Hurr durr the age of consent should be exactly 18 years not a day less

>hurr durr the age of consent should be exactly 18 years not a day less

Do you fucking retards realize that promoting abstinence until 18 is the kikes best weapon? Just by nature of the matter that means means making getting healthy, natural sex is even harder for maturing boys. The media sells this idea that if you're a man and attracted to 16 year old girls you're a pedo and if you're a teen girl and has sex you're a slut and your parents are retarded, even the conservatives think that should be the way things are, but truth is your grandfather had been fucking your grandma for a couple of years before they even hit 18. It is literally the natural progress of humans growth, that's why modern men are so fucking miserable, on top of the shit quality of the modern schools, boys can't fucking concentrate because every girl and teacher look like a limping deer to a starving tiger. Highschool is conditioning and subverting its students to go against their very instincts.
Even worse, because highschool girls are so starved for dick, young adults ignore women their age to fuck younger girls which then grow up to be the messed up thots they should be fucking instead.

Age of consent = age of fertility.

Fuck you.

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momy milkies

Only fat incel loser talk this kind of talk.

t. faggot

>highschool girls are so starved for dick

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Age of 14 is the best.

They should be creating babies by 16 and up to 25. That should get about 4-5 kids with some time in between.

>promoting abstinence until 18 is the kikes best weapon
Oh look, a fucking pedophile CIA kikenigger.

nice arguments, schlomo

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There's nothing wrong with being attracted to 16 year olds who have clearly developeed sexually and are aware of their sexuality. But no touching until 18, that's the rules, and we all must play by them.

And it's another thing entirely to take advantage of an innocent child for your sick fantasies. Children have no sense of their sexuality, they can't possibly understand what's happening until they grow up and realize how fucking disgusting their uncle is.

Okay, you made some good points. Just to be sure we will only fuck Mexican girls when they are 14+, not whites, so that if anything goes wrong we only fucked up some shit-skin taco eaters.

Those tiny straps are not doing a lot of work

>innocent child

I'm talking about teens you fag

kek, go fuck your daughter

why do you care what laws america has pedro? fuck off and make bagged salads for international sale

>mexicunts age of consent is 12
>literal nation of pedophiles
opinion discarded

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>hurr hurr muh dick

Well actually not defending pedophiles here but my great grandmother was 14 when she got married and had her first child.

lol let the fifteen/sixteen year olds keep fucking each other as they already are. if an adult seduces a minor or engages in sexual acts with a naive fucking minor, the adult is at fault and it is abusive. adults need to protect children, even if it's only from themselves.

fuck you OP
kids fuck kids.
adults fuck adults.

stop trying to blur the fucking lines and go back to your fucking sandbox.

14 is the right answer

James what are you doing in Mexico?

Fuck off kike. Go back to plebbit

>if I sneer at the concept of consent that means I successfully argued against it

Cool feels tho

I will say that a lot of fathers don't do a good job defending their daughters and making sure she ends up with a successful husband.

let me hear your counter argument then

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