Join US

Be annexed by us. Start petitions to start the conversations. We got the money, free speech, guns, and the best military. Our constitution is fucking great. Join and enjoy.

Attached: US-Flag-Large.jpg (576x386, 23K)


Nice bait

It is as simple as when you are an user online shit posting, throw the idea out and let people debate it.

we should approach every country like this

then we will rule the world

No bait. I seriously beleive this.

Canada becoming part of the US is a defensible position. Anyone who says otherwise is hates cheap cars, dairy products and rock 'n roll.

If the European countries, Canada, and Australia quit pretending to be real big boy countries and just join the mostly white American borg, we could have our 1000 year Reich.

Then maybe seek professional help

Join us before it is too late Mohammed.

Attached: Merkel Blacked.jpg (1608x905, 55K)

What about the debt, the nigs and the spics tho?

Attached: Murica 2050.png (1465x1177, 258K)

Germans are too efficient to be american. Americans are rough, germans are precise. It could never work.

No thanks, Jamal Snachez

Debt is a fucking joke. Spics are fine after a couple of generations. Nigs are waking up...or keep getting fucked.

You know nothing of the Zone leaf

Attached: Pure Blooded German.png (1311x737, 450K)

Join the EU...join the UN...join NATO...or join the best fucking country there is.

>Toronto is part of deportation zone
Get the fuck out, nigger. This is our clay.

>Debt payments passing military expediture
>Spics replacing Whites, turning America into Brazil
>Nigs will never wake up
Might want to work on those problems a little bit more

I've been to Toronto, assuming NY is anything like that, you should both be happy we're not nuking the whole lot of it.

Canada needs to be annexed piecemeal. I'd say start with the Maritimes, then the West.

You lack vision. You have men on the inside and all you can think of is a barbaric nuke. Real men dream of Right Wing Death Squads. Not some girly man nukes.

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You got to throw the shit out there. If no one is bringing it up as an option it will never happen. Free market too, your politicians that don't want to join will be forced to give a good alternative.

Let other sovereign nations hold a vote to join the US as a State. This would bring them under the protection and rule of our Constitution and spread liberty across the globe without war or bloodshed. Genuinely genius. I say we start with US Territories like Guam, Samoa, PR, etc.

annexing canada can help the demographic problem, we'll just rename ourselves as a new country and say fuck you to the bankers, thats a different countries debt

I would welcome Europe and the Russians. But we'd have to deport the shitskins back to Mexico.

you realize there are tonnes of white suburbs in that region??

Military taxes free market citizens to expand and find "bugs" to fight and fund them...inevitable. Creates jobs and a reason to expand.

For those of you that saw my post and agree, mention it and keep bringing it up. Start a movement.