinder
>dozen matches in minutes
>invite out for drinks
>have drinks
>walk past hotel on way home
>"user train is too far"
>"let's stay here"

The more you post her pics the more I wonder how many times she's been fucked.
She's definitely been fucked at least 20 times.

Yeah, I don't get it either. I had to do a triple-antibiotic treatment after getting h.pylori from kissing a thot. I dunno what she did to be like that, maybe she gave a guy a rim job. Nevertheless, I am done kissing women even when sex is happening, you never know where their mouths have been these days

No one cares you pathetic boomer, now kys.

gimmie dem tittays.

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A few years older, same outlook and married to my college sweetheart. Be gentlemanlike, but firm. Be crystal clear that you are looking for a monogamous relationship. Be polite, even to roasties. Hold yourself to the highest standard. If they ridicule you they are not worth your effort. I think you will find that women will respond to your honesty and standards. Above all, project an inner strength in your convictions and confidence. Good luck.

>If they ridicule you they are not worth your effort
The internet (Jow Forums included) disagrees but I agree. Ignoring women who are scum sends a huge message, and it definitely works, which is why threads on Jow Forums about "men these days" pop up every hour and articles are written about young men every day whining about them.
Ignoring women sends a message that men don't approve of their behavior, and the ultimate thing women are after is the approval of men, via social and sexual means.

>women love to shame virgins for "not being able to get laid"
Ftfy. Guys only virtue signal that they're part of the in-group when they do it.
Why do they do this? Because they've been taught through Marxist education, liberal parents and social group pressure from friends that sex is the be all end all of everything. The golden ticket. The holy grail.
Ask them while they're young if they wanna have kids, I ask all the time with girls my age and younger.
Almost every single one of them so far has said: "Maybe when I'm 30. I want to see the world first, travel around, see those amazing places."
Is that because they're all adventurous, or because they're following a (((heavily suggested group trend)))?

It's not that they don't have their priorities straight, they don't have priorities. Daddy let them fuck around, mommy taught them to birth control, school pushes them in a direction they can't handle and their friends bully them if they so much as stray from the pack.

TL;DR: Women don't have the balls to do better than they're told.

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If it makes you feel better I’m 19 and still a virgin. I don’t wanna lose id rather wait

you're not wrong
casual sex mostly is pretty unrewarding, at least in my experience
what's best is if you're in a position in life where you *can* hook up casually, but choose not to
otherwise your life is just shit, let's be honest
not pointing fingers, I know my life sucks rn soo


Alright for me personally I have "traditional values" and it's not just because I want to follow that path, it is just what I decided on my own at a very young age.
I agree with everything you said and it made perfect sense to me once I learned what sex was. Fast forward to today's time where people will glorify casual sex in some cases, however I can't help but feel a bit disgusted by it.

Now at the same time I can understand WHY people do it. I get it how people get horny at times and I feel the same, but instead of acting on those urges and seeking someone out, I just jerk off and go back to normal. I tried casual sex one time and it just wasn't for me. It felt like a huge hassle since you need to talk to the person for a shot bit, then it takes up your whole night just for some easy sex. I rather use my time elsewhere.

People have different game.
When I was single, it was a numbers game. Rather, I found that approaching many women increased the odds of catching one.
Do it enough and you get quite good at it or it simply requires less effort than before.
Whatever, throwing it out in case it helps an user.

Sex is fun and enjoyable. So people do it.

It's not rocket science you virgin.

get a homely girl. make sure you don't like a girl just cause she looks nice. everyone ends up ugly anyways. for reals.

I fell for the "casual sex, bro" meme. I wasted my younger years chasing whores. Now I'm older, my body is broken down, and I have nothing to show for it. All my friends have children, someone to carry on their legacy, and all I have is a can of beer, a heat pad nursing my fucked up back, and insects living in my apartment, sharing this story on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.
My father used to always pressure me into the (((hookup culture))) lifestyle because he would cheat on my mom and thought that is how life works. My mom is a pretentious alcoholic who thinks that she's above everyone else, even tough she is $50,000 in the hole. Debt collectors call her, and she answers her phone and hangs up immediately. I loaned her $2,000 to pay off some debts she had, but she got even MORE in debt afterward. This shithole is the only place I feel at home.
I'm hammered as I post this, the alcoholism in my genes has taken over, I'm nearing a point where I could be on My 600 lb Life, and all I can think about are my past mistakes.

I agree, after you have sex, the most intimate moment you can have with someone, you just shut yourself off and say "thanks, bye" or "What was your name, again?" I see couples who know everything about each other, who are so in love, and all I can tell you about the last girl I had sex with is that she was from Venezuela. I don't even remember her name. I can't tell you what makes her laugh, what her favorite song is, what colors she likes, none of that. There are people out there who know everything about each other, their wives know more about them than they do. And what do I have? Cum-covered clothes in my hamper from masturbating, empty beer bottles & cans, and an extra 120 lbs of fat sitting around my waist that won't go away.
Pic not related, but it made you pay attention.

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Look at this jungle gook
He'll never notice who's behind such sentiment
No wonder why you still live in a shithole

If you're an physically unattractive male, the best way to get sex is in a monogamous relationship. It's hard to get sex outside of that. That's why you don't want hookup culture.

Chad and women love hookup culture because they can have all the sex they want.

I can see where you’re coming from OP. I’m only 20 and I’d be lying if I said I envy my friends who can pull cooze like it ain’t no thang.

I’ve only had 1 hookup and I thought it would fulfill that void in my life but it didn’t. I still have that voice in the back of my head saying “start dating now or you’ll die alone.” Now I just drink, smoke pot and (occasionally) indulge myself with cocaine once and a while. It’s a nice substitute but still doesn’t give me that emotional fulfillment. I know if I care too much about it, it’s not gonna happen. So I just numb my urges until I’m in the right place at the right time.

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Dude, who is that?

I know that feel. When I'm not being stimulated I feel the crushing weight of all the fucked up things in life crashing down on me and go to any kind of escape whether it's alcohol, weed, or Jow Forums.

Don't try to understand degenerates man

If you could see my apartments you would be jealous as fuck
I moved to VN to live like a king and it's great.
Sorry Mr chapchong go eat a dog.

Casual Sex
Sterile (free from living germs or microorganisms, incapable of producing offspring, guess u mean fruitless/pointless)

Having sex is fun you fucking loser.

This. There are few virtue signalling christcucks like the spice Fuentes who is an incel but objectively good looking enough.

If you are ugly, just go from one long term relationship to the next, it's the best way for you to have lots of sex.

Btw the best I do when single is like 5 girls a week and that's if I'm trying, because it means usually you gotta make time to go out, gỗ to theirs, bang, come back, or deal with them at yours before and after and if you just want to bang it becomes a hassle.
In relationships on a normal day it's not unusual to have sex 2-4 times at least, so you get way more sex in relationships if you both have high sex drives.

>jealous of living in a 3rd world shithole
no thanks, I would rather live under the reign of little Kim moving to there
Have fun embracing your miserable subpar chinks since all the good vietnamese have left since 1975

Tried it a few times. Mostly it was some fun with a ton of emptiness and loneliness afterward. Soon after I went on the hunt for a virgin girl that I could marry. Found a mormon girl that hadn't yet been tainted by post secondary life, and had a good relationship with her family and most importantly with her father. The last few years have been focused on creating a robust relationship, mutual ideology, and life goals so that we can have a successful family and future. Next up is changing my career into something more fulfilling and capable of providing financially for a family. She's quite a few years younger than I am, and we are both really only becoming ready recently to even consider raising a child. A lot of that progress is getting over the easy hedonistic temptations of early adult hood, and, for me, learning about and enacting healthy masculinity because my father never did a good job of that.

Casual sex ain't shit compared to the real fulfillment that responsibility, sacrifice, and investment in meaningful relationships can give. It's a product of the same "gibs me dat" entitled, lazy, short-sighted garbage thinking that produces SJWs and other radical leftist ideas.

>1 post by this ID
Lets play spot the pasta.
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/hookup culture/

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Hook up culture does not exist. Hooker sex sucks 95% of the time because she's just renting you her pussy and most men enjoy it of she is and not fake moaning. Rub and tugs are where its at if you're horny and need to get off. Those ones seem to really enjoy what they do. Try it, you'll love it. Its known to us as "the hobby"

I quit cigarettes months ago, but that's exactly how I feel.

>Pretend to be married

How well does that work?

A reddit whore who took all her shit down, so someone immortalized her on sankaku.


do you get pleasures from eating tasty food or is it just calories? different people want different things from life.

I wanna see the form of those titties

Might be a dude

t. coping incel

oka yeah

>The good Vietnamese have left

You mean the coward sjws who cry on social media about the gov then when they come here and get out in their place they cuck out?
Ok lad.
90% of my friends are other wealthy whites btw, there's huge expat communities here.

Even better

lol whatever you say schlmo

>Yes goy, watch our porn like the good dog that you are.

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I've fucked multiple white girls in hostels. Felt good cucking their bfs back home

You're the same Vietnamese poster on Jow Forums that is always talking about how you have lots of sex and so should everyone else. Interesting. You strike me as some sort of sociopath creep. You always say the same things when I see you posting
>sex is so easy, unless you're ugly
>I'm not chad but I do okay
I think you're one of those people that doesn't believe in himself, you are boring and can't entertain yourself so you try to find validation. I find it funny how retards like you go onto Jow Forums and talk about the jews when you're just as bad.
Anyways.. enjoy your empty pleasures, creepy loser. No one gives a fuck that you have sex or you have a fancy apartment in a foreign country, besides some female probably. But thats why you decided to get rich, for that sweet validation. Thats your life, no one here cares about it. You remind me of some facebook girl posting selfies of herself in some shithole country when actually no one cares because it isnt their experience.

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You have to have had sex to understand it user. Having sex is fun and it’s often something you end up craving, we have to fullfill our natural obligations even if we’re just fooling our bodies into thinking we’re procreating it’s still something our bodies themselves long for.

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I like it because it makes my dick feel good

It is definitely degenerate, but I am a man and I need casual sex to release sexual pressure, it's not fun to masturbate 6 times in a day

Ok, i'm on your page where i'm not intrested in 'casual sex' but i'm in my late 20s and from about 16-25 I fucked quite alot of girls some were girlfriends, most were not.
I am a Christian now so i'm waiting till I find a wife. That aside the longer you leave loosing your virginity the harder it is. What do you think some girl is gonna think when you jizz in a minute or don't know where to put it. The sad truth is girls like guys who have fucked other girls they are not looking for a virgin. (except in rare cases)
Get of your high horse and get some pussy you fag.

ITT: 95% Incels, 5% with actually decent reasoning that's not religious.

Brb going to japan with my superior Big White Cock, do japanese girls like Spanish people?

He speaks to us once more!
SPQR posting is the way to fight porn and degeneracy!!

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also in follow up I liked being able to fuck a girl and then just move on, not putting up with any of the bullshit of a relationship or listening to the rubbish they say. Yes I was hedonistic but it felt good.

I don't understand why OP posts this thread several times a day using the same mutt.

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jealous af desu

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if you are a CHAD it s not worth the effort . too much time to waste . who is CHAD should fucking pump and dump everyday , these fucking whores need to be threated like cumdumpsters

sorry i meant to say if YOU AREN T A CHAD !