No dissidents

How do we deal with this shit?

>homeless motherfuckers won’t stop chilling
>police don’t give a fuck


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Break out hyper toxic bug spray and start spraying around them when ever they show up.
Dress up in biohazard suit for effect.

East Las Vegas and Nevada by the kum-n-go?

This is Orieo Nibisco. Check thout face page.

Welcome emr

Can we get this motherfucker famous to get him off the fucking porch?

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You got it bud! Coffee?

Not a bad option. How much $?

How do they stay alive? Gibs, begging?

They're there all day because there us a homeless shelter across the street that kicks them out during the day. I can only imagine what goes on in there.

Like right now? ...might be weird.

why dont they just cop some houses?

Nah nigga. Meet us at poor Richards tomorrow at 1pm. Coffee. It’s habbening.


Sprinkle sugar all around the area.

Well. There’s an abandoned house next door. #asianheroineallinthesecorners


Dude you might have solved this shit

I have an aversion to jewish pizza shops

Seriously, it’s like Silk Road here. What do we do. Sugar is great, but can we import some invasive species or some shit?

Meet us at Helens Cunt. 1 pm sharp.

Seriously no one likes ants.

And if you are lucky you will attract roaches. Little thing about roaches they like to crawl in face holes.

What about locusts this seems a bit too dramatic?

If you can find a ratty motel you might be able to find bedbugs.

There’s literally one across the street. I was thinking razor wire and metal iron fence.

I bet you the Jamaican joint across the street is involved. No one ever eats there, yet it's always open.

Put up a pan-tilt HD camera and stream it. We can all watch and report crimes as they occur

Seriously though bugs are more effective than you might think. They prevent you from sleeping. And that is all bums do so it would kill their mood. and for anyone to have to get rid of the bug most pesticides will clear them out quick.

They fixed my food once when it was fucked up. They’re straight. Just a bunch of food workers. What about the nail salons across the way? No one ever goes in the rough...

What kind of equipment we talking?

What about dumping poop on them.

Never noticed the salons. Those are always suspect, human trafficking, heroin, credit card theft.

Never noticed? Come on mayne. You don’t know shy about this town. Where can we continue this?

You can get a real nice vandal resistant commercial model with sound in the range of $500. It would just need power and a wi-fi signal. The units come with their own transmitter, or run a direct Ethernet.

Go fund me?

I try not to stop there and when I do I'm typically attempting not to run over people.

Also, I'm an anti-social hermit who only leaves the house for groceries. Now that king soopers has same day delivery I basically never go anywhere but my yard.

God bless your soul. I plan to learn your ways.

When can I enter your dojo?

Firebomb them.


Made this off two cigarettes. I felt pressured lol.

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That symbol is hobo code for 'safe neighborhood'. Look up hobo symbols...interesting world.

Which symbol? Also, sometimes wonder if they need into training. We can teach them all kinds of shit. No minimum wage. Simply food and skills.

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The white box drawn on the black sign.
Yeah that stuff. My cousin lives in San Jose - God help him. He said that shit is like a secret language around there, well in SF.

>New cover for album cover.

They dont want jobs and the people "Helping" them dont want them to get job skills.

I was checking out one place ware they had a special program and they worked in the kitchen, the processional cooks would have loved to teach them but they were not allowed to correct any of their mistakes directly it had to go through the program manager who would tell them what special snow flakes they were. So they would mix spoiled milk with fresh in the tank, cook rotting meat, burn plastic in the stew pot and mis stored rags and set the place on fire

>What happened durinG Katrina?

So, how do we get them to leave?

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I learned of those 30 years ago reading two books by news man Eric Severide and the Author of from here to Eternit. Both of them rode the rails as teens then spent most of ww2 recovering from war wounds so both books reads the same week blue in my mind

One told about how an old guy taught him all about the signs then was trying to convince him to give blow jobs for food

"Why it wont take but a minute or two and you can get two bite or even .... a sandwich"

Have you ever gave a stray dog a bowl of food? If you ever do it once, they'll keep on coming back. Cut off the food stamps and welfare and you'll have an exodus.

Almost impossible to get them to go , the more a city does for them the more come to the city for the freebies.

This is half the reason i'm moving some ware else, a net friend told me about his town ware they still give the homeless proper beatings then give them a free ride to the county line and throw them out with their shit

Ware i live all the homeless get $194 a month in SNAP then they trade that for cash and spend on drugs or beer and the city has some ware to get a free meal 3 to 5 times a day 7 days a week within 20 blocks

Yes kimosabi.

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Burn that building down or spray poison like another user said