At the grocery tonight I saw a giant fat girl (400+lbs) that was buying a bunch of junk food with SNAP (foot stamp card). Why are tax $$ going to feed fatso when we are supposed to have so many "hungry children". It was amazing, big rolls of fat everywhere..Am I wrong to think this way?
At the grocery tonight I saw a giant fat girl (400+lbs) that was buying a bunch of junk food with SNAP (foot stamp...
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did you get her number?
My favorite are the ones so fat they have to use the handicapped scooter in the grocery store and ALSO have to be EATING the whole time they putter around blocking the aisles. Seen it on many occasions.
I've never seen a skinny poor person.
user she was a Child... Just a fat tall one. I mean I have 32 year old men in my 6 years old class and its wonderful.
Not in the US of A
did you say anything? did you even whisper "nice snacks fatass" under your breath? no, you just went home to shitpost about it. PUSSY!
This is why the rest of the world hates you fat burger cunts
Dedication to their craft
first why would you come here with this /b/ tier low iq post looking for good boy points...
mental illness is just not about your father fucking your sister
your mother selling you for drugs
the person clearly was very sick and needs help not your self-righteous bullshit...for all we know you're some 250lb tendies eating incel.
Why the fuck were you buying at the walmart
I wish trump would reform welfare.
American women are so overweight it's disgusting. No self control
Kek I'm going to start doing this
She was moving about on her own, scooterless. She was forced to "heave n' ho" every lumbering step.
It was Dillons
Isn't this the freedom you Americans are always going on about?
One time I saw a super fat family of mexicans buying a shit load of junk food with food stamps and a flat screen TV with cash. I was right behind them in line, and they waddled so slowly that I had time to finish my entire purchase and catch up to them by walking normally before they made it outside. I turned around and said "absolutely disgusting. I paid for your fat-people groceries and yet you have enough to pay for a tv. Disgusting". The look of absolute uncomprehension mixed with genuinely being hurt made me feel bad but for fuck's sake they need to die. Like a HUGE proportion of mexicans become ball-shaped and they do it on the backs of white men.
What we really need to do is save up enough to horde a month's worth of food and supplies, all invest in solar panels, then have a white man's month long protest where we all say "fuck you ungrateful parasites". They'd go into overdrive dipping into the already all-debt state coffers to hire niggers and spics to fill the gap to try to prove "we don't need white men", but they'd fail.
We all know that the leadership of any business or organization or service worth its salt is entirely comprised of white men. Even if only half of all men did it we'd shut the nation down
Yes, exactly. If she wants to be fat on her own dime, Its none of my business. But when I'm writing checks every year to the taxman I like to think its going where its needed. This fat girl's gut didn't "need it"...
you type like you're fat
things that never happend; the movie