What are you doing today inside instead of outside faggiots, pic rltd me now
What are you doing today inside instead of outside faggiots, pic rltd me now
Wow, that's not comfy
Its not sitting on a chair inside thats for sure
Why are you alone on a lake, don't you have friends?
Not ones that can into enlightenment and outdoor activities to a same lvl i do. Havent touched a sip of alco or cigs for some now time too, the friends cannot do without that shit
Investing my time unlike you. Faggot.
Yea dont reply to my comment
> paddling a literal canoe
> not driving a 75 tonne displacement vessel with twin screws, 800 nM range and 220kw per screw
Fuck off faggot, you’re not even trying.
Get on my level
don't want to fish up any nigger toes so I'll skip my weekly fishing trip to table rock
Whatever makes you happy OP, but try get a girlfriend.
OP is a faggot confirmed.
A literal shitskin talking shit wew
I take it you read Walden by Thoreau?
Your not even lightweight your punkweight
Kayaking is a date rapist past time
I have not, but reading the description it seems like the mindset ive got now. I was suggest to go inawoods at least 13km from powerlines from some real deal spiritual development. Would like a hut in norwegian mountains desu
So, you are just like every other faggot I see when I go on vacation that are walking around like zombies staring into their phone because they can't be away from the internet 5 minutes. I don't have a cell phone, wife doesn't either, so when we go somewhere, we are the only ones that area actually enjoying what we are doing because we are not distracted by the internet/social media. Cell phones were a mistake.
Top bantz
Ive gone weeks without turning on my phone lol, they were a mistake agreed. Just wait til 5g comes out..
reading some doujins
OP is a transfaggot confirmed
We are his only friends
My favourite book. I've read it 3 times. So comfy.
It's only 6 AM here brother.I'm drinking a beer and working my bike right now, should be out in the sun by 8.
>be OP
>sitting in the middle of the lake
>alone on Jow Forums
>call other people faggots
Womp womp
>Going out in my 2 man canoe alone.
Nigger id rather stay at home then go out and be Nigel no mates.
its 6am an im sitting around in my underwear scratching myself wondering why I can not sleep in later than 5:30am on the weekends any longer, as I smoke and drink coffee shit posting on this horrible page.
At least I'm not out enjoying the ocean and still needing to post here for validation of how awesome my life is because I lack anyone to enjoy it with.
Faggiot is outside but still can't free him self from the pull of the void, in his mothers basement. Why are you outside and posting on Jow Forums ? This is the incel version of virtue signalling, it's called life signalling as clearly OP does not have one.
Working at Wal-Mart until 2pm.
I was outside 2 days ago. There's a big fire ball in the sky who burned 70% of my body, second-degree burns. Fuck this shit, I stay inside.
the amount of rustled jimmies K E K
Checked, phone posters are based as fuck.
belgian national holiday
potentially interesting (for rarity, if not anything else) events in brussels, but naturally it's smart to steer clear of any crowded places
Aaw shit, hell IS real after all!