Why do all new cars come with these electric car keys?
I fucking gurantee you when shit hits the fan the goverment will deactivate all of these & all new cars wont be drivable.
If you use one of these then you are the biggest cuck in the world
What the fuck?
>he doesn't drive a hand crank start diesel with mechanical fuel injection
The fuck are you talking about? I thought these things just unlock the door.
I hate new cars they all behave like women.
thats the least of your worries lol, just wait til 5g comes and they deactivate YOU
How's the government gonna deactivate a car remotely? Can't happen, you're fear is unfounded and you're an idiot.
There is a physical key inside that thing you dumbfuck.
When shit hits the fan roads will become useless anyway. If you have an offroad diesel truck with your own private store of fuel then your truck probably doesn't have that kind of electronic interlock (you checked before you bought it, right?).
hmm i wonder who was Michael Hastings?
nice try kike
Inside the fob is a real, actual, metal key. You can use the actual key if push comes to shove, no battery or electronics needed. Then again, what's stopping the government from just shutting down the internet and fucking your shit up that way?
Yeah it's not like it's possible to hack into the new cars and stop them from working properly or anything like that, that would be crazy imagine if someone did that haha
mine literally has a little flip key incase the battery dies.
that is exactly what they want us to think
>being this new
The Gov't has had an engine kill switch on all cars made after 2010.
Even some companies have apps where you can kill the engine and lock all doors if it's stolen.
I can program them so I'm not worried. You need a piece of equipment that requires a license to purchase...allegedly.
you clearly dont know jack about shit
every car after 2002 has an internal gps and can be remotely controlled. do some research
Why would they turn off internet when that disables them from getting the data from your car's gps-module?
>not driving a pre 80's ford F
that (((key))) is phase two. If you drive a vehicle with a non electronic key, ask your self, will this thing still go after being struck by an EMP?
If the answer is no, keep a donkey as a backup
no its a chip with contact points that "kinda resemble" a key
Safe rule of thumb says your car needs to be made before 98 to not need electronics to run. Not that it matters much even the best gas goes bad in 3 months.
All this so called "progress" is a big scam. I was at the parking lot and i saw a guy with his new car, he was going to close the trunk and he pressed a button which made a motor do it automatically. Apparently you need a complex electric machinery to close the fucking trunk, you can't just do it with your hands. My dad drives a Volvo from the 80s and the car is so simple you can fix anything that breaks down. It's just a fucking car. Look at a modern car and all you see is cupholders and computers, totally worthless.
1: They have physical keys inside that slide out
2: They're simple as fuck, the gov isn't gonna drive around with a massive antenna broadcasting a secret lock command to everyone's cars
3: Do you know what fucking LoJack is?
4: Do you even buy JDM?
Here, you fucking idiot.
>Inb4 basedbeard, just homeless
Car's have had ECU's way before 98. Anything with EFI/power steering is fucked.
That's only if we're talking "Giant nuke EMP, fries all silicon", for remote disabling you just need something without LoJack, ie literally any car not sold in America
niggers who think there is anything fancy about starting their car's engine from outside the car need to be hit with it
My trusty Alpine Renault still works perfectly.
Too bad mine didn't come with a Rei though.
Thank fuck mine was made in 2006
good observation desu. i only drive older cars and now i have one more reason.
they can still control the accelerator if its made after 2002. it definitely has a gps with a mic in your car too
still is a contact point nigger
didn't you bother to pay attention when the 1995's wouldn't work without the RFID transmitter?
and you expect people to believe they did away with that shit for these new deathtraps?
4: Do you even buy JDM?
I'm a TOYOTA MAN myself
Hate those things all cars since 1984 are shit
I lol'd so hard at TopGear S25E06 where the new Alpine burned to the ground :)
Really hot car
Do you actually know how these worked, or are you concerned that the government actually cares about your sad, pathetic life?
More infos about that?
>buying a new car
My truck has hand crank windows and a stick shift.
Both of my motorcycles have a kick start
One is kick start only and doesnt even need a battery cause it has a magneto.
witness me
This kind of thing is why I still drive a 2001 pickup truck and the fact it has never broken down once in 10+ years. What a beast.
It is a single piece of stainless steel, conductive, yes, but there are no electronics whatsoever.
As someone who's torn my car down to the raw steel chassis and got the engine spinning on a bench with nothing more than the ECU's and wires, I can tell you there is no chip inside the backup key.
Unless you're telling me a Japanese company puts american backdoors in all their ECU firmware so that uncle sam can send kill signals to the cars through their proximity key sensors, what you're saying doesn't make sense. And if that is what you're saying, then it's bullshit
The US gov. doesn't need to do any of that shit anyway, there's a reason LoJack is only a thing in the US.
Your government already has that feature, and doesn't need to fuck around with the ECU and keys to do what they want.
Lose the hand crack. Get a 300D.
>Really hot car
The ladies sure do think so!
>and a stick shift
Fucking jealous, I want a stick so bad. But every forum I've looked at says it's a 5/5 difficulty conversion, if I can even find a decent transmission to swap.
The AE-86 has an ECU, btw.
Do you believe that the government has a magical hacking box that hacks all the cars tho?
One EMP and ur car and everything else is now useless is now useless, you won't even get water because pumps work using electricity.
I remember finding that picture in the 90s on my Packard Bell 233mhz Pentium. I didn't even know who they were yet, holy shit.
just buy an older truck with a stick shift. mine is a 2005 F150 base model with a 4.2 V6, RWD only. Once I get my house, I'm going to sell it and buy an 80s/90s pick up with a V8, 4X4 and a stick shift, and then get a fuel efficient car to drive the rest of the time.
I'd fucking love to get one of those V8 Jeep cherokees, but idk if they made them with a stick
Look at the back of the key thrte is a button. Depress it and the physical key comes out.
You know what really fucking PISSES ME OFF?
has no one ever heard of a fucking towel. Take ot, brush it up against the clothes and wow the shot transfers to the towel. You do NOT need to apply glue to your fucking clothing to pull shit off it. Biggest jewish invention and it will continue to be as long as culture follows jewish fashipn
>The AE-86 has an ECU, btw.
>being this dumb and not knowing how rfid works.
They can’t flip a switch and deactivate them. Maybe if the car has internet connectivity. Take the tin foil hat off and go outside.
>if you use one of these you're the biggest cuck in the world
yes, but not for the reasons you think.
my girlfriend drives a Renault Laguna, absolute shitbox of a car, when she purchased it she thought she was getting the sweetest deal ever.
16 months down the road the keys to get into the car stop working, now she has to open it via the emergency keyhole in the passenger side door and unlock the driver door EVERY TIME SHE GETS INTO THE CAR.
we take it to the only renault dealership in the state, they cop her 80$ to tell her the key is broken, and that she'll need to pay an extra 500$ to order a replacement key from france.
3 months later, the key arrives and we drop it off to get it coded to the car. we arrive to pick the car up to find shes been slogged another 80$ to tell us that it wasn't the key afterall, but the device in the car which the key codes to, and that it can't code the new key. and that she'll need a replacement part, again from france. which will cost an additional 300$ plus labour.
i told that bitch that renaults are piles of shit. you're getting cucked by car companies slogging you for planned obsolescence, because the dealership is the only place where you can get replacement keys or parts. traditional mechanics don't deal with that shit.
tldr; it's big car companies screwing you for extra profit, not government
-Internal microphones with communication capabilities even if you didn't pay for them (like OnStar), they are hidden.
-gps in every car
-can control accelerator, but can't control properly the controls like a tesla. If they want you to smash against a wall at 100 mph then they can do it.
Look how some scientists and people who were in the "know" died. many in car crashes. many people who were gonna make discoveries to change the world like free energy.
-they have been recording everyone's phone and conversations in cars way before smartphones, starting as early as 2003, you DO know they record everything you say with your smartphone right? this is common knowledge just google it
Was the lunar landing staged?
Jetronic bosch fuel injection. Basically very early fuel injection that uses a very rudimentary ecu. I wouldn't even think of it as an ecu, more like a circuit board.
Point being, spark runs independently of the fuel supply.
Have you seen the schticky?
>tldr; it's big car companies screwing you for extra profit, not government
>not both
>thinking anyone is being screwed at all.
>Because I want a bunch of fur on my towel
look mate, the thing is a fucking 2003 model laguna. the government doesn't exactly have the ability to lock that shit down. you fruitcake
Please explain this now.
But that started 2002? Then im good with my 2001 ^^
Does all this said also count for jap cars, EUDM?
I mean, maybe the US or american goverments forced the manufacturers for that, but i dont think thats also the case for Europe.
That's the case in ALL keys post-2004.
Not all of them do. Mine has some dogshit passively powered NFC bullshit or something
>complains about electric car keys
>doesnt realize there is a normal key inside the device
>renaults are piles of shit
Beg to differ, my Alpine Renault is worth is weight in gold. Though admittedly they were made by a small firm later bought by Renault.
Ask Misato.
>bureaucracies are efficient
what the fuck is this magic. i remember these commercials too
its in EVERY car made after 2003. 2002 is the cut-off year. even the shitty KIA and euro cars have them.
No there isn’t the cars literally have a “start” button you fucking poor.
look friend, i know your national pride is at stake, but let's be honest. renaults are simply not the best cars on the market. i'd drive a BMW, Audi of VW over a Renault any day of the week. even Skoda's are better than renault's these days. her car in particular has numerous other problems with it, i've seen workhorse toyota utes from the late 80's hold up better than her laguna. the thing is a liability. i'm sorry that your country makes shit cars.
>government can deactivate keyfobs
you do realise even if that was possible you can still stick your key in the door and turn it right?!
Probably a poor fag that doesn't have keyless start and butt warmers.
Holy shit that thing is aesthetic
>i know your national pride is at stake
I'm not a French citizen, I merely live there.
still key slot on column to start car you plebs
you have the car IQ of a bitch
>Butt warmers
Come on user true patricians have butt coolers too.
>still confusing start with drive
No there isn’t you fucking moron. It’s a start button. There’s no spot for a key.
Fuck. Too real whereverthefuckistan.
thanks m8. Ive got some new mufflers that are much slimmer and not rusted/painted yet, but havent had a chance to install them. The russian paint and steel rusts really easily on salted roads during the winter
there must be a leak in /x/
That physical key does nothing but unlock the door in most cases.
Corvettes have only a key fob. If the battery dies, good luck getting in the car. You have to use an air wedge to pry the trunk open then fish a long reach tool in to pull the trunk release. Once inside, you have no mechanical door knob, so you have to pull a bunch of bullshit trim off to find the emergency door release.
Truth be spoken here
renault's are terrible cars, being the point
Yes, but they are the best french cars.
I drive a Renault Mégane but i gotta agree
Here’s a real fun fact. Cars made recently are all internet ready. Some jackoff with enough smarts can make your car brake or accelerate with the proper tools. Cars are literally assassination tools just waiting for big brother to act.
Yeah I kinda understood, however your "technical arguments" have been
>accusing me of nationalism (for another country)
I have owned other cars (including a Porsche 911, which is really nice), too. So I can compare.
And since my nationality seems to make a huge difference to you (not that I understand how it is related to cars), I'm Swiss.
I'll trade you my shitty car for a long tern grid down and a total social collapse.
collapse of current civilization, global culling and re-evaluation of our direction as a species is our only chance to prolong humanity and hopefully not make the mistake which we are bound to make if we maintain our technological progress unimpeded.
>true general AI emerges, in two weeks surpasses us and in a month destroys us, inadvertently, as a byproduct of a part of some goal it set for itself
>synthetic biology tech advances a few generations from CRISPR to basically a 3D printer that can create the Black Death 2.0
we should all wake up every morning and pray to the Sun for another Carrington Event, then turn to the East and pray to Sino-Slavic hackers to bring down global power grids, as a backup prayer
isn't Ural made in Russia? how are you gonna find spare parts in SHTF?
it is as the other user said, aesthetic as fuck, and probably built like a soviet tank, but still, long term grid down = need for parts, no?
you cant start a car without one you dipshit
>our only chance to prolong humanity
is it really that great, though?
we're never satisfied so despite having become one of the most successful lifeforms so far, most of us still feel miserable.
How is Transnistria bruh?
You can open the thing up in emergencies and there's a key thing in there, the start button just pops off and there is a key hole under it.
urals are fucking garbage
try harder next time putin
>tfw own a 2001 toyota
suck it up cucks
It's a fucking beauty, more pics?