Why feminism won't go away

>be human
>6,000 years of hard physical labor jobs (das rite gaytheists)
>women can't do most of these jobs
>raises kids and does work at home instead
>industrial and technology revolution come
>suddenly most jobs women can do
>gender roles flipped on their head
>women can now do it all

Why on Earth would it go back to how it was before except for trad LARPers on the fringe right?

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Cause overbearing government and oversaturated federal reserve cause an economic collapse / false flag EMP strikes to justify martial law.

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why doesn't God eliminate feminism?


it already is ceasing

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>Cause overbearing government and oversaturated federal reserve cause an economic collapse / false flag EMP strikes to justify martial law.
>everything is going to collapse and we're going to have an apocalpytic DUNE scenario in the wealthiest empire to ever live in the history of humanity

I call this libertarian escapism

Men need to tell women they need to return to their place. Lack of mother's attention reason for school shootings and degeneracy. Those who do not comply are witches and burned to death.

Feminism will end the moment society can no longer afford it, which sadly will involve a complete collapse of civilization. Women will drop the strong and independent shtick once it's vital to their survival to join some warlord's harem.

This is accurate.

Women were controlled because they were crucial to the success of any sort of effort of civilization but they weren't inclined to cooperate because of their biology. We're now witnessing what happens when women are given freedom and/or power over men.

god damn, I want to suck this slut so bad

What the fuck he looks like my Grandpa.

who is this slut and where are her nudes

,000 years
Nobody is really this stupid:4/10

because women has brains like squirrel

>>be human
Stopped reading there

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Because women are better at raising and nurturing kids, and kids are the FUTURE. Duh.

Unless you are content to have no future. In which case, KYS.

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he will when he burns the earth and atmosphere in an all consuming fire

you can tell the reddit stink. op is a faggot cunt who thinks empty platitudes are reality.

women are ez mode for marketers and politicians and that's the real only reason you're given any power. who in their right mind would buy this faggot shit and put it on their wall? it's just women.

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A global EMP strike or solar flare would unironically be one of our best hopes at reversing the shit of the past 150 years.

a global catastrophic CME has a 10% chance of hitting us in the next 15 years, pretty good odds of losing all our electrical systems, feminism dies once SHTF

Remove that fuckin gorilla !

>Why on Earth would it go back to how it was before except for trad LARPers on the fringe right?

Because women are stupid.

>urban nogs chimp out, kill leftist hipsters and kike owners in demand for renewed gibs
>cities begin to starve with lack of electricity, right-wing breadbasket states either close down entirely to prevent urban violence from spreading or are unable to send enough aid to placate the nogs
>economic collapse upends system, government ineffective, causing people to resort to family and ethnic ties again
I can only get so erect
I'd probably die here in the East Coast, but it'd be worth it.

Feminism is literally a Jewish ploy to help killing whites.
It makes it impossible to bring back arranged marriages and to educate women with punches when they act like cunts. All feminism does is allowing women to whore around instead of getting married and making white children.

Not even Islam allows punching your wife, Ahmed, and a central tenet of Christianity is a woman's consent to the marriage.

Found the roastie/low test fag

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Found the letter agency faggot.
When does your shift end, Jack?

Feminism ends at the age of 30 when women no longer get men easily, have a used to vagina, and are desperate for children. They realize they need a man for support. Then start to complain why there are no more good men left.
Feminism is just vanity on steroids.
All the old grandmas preaching feminism is the same as a Republican preaching anti-gay rhetoric after sucking off jeromes bbc at night. They're just hypocrites.
And men are too stupid to realize women are worthless and are not prizes until their 30 , chose wrong career path, in massive debt , and divorced and lost half of any wealth they accumulated.
This is all happening because of Jewish media.

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Women are already dumping it. They don't want the feminist fate: old, single, alone, barren, unwanted, with only cats for children. As feminism turns fifty, this ending is more and more obviously the only outcome of bitchy selfish careerism.

>harassing best girl

She's a good sport tho

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>Why on Earth would it go back to how it was before except for trad LARPers on the fringe right?
Because natural selection is selecting against feminist-minded women.


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>doesn't believe in evolution
>women still cant do most jobs even in the modern world.
I am both a woman and an atheist and you are still beneath me. Move back to Canada please.

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her dick is not to be soiled by filthy confederate kike cock warmers. Take your aristocracy back to Europe.

gibe thicc light brown gf

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give me burgerwords pls

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>goddess eating grapes
56% white
100% divine

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could you imagine fucking her though

it's probably awesome

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she is legit weird looking as fuck, but when is she going to pull them titties out. she doesn't have much time left...

She reminds me of someone.

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>put a dumb thot in charge of your home dec because muh based traditional home maker
>keep her from learning and persuing a trade
>wonder why she has to buy a bunch of shit she can't make or create on her own
>wonder why she spends all your money on things she's hoping will make you happy and give her the coveted headpat
>it just lowers your opinion of her instead.

this is why there is no point in being a home maker. not only do faggots like you have no taste, you just ultimately don't care. the home doesn't actually matter to you. buying creature comforts and the things that make up a full life for the family fills you with despair, and while women certainly cannot fucking control their spending the reality is if you cant find some enjoyment in a decorated home then heads are going to roll in society. Why do you think the suffragetts happened? men couldnt give a shit about being locked in with a bunch of cunts in a parlor while they did women shit like table setting. back then middle class women weren't even allowed to fucking cook, instead lower class maids where brought in to do all that.

Basically you're retarded, are pissing on your soil and then wondering why it wont grow anything.

>see her on here a few times
>"ehhh she's kinda goofy looking"
>click on her livestream once
>watch for 15 mins
>become obsessed with her
>build a never-ending venti folder

too bad she doesn't do her comedy caricatures anymore those were funny

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>empty platitudes are reality.

Lmao what? Economics are reality dumbfuck

>women are ez mode for marketers and politicians
so you're saying that feminism will never die then right?

>He thinks this is the first time we industrialized.

This is the first time women have had full access to the labor market and high-paying positions

>society collapses due to automation
>jews no longer need people to buy shit, just dumb men to gaurd their estates with automatic weapons against nigger hordes.
but how could they ever pacify these mutts? hmm, I wonder if they like pussy
>gives blacks the right to rape any woman they want
>they kill eachother, women, and are over all too busy and dumb to ever do anything to resist them.
>any negro that shows intelligence (((commits suicide)))

>thinking society will "collapse" because of automation

escapist porn

Automation will give women even more power

you need this redpill, user

gonna need more credentials than that.

I want to touch her milkers.

Its a bio weapon

Feminism used to mean supporting basic human decency for women; something pretty much everyone that isn't a religious nut could agree on.
Now it's some sort of bizarre controversy engine that exists to create buzz, attention, and clicks.

Women don’t want to work a full time job and look after a family. They probably don’t dream of a board room position either. Once the propaganda ends everything will settle down and people can start being happy

someone x-ray those milkers

We're aware of the danger of coronal mass ejections and actively monitor the sun as well as having taken steps to fortify our grid.
There might be significant blackouts in a few places, but it wouldn't plunge us back in time to some pre-eletrification era or something.

There's literally nothing that would change my mind about the existence of God

I am completely closed-minded on the topic and have 0% interest entertaining the idea at this point


i'm completely lost in her eyes and breasts

no, it wont. people only provide you with things because they depend on you for their power. you have no guns, no means to protect yourself, and therefore no freedom. men have that. we do not. women have spat on the idea of firearm ownership since we where given our freedumbs ice cream nearly 100 years ago.

Automation will give women no power, what it will do is destroy the labor value of men and women. people only sell you shit because your labor is worth something. once its worth nothing and the stronghold secure, you will be ignored. just like the destitute dune coons are ignored in the middle east while foreign companies extract the oil and pay the princes and bureaucrats the money that keeps their regime in power and able to subjugate the populace.

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she's posted her 23 and me a few times

>the world is 6000 years old
ahahahahaha, I'm sorry user but I couldn't read past that. I bet it's flat too ahahahahahaha

Can't have feminism without women.

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Technology has negated a lot of sexual dimorphism. That's alright. It's not completely equal until artificial wombs are reality. Then the dawn of the overman has arrived. We will have essentially evolved into asexual reproduction species. Women no longer being needed except for egg harvest.
Females will work to be the healthiest most attractive specimens, their eggs going for huge prices.
Men will build wealth harder and more competitively than ever before, to purchase the very best eggs.
Essentially the original game of courting we had, but now the goals are plain as day.

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She looks pretty hot in that still image though. She doesn't need makeup.

Women will always have their sexuality and reproductive abilities

They are also pawns of the establishment in any circumstance most of the time, so the establishment will always empower them in daily life in the justice system, culturally, and in other ways

>except for egg harvest.
No need: sciencemag.org/news/2018/02/these-lab-grown-human-eggs-could-combat-infertility-if-they-prove-healthy

It's pretty sad how a feminist movement would be absolutely fantastic for the shitty parts of the Islamic world

Woman can do anything except math or understand logical outcomes...

>Women no longer spending their time and effort raising their children, loving their husband and improving the home they live in
>Instead are working for some company, being asked if they can come in and work extra time on the weekend by their new manager who started last month
>And they wonder why they're miserable and have been reporting on polls less and less happy for over the last 1/2 century

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at least you don't have to worry about dying as cannon fodder in a war with barely enough remains to fill a small cardboard box.

I don't know

Is modern life better or not

you think libertine society is new?
It's happened many, many times throughout history. It never ends well.

Took one German class a few years ago i'll do my best.

>got good grades in berlin

>The world is mine

>26 semeseters of ethnic studies at university

>why cant I find any work? Fucking patriarchy. Help. Nazis everywhere. Racism!

You are now aware that Witches were burned because of their underlying hyper-feminist degeneracy and that witch burning was justified after all.

This Redditfag brings up an important point about the role of technology in different stages of feminism and sexual liberation. It's too often ignored on the right, we see something harmful and just dismiss it and mock it without ever wondering how it came to be, an essential question for actually solving it.


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Feminism is a socialist movement to empower a certain group, namely gynocentrism.
Those , as the name implies, do not even care about females as individuals, but as a group.
It is literally what women are.
And feminism is the amplifier

>Once the propaganda ends

It will never ends

Yeah but my point is that it's here and it's not going away because it's entirely economics related

>b-but women are wired to submit!
They're going to unwire themselves with a degree and a job

kek, koreans

Shut up ungo bongo

This is like the 15th post I have read about an EMP today. What meme magick is boiling beliw the surface



No. 3.2 is actually next to the worst grade. The spectrum goes from 1.0 to 4.0 with 1.0 being the best grade.
The joke is that the exams in Berlin are piss-easy and still she only got 3.2