Are East Asians the future master race?

Are East Asians the future master race?

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1. Black men.
2. Asian men.
3. White "men".

287. The house rat
288. Kikes

299. You

haha, that is actually funny. you made me giggle
too bad i am not religious tho so calling me a kike makes no sense

300. Me

Well, we're going to do it anyway, kike.

>Haha you can just turn off semetic blood
Being a kike isn't a choice like being a faggot

301. Everyone else

1000. Human Shit
1001. Kikes

It's in your blood.

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look who's talking, an amerimutt.

i have more european blood than you mutts.
i descend from ashkenazis in france and germany while you amerimutts have nigger and native american admixture in you

6000000. Jews

1Bili. Acid Cum
2Bili. Irish people thinking

>angry jew

are you a brown israeli or white israeli?

99% of east asians are manlet incels

eventually they'll get fed up and kill their chads, just like we in the west will


>99% of east asians are manlet incels
these korean chads beg to disagree

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no, semites will stay as eternal master race
except jews, fuck them

>$50,000 of plastic surgery
>Shriveled balls from years of cycling on test
>Not a single thot in sight


lol like 99% of east asians are chinese

korea's heavily subsidised by the US, it's a weirdo country

No. Why the hell would you even ask?

Saying Jews are just below rats is a blatant lie
They're actually below cockroaches