guys, i think Portland gonna be fucking huge.
like totally out of control huge.
guys, i think Portland gonna be fucking huge.
like totally out of control huge.
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Hope Antifa gets machine-gunned.
Please donate it huge. I’ve been waiting for you dipshits to overplay your hand and give everyone a reason.
>t. Resentful of you fags that ruined my city
Now that's a man cave.
I need more footage of Antifa getting pepperballed and tear gassed to the nuts. The only thing they are good for is comic relief from this deep state rabbit hole.
Are you from Portland? I'm sure you hate me but I just moved here from Texas a month ago to Goose Hollow and I hope these queers get their ass stomped in.
Whats habbening in ptown?
When does it take place?
Big Ol' Patriot Prayer rally August 4th. Antifa has been hurting for a win since Chad Thunderfist, so they want numbers and violence at the march. Should b fun
august 4 proud boys take poorland again
a man's cave is his entire house. don't worry about the deep state. that's a bogeyman. worry about the jews. seriously.
What’s up famalam? We live in the same neighberhood.
I really congratulate anyone going on the streets for a good cause knowing full well the doxxing and the paranoia that leads to people losing their jobs. I wish I was that brave
Make us proud bois
also when you see them in portland, know that the kikes are behind it.
>chop up raw bacon into bits and toss it into the crowd. pork is unclean to kikes
Bring supplies guys
Born and raised here, probably gonna get out soon though. Beautiful city full of shitty people. At least it's mostly white with a couple asian neighborhoods.
then why are these faggots always talking about muh solidarity with palestine
soros unironically supports both pro israel and pro palestine orgs. it is a facade. They are trying to paint any resistance to israel or bankers or capitalists as irrational fear or hatred that only leads to meaningless protests
They are moving people away from the issue this way
Portland gonna be what the Battle of Mogadishu was to GWOT?
Tell us more you big faggot
Cool, man. It's pretty nice up here, a lot less hot, just you guys have way too many freaking homeless. Going to a Timbers game with my folks tomorrow.
Yeah, when I'm on my feet I'll probably move out of the city proper for the rent. Still better than the barrio shit I was in.
Deep state is still real.. it just is "coincidentally" all jews and jew puppets. And it would still be a pretty cool cave. A man's entire house is his man cave only if he is the sole earner.
Yep, just moved out of Lents. Got real tired of living in a literal dump for the bums and junkies that the liberal shitheads just couldn’t have in their neighborhoods. Their day will come. I wish people would stop moving here, but if they must, I’d rather they not be Californians and east coast cunts.
Yeah I fucking hate the homeless here. They’re mostly aggressive junkies. Timbers games are fun as fuck. My apartment is only a couple blocks away.
Can't be worse than SF man.
Well they don't have a map of human feces here, but walking to Fred Meyer I saw two people shitting, three shooting up, and one man threw a brick at someone else. Downtown needs Right Wing Death Squads. Again, though, I lived in worse. Houston is cocked to hell. (and yes, I knew the Cardiologist that got shot today).
Me too.
so many antifa are going to get knocked out, i hope we get lots of angles from cameramen
please please please get great video of the beat downs.
Asian women are out of control right now they are decked out on white mans money looking like housewives of beverly hills.
All the asian women are picking up weaker white men who are dissilusioned with american women who are fat loud and sluts.
Tiny little asian vagina is ruling parts of Oregon right now cause we have tons of Basedboys and asian women actually want to help you in your persuits they actually do your laundry and give amazing ancestral handjobs. You can pick em up fuck em on the wall and play out some weird jungle fantasies she is lowly rice farmer and you are soldier in viet nam or some shit you know what I mean they actually try.
Asian women are making husband bank right now in Oregon. I pray to god white women step up their game before they destroy our entire civilization.
>Antifa has been hurting for a win since Chad Thunderfist, so they want numbers and violence
And the right nationally knows that if they go to portland, the police will just watch as they beat the holy fuck out of antifa. They'll get to meet Alex Jones, see some solid knockouts, and then go to voodoo donuts just a few short blocks away.
>then why are these faggots always talking about muh solidarity with palestine
because "muh jooz" is a stupid argument
>Voodoo Doughnuts
Oh now, speaking of these motherfuckers need Jesus for...
Yeah fuck the homeless here man. I wanted to kill this one asshole because I was walking down the street with my family and he was shooting up in broad daylight in plain view of everyone on a busy street.
Voodoo doughnuts is such a joke around here. Their doughnuts suck.
>then why are these faggots always talking about muh solidarity with palestine
Because the globalist faction of Jews and Zionist faction are opposed. You can see this reality everywhere but on Jow Forums where the shills want you to think there is only one faction of jews.
qrd? also, they giving pkms to antifa now? better watch out fascists.
well i for one can't wait.
lol white women are the grossest they've ever been in history
the only way I'd marry one is if they were like 8 years younger than me an not college brainwashed
you anons should probably stay away from these events
there's probably going to be a mass causality event sooner or later and it isn't worth being the sitting duck
Seriously though, I hope Alex Jones comes. I need to try to get him to make some shout out to here.
Is there something in Berkeley the day after?
You haven't said one thing that's discouraging about marrying them.
And they say niggers are dumb.
Might be true now, but it wasn't always universal.
David is that you? Alex Jones is the Andy Dick of politics. Everything he shows interest in looses any kind of credibility.
Lol. I'm like 3 blocks away from you. I'll be watching from a distance from my balcony.
It is clear that the leading and most vociferous progressives and antifa in the West are not women or minorities, but white millennial males. They are the most organized and militant. They are majority of antifa as well as leftwing journalists and content creators.
Therefore, sexual assault as a tactic against antifa and progressives should not be disparaged. It would not be difficult to find a single progressive and overpower him with several others. They would be too ashamed to report it. Many of them are white males so no one would care about them. If not sexual assault, then they should be disfigured with acid or their genitals mutilated.
Those of you who say, "Assaulting the progressive is wrong," consider the following:
>the same progressive would have no hesitation to do the same to you just because you are a white male
>Many have actively supported the activities of refugee rapists and Muslim sexual grooming gangs (look at the articles in which those who knew of the gangs, all progressives, and were actively complicit in silencing the victims, mocking them and are still doing so to this day
>they will deny all of this
It is a moral necessity to kill, mutilate or castrate the progressive. To break the back of the progressive movement, you must go Brokeback on the progressives
That guy's saying the most obvious truthful things and somehow everyone's brainwashed against it today.
My friend married an Asian in Portland. Married for 8 years. She cheated on him with a male stripper. They moved away and bought a house then she divorced him.
Stop with these fucking Asian myths, asian women are superficial and greedy whores. His life is fucked now.
What the fuck are you talking about idiot?
>all these people close by
Well it's good to know this town has some good people somewhere in the mess of this place.