Germany bus attack: 10 injured in kitchen knife assault in Lubeck

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Does Allah affirm the criminals actions?

Oh look another knife attack where nobody dies. (((They))) always pull this to make guns look bad. "Imagine how many people would be dead if he had a gun" they'll say.

Why would Jews care about stupid lazy goyim killing each other? On the contrary, it's a good thing. I wish they had guns. Degenerate western goyim should rot.

Maybe the Jews were behind this attack? I think it's weird that it's not being reported on here


Why are German people so violent?

0 dead.

Meanwhile America has a mass shooting killing hundreds, everyday.


based doctors and engineers

The article doesn't mention it, but it was one of those new tanned germans wasn't it?

I was on location. I was part of the group who held this guy down after he was overpowered by other Germans. AMA

when is next Super Mario Bros release?

March 2019, don't you Poles know anything?

so it will be 3019 since germans never deliver

Why didn't you lynch that Subhuman. Just curbstomp the "future Engineer"

The offensive started on 1 August 1939 at precisely 5am. Not a minute late.

>Why didn't you lynch that Subhuman.
We held him down, called the police who took him in. They said he will get the punishment he deserves under German law. Of course we are satisfied by these assurances.

yeah, and we still won despite you allying with biggest country in the world

It was. The article I read called him a German-Iranian. It's hilarious how they nowadays put "German" in front of everything to try and make it less obvious it's only shitskins committing these attacks.

>yeah, and we still won
Is that would Polish schools told you? That you won in 1939 or in 1945?

Austrian Press proclaims, it was NOT a terrorist attack...
>what do you call an Iranian, who attacks 10 people with a knife?
>NOT a terrorist, you racist!

austria is more cucked than I imagined...

They "won" the same way France did, by getting completely obliterated and having to be liberated by a coalition that outnumbered Germany 10:1. Listen up polack, you didnt do shit except getting swatted away like a bug in about a month and losing one fifth of your pre-war population (6 million people incidentally). So sit down and let the grownups talk, will you?

I read a title as GERMANY GAS ATTACK

Isl*m is a cancer a big fat tumor.

Just like the j*ws it will be soon rooted out of existence

Thank god

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>just a knife attack
>nobody killed
Cmon, that ain't news anymore, just daily business here.

I think we are still high from this 2015 happening craze. Hopefully there will be a big one in the coming months.

>2/3rds of country is occupied by Soviet Union
>then gets fully controlled by Germany
>then gets fully controlled by Soviet Union

Lads, we did it, we got our country back from Germany! Tovarishs, we good soviets now!!!

but it really was just some shitskin permavirgin incel

The victims were Merkunt voters.


So why are Germans so violent?

was redest du?

watched it on yesterday
no race or motivation mentioned
at this point I have no clue what is a terrorist attack and what isn't

>Smoldering backpack
>Attacking randoms
I'm sure it was just groceries in that bag and not a failed homemade bomb, right?

So finally the news admitted the attacker was brown. He's an Iranian with a German passport.

Remember the "Iranian are bros" Jow Forumsster who murdered a dozen people in Munich? Just like that, but this time with a knife.

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because Donald Trump promotes hate and violence and because men aren't allowed to express their feelings

Fucking Australians >:(

Yep, and the attack wasn't an attack. It was a traumatized war victim defending himself against institutionalized racism.
In fact, those who got knifed was the criminals, the one wielding the knife is a brave hero.
still 'unknown motive'. Merely a suspension that terrorism was the goal

Hitler was right


Polak is on suicide watch

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Bong... I...

It was a botched bombing attack. Eyewitness account:
>The woman told how panic ensued in the bus when she felt the piping hot backpack of a man that walked past her. "We stood in the middle of the bus. I felt the backpack was very hot and saw flames." She warned the bus driver. "When I turned around I saw a knife" according to the woman. After that the man started stabbing travellers.

can't even make a proper IED
>muh engineers and scientists

>So sit down and let the grownups talk
KEK, from a German, pretty much a non-contry
>Hitler made the 3rd Reich, should have lasted a 1000 years, lasted about 6 years
Poland, while occasionally beaten to a pulp, abused and occupied by hostiles, has still been around, been POLAND for MORE than a thousand years. Same goes for us. Now, how long have your nation existed Hans? So by all means (you) shut up, and let the grownups talk

>unknown motive
When a muslim attacks an entire bus with a knife, how dumb do you have to be not to know the motive?
It's jihad. They want to kill us. Which is why they all have to go. Every single one of them.

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That wasn't an assault he was just enriching their body with non-mutual you better consent next time reminders.

you know how it is. First the attempt to hide ethnicity, then
>unknown motive
>mentally ill
>victimized with PTSD
>defending himself against racism
MainStreamMedia, like cuckwork

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what was the rason? white girl refused to chat with shitskins and he got rage?

At this point, people just assume it's a muslim and a foreigner whenever something like this happens as (1) the media are not going to report it on the first day anyway and (2) it later always turns out to be the case.

Jokes on you. He is german.

Jokes on you, each day the definition of that nationality changes slowly.

heh, our MSM has reeled back a bit on the PC. Not perfect, but better. What happened was, they always pointed it out when a crime was committed by a native Dane, so after a while with that crap, absolutely everyone - even super blue-pilled-leftists knew that if they DIDN'T mention the ethnicity, it was because it was an immigrant or the un-integrated child of immigrants

>being this new

well done Hans Hussein

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He;s Iranian and just has a German passport.
That doesn't count as German, Ahmed.

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Found the Ahmed faggot


He was just pursuing his German ancestry

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Tanned German?


lol krautcucks BTFO

It was a guy with a history of mental illness. His father said that his son had no connection to religion.
Just like the other Iranian Incel that shot some qt3.14s in Munich.

Low tier bait. Would've actually been more effective without the meme flag desu mate.

You can make a galaxy from my rage at this point

Here they described him as a local man, a man who lived locally.

>Authorities had no immediate information on the assailant’s motive for the afternoon attack but said they had no indication that he was politically radicalized or had any terrorist background.
Apart from the obvious bit about him being in the deathcult that's responsible for 99.9% of these attacks.

Getting sick of hearing this twisty bullshit now. They keep inventing new ways of avoiding having to say it's always muslims doing this jihadi shit.
When is it going to be OK to firebomb newspaper offices and police stations for refusing to tell the truth about what is going on all over Europe?
It's not OK to shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater...unless there's an actual fucking fire!

>Jokes on you. He is a tanned german.
Fixed that for you.

it was 14 yesterday, or is this a new bus knife attack?

>bus attack

Why would a bus attack someone?

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Rising fuel prices.

Nein Nein Nein
fake news
The bus didn't attack anyone, it was a bus of peace. Ban all assault busses and and something.
anyway, witnessed.

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that could still mean an immigrant from Syria who trained with ISIS, because anybody from a location can be local to that location, it is inherent in their nearness to that local, if he was local they would say German, they don't, so this is obviously another cover up.

The brits got it right, germany needs to ban knifes. Knifes kill people.

It was a German you racist fucks.

Germany is fucked.
My uncle works there and he just came to visit Croatia for a week or so, anyway, I told him about this incident and you know what his response was?
"Oh yeah, those Eastern Germans are a bad sort, they probably provoked him and he showed them what's up"
My uncle is otherwise an upstanding citizen, works hard and makes a ton of money.
I believe it's too late for Germany when even people like him are giving 0 fucks about the Germans.

>Knifes kill people
but nobody died

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The only thing German here was the passport some fucking retard gave to this jihadi.

Having a German passport makes you German dumbfuck. Literally the definition.

It makes you a citizen, it does not make you German.

A couple of months ago in the Hague, the Netherlands we had a syrian "refugee" stabbing random pedestrians in the neck while shouting "Allahu Ahkbar".

The same day the city's mayor and police released statements claiming the attacker was a "confused man" with a history of psychiatric issues, that there was no indication of a "terrorist motive", with mainstream media parroting this and even criticizing skeptics.

Then weeks/months later it came out police/intelligence had been anonymously warned that the perpetrator was planning a terror attack and about a week ago it came out he had actually also made a facebook post clearly stating he wanted to "make disbelievers pay".

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Sure thing Ahmed, let's go eat bratwurst together and drink beer.

Is that what you say to your fatima and yourself?

Germans you guys are literally the biggest fucking faggots

Seriously will you stupid self loathing pieces of shit ever uncuck yourselves ?

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>"why are you wearing make-up during a session of parliament, mr trudeau?"
>"for Canada!"

the Iranian in Munich targeted and killed roaches
did he shout allahu akbar?