Pharmacist refuses to fill transgender woman's hormone therapy prescription

Pharmacist refuses to fill transgender woman's hormone therapy prescription.
Why are people are evil?

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I donno. They refused service. Didn't we all agree that we could do that?


I thought pharmacist had the authority to do so?

Not good press for CVS though, id imagine they might come down on the pharmacist.

Do your job wage cuck

CVS is an absolute shit tier pharmacist job.

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Fuck this mentally ill faggot. Pharmacists shouldn't have to damage their patient's health


Supreme Court will BTFO the tranny.

Give him cyanide pills instead.


Pharmacists can refuse to fill a script based on moral objection -- this doesn't include refusal based on sex, race or gender. Pharmacist didn't have a legitimate reason and was probably a dick, and therefore terminated.

Why is it so difficult for a man with low-T to get on TRT yet so easy for a women to get completely unnecessary hormone therapy?

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Based CVS

if this is indeed a woman, why would she need hormones?

How is it hard to TRT?

Let me actually rephrase that:

Why is it so difficult for a man with low-T to get on TRT yet so easy for a man with an extreme mental illness to get on estrogen "therapy"?

The Resistance..... is... is it habbening?

I don't know from personal experience but from a person I know. It's incredibly difficult and your (((doctors))) will do absolutely everything in their effort to reject it in place of "eat a balance diet/get more sleep". and other shit


It's amazing how casualized denying obvious facts is now.

I kinda wish pharmacies had the option to give out placebo and see what happens.

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Eh, I don’t think pharmacists should be societies bitch. Doctors can and do exercise control over which patients they do choose to see. Same with the other primary and secondary care level professionals. pharmacists? I guess we’re going to have to bake the damn cake and it sucks. Even though a pharmacist has the right to counsel patients over medication and can be responsible for errors l understand being hesitant. Realistically getting hormone replacement for gender reassignment should be slightly difficult. These changes are profound and have serious consequences. Often irreversible.

can't speak for everyone, but as a prescriber i can say transgender patients usually have to jump through enormous hurdles before being started on hormone therapy.

Even if reap life woman are bitches we still need them, either you like it or not all this shit including vidya had backfired on us we should be care ful around this type of technology and should not entirely replace women can we blame them for their brains that stopped developing at 16, do not forget how the kikes will us this against us.

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I dont know why transgendered people exist, but kudos to the pharmacist for trying to knock some sense into that fag.

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he should have brought his hand axe

seems to get the point across, then claim insanity

Fucking hate phoneposting.

I only say what I said because I hear horror stories, even if they’re unfounded, about some overeager prescribers rooting the patient on into the hormone replacement and surgery. Maybe that’s just bitter people who have post op remorse but I can definitely imagine it happening. I’m out of my element on this I’m just generally skeptical of the treatment.

Real women dont need jew pills


Mind on telling us what these horror stories are? I am quite interested.

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Should have given her cyanide pills instead


Just doing someone a favor.

I want to be a pharmacist but I heard the market is bad in America. I'm currently learning Russian, how would it be like for me to work there?

user is actually correct on this. Most, but not all, prescribers will vet people extensively prior to life-changing therapeutics, either medical or surgical. Some prescribers, however, will launch into treatment simply because they 1) don't want to deal with the process, or 2) think that patients coming in and making the request is reason enough to treat.

It's not all that dissimilar from problems associated with gastric bypass -- probably a legitimate need, but considerable psychiatric implications (and often preexisting psych conditions) that need to be ruled out as the 'driver' for seeking treatment in the first place. There are absolutely horror stories (and probably lawsuits) stemming from providers not pressing patients on their requests/demands; gender reassignment is no exception.

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You should kill yourself

CVS is a horrible company, the bottom-of-the-barrel shithole of the pharmacy world that treats their employees like shit and pays them like shit. He's probably RELIEVED to have been fired.

Will probably get a better job at an independent that tolerates his beliefs and treats him well, or even better a hospital pharmacy where he doesn't have to deal with people's bullshit. God bless him.

The market is horrible in America, you chose the worst time to be a pharmacist. All the pharmacists I've met have strongly advised me against it. You'd probably be making ~$20,000/yr in Russia as a pharmacist before tax, a second-world country has second-world incomes, y'know.

Well, did he get his money back?

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>Arizona woman says CVS denied her homone medication
>Arizona woman

over the past few decades so many new colleges of pharmacy have opened that the market is over saturated. there is still plenty of work but you won't like it. avoid all major chain pharmacies or you'll burn out quick.

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“Does no grant permission” FUCK YOU. That’s not how the world works. We conquered the fucking natives and the entire world has benefited from it. You should feel lucky if you see white people appreciating and liking your culture enough to wear it

noted. sit quietly and let the adults speak; you might learn something

They dish it out like candy once you are over 50 or so.

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They don't need to service if they disagree with the politics.
>but the hippocratic oath
Exactly, the hippocratic oath. Shan't do harm.

How are people like this?
Like is it a gene, tell me it's a gene.

Because most doctors are women, and they genuinely believe testosterone is a dangerous source of aggression.
As women, they understand that estrogen is nothing like that, so they have no objection.
Also women will always stand up for other women. They're biologically programmed to do so for evolutionary reasons.

Thank you for the advise. I'll probably go med then. I don't like blood and gore though, but I suppose with enough exposure it won't bother me

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youre a faggot kys. trannys are mentally ill, exemplified by the fact of their 50% suicide rate

Liqour stores sell alcohol to alcoholics, maybe these transgender faggots should be given all the dope they want.

I guess the pharmacist is making plenty of money to be rejecting paying customers. Or maybe they're just a religious nut.

not trying to dissuade you, just being realistic about community pharmacy practice. hospital, education, research, or even mail order are still entirely viable options. some people manage to happily work for a chain pharmacy their entire career, but I think they're masochists.

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The tragic bit is that all he does is complain about the girl and then implies he'd get her again.

I definitely don't want to go community/retail. I have a few years before settling with a decision, so I'll look into my options. Thank you

Alcoholism can be stopped at any time ruining your body before castrating yourself can't.

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>Denying the tranny hormones.
>Not replacing their estrogen with testosterone.

Dude, missed a golden opportunity for lulz.

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Because fuck you bitch-ass sack of shit. That's why.

>Try and stop a suicidal mentally ill person from damaging their body.
>Get sued.
Man. Yiu should tell the bartender to fuck off next time he cuts you off.

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Shoulda filled it with Trenbolone instead

Fuck beta-orbiters.

Try, merciful.



Sure they refused service and not products?

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Food is a product. Are you seriously going to make the argument that it’s ok to refuse a service but not a product? Ok then, no ones going provide the service of ringing the pills up so you can pay for them

as you see, we have breached that slippery slope

for someone with a trip-dubz you are mighty stupid.

gotta be a larp.

>jesus it hurts to read this

Based. At least there's still people with some moral fiber left.


interesting, when it comes to extorting cancer patients to extend their lives selling them useless drugs the pharmacists have no problem, but when it comes to selling a fag hormone treatments they become "moral" and this is hypocrisy, i will never understand the pharmacist

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Should have switched them with schizophrenia meds.

why they aren't treated for that in the first place is beyond me

Lol is that logo a girl shoving a burger in her face?


Good. Despite some last minute efforts such as this and CNN’s recent report of a man being asked for ID to use the women’s bathroom (and was subsequently kicked out), along with salon or vice or whoever the fuck tried to target liberal comedians who made fun of trannies or defended comedians who made fun of trannies, the tranny bullshit ran it’s course and was vehemently rejected by 100% of the population. I’m rounding up from 99.999999%.

Trannies should be treated with anti-psychotics which is a proven and effective medication for their mental condition. Otherwise they should all be killed. Along with all the doctors and pharmacists who help them

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You don't go to a real doctor for that stuff. You go to the same shady doctors that give out MMJ recs, opiates, and xanax where the nurses don't even know how to take your blood pressure.

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Wtf happened?

>ummmm sweetie its adult time
play in traffic