Hypothetical Racemixing Dillema Scenario

I was talking with my folks recently, about changing demographics, rapefugees coming in, all that jazz, and this thought came to my head. Say you had a daughter. White, just like you. She was being courted by two guys. One's white, the other black. White guy's good enough, kinda corny. 5'11", slim, average face. He's got his own practise or something. He's a Liberal, Pro-Tranny Rights, whatever. Black guy's above average (think those >70% Mutts with "black" skin and clearly European features), built, 6'1", you agree with him politically, and is some hotshot Wall Street guy who plays the viollin on Saturdays. Which one do you choose for your daughter?

Obviously, my heart says the white guy, cause I want proper grandchildren. However, my logic says the black guy, because character-wise we fit, and he's the overall better package. I don't know Jow Forums, I'm a pretty racist guy, myself, but this one made me sit down and think. I am studying to be a Physicist, so stats play a role for me. I was watching Molly's Game last night, and Elba was playing the Lawyer. And y'know, I like Elba, so I started thinking "what if someone like Elba was my son in law". It's fucking me up, but I just cannot come to a conclusion. The thought of some little niglet calling me grandpa sickens me, but if he's already bleached, won't he be even more bleached?

Racemixing is degenerate and wrong, for many factors. But what if you had that one in a million nigger that looked like a white guy with tanned skin (think the Rock or something), was a decent human and not an ape, etc, etc, etc? What happens when the numbers stack in favor of him? All cards on the table, if I had only that one daughter, I'd forbid it. But if I had like, 5 kids or so, which could produce immediate heirs, and said daughter was a brunette instead of something rare like a blonde or a redhead, maybe I'd allow it, dunno.

What do you think Jow Forums? What would you do?

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White guy.
Regression to the mean also applies to iq and behaviour. This is why children of great black actors and thinkers often dont mirror their parents.
This regression also applies to white people, but the children return to the white average not the black average.

The current multicultural paradigm is built on false assumptions that we can all make this work, one big fungible union. There is no indication it will work and as populism emerges and racial identity politics become more pronounced for browns and whites i don't want my child to be on that other side

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Gtfo nigger


Hm, good point.
Fair point as well, but we're talking about an isolated experiment, existing in a vaccuum. Forget the country, the current landscape, everything. All that exists is the choice.
God forbid we have any actual discussion here, past the same old recycling.
Ideally, but imagine if you're forced to choose.

>What if
Blacks like that don't exist, the ones they do are too rich to go out with your daughter.

That's why it's a Hypothetical Scenario. If you're some dirt poor average schmuck, racemixing wouldn't even be a problem,since she'd date within her immediate circle. We're talking about Higher, Global Classes here.

Neither. A pathetic leftist tranny lover white man will inevitably be a beta and my daughter would be unsatisfied with him and either divorce him if she's a little bitch, or simply comply with her wedding vows but because of the physical and mental revulsion subconsciously her body will have be less fertile and have less orgasms making conception as difficult as possible.

A based black ape is still an ape. I am willing to share a beer or a banana with him, or purge the country of leftists with him, but at the end of the day he is not in his home and needs to go back. He is also a different species and my daughter will be raised to take pride in herself and her heritage, so having children that look nothing like her will be the most disgusting thing she can imagine.

You seem to forget that there are hundreds of thousands of quality men out there actively looking for women who aren't trash to devote to for a lifetime. If my daughter can only attract D-tier white men and literal apes then she has already failed her one goal as a woman and it is of no consequence if she never bears children.

>You seem to forget
I'm not forgetting anything, I'm just posing a question with certain parameters.

Why do you waste time with imagining scenarios with outliers? You might aswell say the black guy is the next Einstein or something.

Your parameters aren't based in reality. They aren't even interesting for a hypothetical thought experiment. Nonetheless I already answered those parameters in my reply:

"If my daughter can only attract D-tier white men and literal apes then she has already failed her one goal as a woman and it is of no consequence if she never bears children."

I would discourage both marriage prospects and disown/uninherit her if necessary. My resources and capital will not fall into the hands of leftists or apes.

>Why do you waste time with imagining scenarios with outliers?
...Because the thought came to me?
>Your parameters aren't based in reality.
It's why it's a Hypothetical question. And come on, there's bound to be at least one negro better than some average white guy.
>They aren't even interesting for a hypothetical thought experiment.
Eh, whatever floats your boat.

I just got stabbed by a based black guy about an hour ago so maybe my perspective is a little askew but I'm starting to think they might not be able to fit in with our society

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I'm saying it's stupid scenario and thinking about it is a waste of time because the black guy in your OP is an outlier, ie. far beyond average.

Forced to choose, white guy. No doubt about it. My daughter is already too far gone if those are the only options she has. Grandkids, on the other hand, have a chance at being upstanding citizens; a product of their ancestors' culture and not some mutts who don't fit anywhere.

>stabs you in lower leg
Well you deserve it for putting your feet on the bed while he was fucking your wife

logic my ass
black would dump her ass and leave sorry lone whoe with a mutt child that no one ever wants anymore

Presuming we weren't concerned with maintaining civilization - a system in total isolation - then yes.

Also remember that these films you watch are constructed scenarios for the purposes of building the character of blacks. There are billions of dollars dumped into lobbying and advocacy groups like Color of Change that aggressively militate to push minority characters into narratives. When you watch modern film always be mindful of this that even your films are politicized and serve the interest of blacks and muds, they do not reflect reality

>get stabbed
>don't get medical aid
Enjoy you Aids.

Around chinks don't blink

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There's only one choice in there civcuck. If my daughter racemixes with negros for whatever fucking reason or regardless the circumstance, i don't have a daughter.

The white guy. The black guy will cheat and beat her. None of his accomplishments matter.

>Which one do you choose for your daughter?
the white one, the children regress to the mean of the population, which will be niggers

Ideally, neither. But in the hypothetical, the white. Children of the exceptional will tend towards the average, eventually returning to it within 3 generations on average. Couple this with the fact that mutts tend to further BLACK themselves rather than bleach, and you set yourself up for hood niggers being your great grandchildren.
Put a drop of champagne in a bucket of sewage and you still have sewage, put a drop of sewage in a bottle of champagne, and you now have a bottle of sewage.

If you really must, go with the black guy but /insist/ she use a sperm bank or adopt.

My imaginary daughter can fuck off. If Idris asked, is let him have me.

Err, no homo?

The answer is neither retard. Those are never her only real options and you're either simple minded or a shill. A nigger would never be good enough, and a low quality white trash can keep walking. I dont want shit genes mixing with my kids regardless.

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I've been washing it with isopropanol, i think it'll probably be fine. hospitals are for pussies anyways

>With european features
>Wall-Street shark
So a sephardic jew?
This question has been asked over and over again. Maybe more boldly (would you let your daughter date a white crackhead instead of a black businessman? or some shit).
The answer is that it doesn't matter, it's not a relevant discussion.
What matters is taking back our countries and make them homogeneous again, then fix our population from the degeneracy of the entertainment industrie and liberal academia and train our kids mentally and physically to be the best version of theirselves they can be.
Do you see in this scenario anyone's daughter dating a negro?

dumb cunt can fuck off he's mine

Detroit chose black, i think those results speak for itself.

To drill the point home a bit and expand on it a little, theres more factors to consider.
The first being that richer people tend to have children with a higher iq; it isnt purely genetic. Iq does go higher and lower depending on genes, but societal facors DO play a role- hence why the children of people like einstein or hawking arent crazily famous scientists like their fathers. This is why rich people's children, who have access to better schooling, tend to do better.
Given this, only a relatively small part of the population 'makes it big' so to speak, so the rest has to rely on genes. In this case, iq is lower in blacks.

The second is that successful blacks rarely stay that way; black rappers and sportstars who make a large amount of money suffer from the same issue that lottery winners do; they almost never manage to stay rich. Even more prevalent is when they have children, those children almost always blow the money away within three years.

I'm confused is it a black guy or a quadroon? I would say that we need an engineered virus to wipe out everyone more than 25% black. Everything else will work itself out.

I know I don't have any room to speak as a le 56%er, but I could take a picture of my Hellenic taftotita if you would like to validate my whiteness.

We dont have many niggers around thank god but we have enough gypsies.
Would I give my daughter to a gypsy if he was good looking and successful?

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What’s wrong with Gypsies? They are white.