South Africa Heating Up

No larp, every day the talks get more and more heated, I have an uncle who says it feels like the late 80s for him again in terms of tensions. People are going to start arming as us ever stubborn whites refuse to give up land. I know many Afrikaners who have been holding in a hate boner for 25 years waiting for the blacks to flip the table and show their true colours.

Time to watch the fireworks. I'm young, fit and ready to defend my property. See you space cowboys.

>99% of questions answered here

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If this is all true, the truth is Im afraid for you. Youre surrounded by an ocean of niggers. The worst kinds of niggers. You cant win.

Do you think you win if you go out in a blaze of glory?

I love you fellow Colonial brother please don't throw away your life for Third Worlders.
I hear Russia is accepting white South Africans as refugees you can probably use that as a bouncing off point to Eastern Europe and thereby back into the Civilized world.
Good night and good luck.

Also, reading

>Russia accepting refugees

Heard that was fake btw. Also I'd rather stay, we're stubborn like that.

>first paragraph
>epic niggerwar and niggerfamine
>Dutch havent even arrived

I understand its your land Afrikaner but does it occur to you that doesnt mean you must hold onto it with your life?

You can't save something which is already lost. Don't defend your property and risk dying. Just leave. The time to defend was decades ago and you guys blew it.

it is already fucked for whites niggers are raping your women, boiling you guys alive, hacking your limbs off literally living among vikings as a briton would be safer than living as a white person in SA

Do you / whomever else you're with have enough semi-automatic firepower to defeat a human wave attack?
If not, just leave. Wait it out in exile, wait for the nation to collapse, and only return after the bones are picked. Then take your land back.
Would that be possible?

They can win because they will drown that sea of niggers in an ocean of their own blood

and it burns,burns,burns

You guys will win. You've probably been in tougher situations.

Could White South Africans migrate on mass to a coastal territory on the western coast and set up and independent White Republic there? Or does the race war come first?

>blew it

Are you self aware about your flag and what was done to us by western powers?

Everybody saying its hopeless have to remember niggers will be busy looting and fighting eachother as well, blacks really are wh40k orkz.

i was just listening to that song. stop scaring me.

No clue myself, will be total Yugoslavia, but I expect some type of Balkansation out of necessity. Siener van Rensburg predicted a new Boer Republic.

Greetings from Los Angeles.


Proud Whites around the world are rending their hearts for you people, but you are too proud and are heading for certain niggerape and niggermurder. Why?
Nowhere to go is why.
I think its a fucking tragedy that you people are so proud yoyd rather stay and have your wives and daughters raped before being murdered rather than emigrate. The world's whites are already severely endangered. You're just helping the white genociders.
That makes you a fucking asshole.

I feel bad for your children
(I say "you"/"your" for collective Afrikaners)

How will they do that, exactly?

kill as many as you can and good luck

As a horde of dead eye soulless Ape Niggers come for you with a dull knife and a Tyre and petrol to give you a necklace of peace.

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Also do the blacks and the Indians get along? If a race war were to come whose side would the Indians and Coloreds side?

Pointless comment.
>oh the niggers will also kill each other so its ok when the precious few whites get genocided
Fucking idiot

Since the nigs in SA are going to seize all property, leading to the SA economy tanking and turn Southern Africa into Mad Max not long after, I’ve been planning on going out in the open with my buds to help our Volk in any way we can. We reckon most of the killings will be Rwanda style with machetes and ak welding gangs and marauders. Most middle aged white men are gun owning veterans of the border war and the SA military will collapse as it won’t be able to maintain stability. White staff will leave their posts. There’s also been talk of random white militias storming bases to grab all the guns and vehicles when shtf. Pic related my gear.

We have a few months to prepare still. The UN will not step in same as it in did in Rwanda. Only reason there are still Tutsis in Rwanda is because a Tutsi army from Uganda ended the genocide. What people in SA need is humanitarian protection.

Stressing to all anons here this might very well be the great redpilling we were waiting for. The sides are clear, should whites be left slaughtered or should they be saved? This will be a hot topic in the coming years, but we need to make sure to spread footage and stories of what will happen on the ground.

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save some bullets for your loved ones, brother.

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Stop the fucking threads everyday you cunt. You are making us the boy who cried wolf

> People will come from all over Europe to fight,

Niggers are useless and disorganized in combat.

Cope tyrone, cope.

I pray to G-d you Boers get wiped out
The EFF is looking strong these days..

Nigger have you been even paying attention to those hearings, these people are out for blood.

>I pray to G-d you Boers get wiped out
>The EFF is looking strong these days..

Nigger detected

I know doos. But you made this thread last night as well

>I pray to G-d you Boers get wiped out
>The EFF is looking strong these days..

I hope OP finds you and kills you. Literally

That's nothing suprising to any of us with 2 brain cells btw. What they are saying has been the same as their actions the last 200 years

Its still their land. I hope that a country is supporting them with arms. If its Russia well god bless them for doing so.

They are surrounded by Afrikaners but its an army of Afrikaners which means they can't fight for shit. Lately the South African air force is not what it used to be.

Thats alarming
So you think its "not so bad yet, don't di anything yet". Im sure all thd niggers will decide you people are OK and leave you alone, you fucking retard.
Youre already dead. At least OP has a fight in him

So? It's not a retarded general running 24/7. I'm self aware that we're not Syria (yet) But more people need to be informed

Are you drunk, fuckhead?

when shtf i'll livestream that shit for Jow Forums

I don't see Whites surviving in locked places like Oriana or Gauteng if the blacks get angry and organised enough.
For long-term survival, the ideal would be to form a super-majority in an area, preferably on the coast so you're not locked from sea access and completely surrounded, and it can't be the eastern coast because that's already full of blacks.
Is there any talks of moving en masse to a sparsely populated place, secede and build it up? Because other than that (or I guess mass genocides of blacks which will probably never happen), I don't see a future.

Does this mean if foreign troops landed an invasion force on U.S. shores demanding we return the land to the Native Americans you are just going to give it back?

Yes and they're about to act on those words since they have the power now.

Rightfully so..
Apartheid was brutal and now is the time to expropriate the land without compensation
You owe the indigenous people their fair cut

>They are surrounded by Afrikaners
You are using that word wrong.

>How do you plan to deal with things like this? Even if you're up against niggers, armour is not to be underestimated.
>Has there been any resistance so far? Like instances of people shooting nigs trying to steal their farms?
>What kinds of weapons do you have in general? I heard Greatest Ally was giving you support.

Obviously not idiot. Absolutely zero comparison and you are not understanding shit if you ask me that

Will you be saying the same thing when the niggers come for you next? You can’t always retreat. Sometimes you have to stand and fight. It’s called honour. It’s called being a man. If more men were like OP we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. Worst case scenario, he loses his life. But what good is living anyway if you’re always living in fear? It’s better this way. I’d rather die standing on my feet than on my knees. The Nazis set the right example.

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>double dubz of truth

You are right. We all blew it.

>Africans immigrate to this "brutal" state out from their shithole countries throughout Apartheid

everything is clear to me now
romans oppressed africa

"Back to native americans"
>as if the land was ever "theirs"
Wow. Are you a teenager or a libtard moron?

No it's fucking bad, but everyone can see this for themselves. I'm not saying don't do anything yet. I have armed myself long ago, as well as mentally prepared myself. Most people are not prepared and will never prepare themselves, until it's too late. No matter how much people like OP tries to warn them, they will not do anything. Which it's better to just let them die.

The irony hhahhahahahaha

You cant just post a US flag, Leaf, we know who you are. Kys

By building up an ocean of blood? Come on, user. This isn’t rocket surgery



Sadly so, Operation Uhuru will take many by surprise in the Vaal Triangle.

1. Not retreating. Emigrating from a list cause
2. Come for you next?! Moronic. In America we are tens of millions of young white men with guns you retard.

>humanitarian protection.

Send whites not capable to combat here, Chile is comfy af

>t. German expat

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This is what I meant to post? Have any weapons to destroy heavy vehicles?

Suck my ass you fucking faggot

god be with you man the rest of the world has abandoned you but it isn't a reason to give up on life and accept defeat by hordes of niggers , don't play by rules if you can attain weapons on the deep web if that shit is even possible fuck if you know any whites who are good craftsmen start building your own weapons now and start stockpiling a massive amount of ammo SA will hold white genocide eventually (((they))) want to know if the rest of the world will let it happen or not for future countries

God help you user. Us whites love you, if you have to jump ship always remember you are welcome. But if you are wanting to fight godspeed mate you're fighting for your white brothers and sisters not only in sa but around the world. Good luck mate, God bless.

>Operation Uhuru
Are you the "paramilitary" group from the vaal area??

whats the bet nothing happens

I don't live in that area, no, and I wouldn't elaborate more in case people lurking the thread glow.

Don't blackpill him mate, he needs all the help he can get. Remember Rhodesia it almost came about but for its cucked politicians. The wites can win, one white = 100 blacks

Hell im thinking of emigrating to Chile myself.
-white nation
-1st world
-indians are pretty much eradicated/submissive
-extremely low on niggers
-far, far far from the worlds problems

Please take me out to dinner first. At least

What do you guys think about this documentary on south Africa and the eff

Just imagined how good life would be in SA if that banner above your post didint try to starve them while they were fighting 9 countries alone simultaneously.

I love murricans, but by god yur government is such a pice of shit.

Keep us informed. Do you email?

Anyone have any documentaries on African conflicts they would recommend?

Not when the niggers have blood to spare
Wait it out then they will be begging for you to come back like Zimbabwe. Then when they are down kick them HARD. Give them a lesson theyll never forget.

>In America we are tens of millions of young white men with guns you retard

And South Africans used to have nukes and were one of the strongest first world economies until America introduced sanctions and cut them off.

Do you honestly think Jews are going to stop pushing the racemixing meme and flooding white neighbourhoods with section 8 housing applications from Somalia? Hell no. They’re coming for you next, make no mistake. Why do you think jews have been flooding your country with immigrants for the last 80 years?

Jews have stated their intentions openly many times if you only bothered to check their source materials. Zion Don’s not going to save you either. Notice his daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism, not the other way around. You don’t marry off your daughter into another tribe unless you’re fully prepared to assimilate into it.

The absolute state of mutts thinking they have any leg to stand on.

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Curious, what does OP and other SA folk think about Lauren Southerns doc? Helpful? Accurate? Distraction? Unhelpful? Irrelevant?

Good to hear you guys are organizing.

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The Uhuru will take place pretty much anywhere in SA. Only a 7,62 nigger repellent will save you.

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Just btw, AWB is long defunct like the KKK

It's been explained before pretty clearly in other threads, that most people cannot afford to emigrate.

Helpful in spreading awareness because she also has a lot of "alt lite" and more normie-like followers.

High on Jenkem again? Oh Tyrone.

Le me make you know some things m8

>-white nation
no such thing. BUT whites here are gods, you see whites praised everywhere (TV, magazines) being white here literally gives you a job and respect.
>-1st world
Probably not Europe tier yet (well, when Europe was good) yet here you don't have terrorist, mexicans beheading each others, feral nig nogs roaming n the streets.
>-indians are pretty much eradicated/submissive
Yes, most indians don't give a flying fuck about nothing, they just do their own business and thats it.
>-extremely low on niggers
Yes, but fucking AVOID SANTIAGO (Chile's capital) literally Baltimore tier, also avoid the North, th desert is were we keep the slaves
>-far, far far from the worlds problems
I live in the South, always amazes me how this place is so similar to Deutschland. In case of nuclear shitstorm this place will be the last one to disappear desu... and yet you still can make your way to Antarctica.

In overall Chile is a good place, just avoid the 3 biggest cities unless you need to buy expensive shit, buy some rural property and enjoy

(also learn basic spanish)

Trust an Israeli amerimutt to find that ironic. What’s ironic is an amerifat calling himself a “white” man.

At least as an Anglo I can admit my mistakes.

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Good, but maybe a bit too soft for what the reality is actually like.

Yea, its kinda sad. I heard they changed the organization into a private security group or something but I never looked into it.

The US is starving them? O que?!

americans are fucking retarded, they cant see the writing on the wall.

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>niggers come for us
No. It will be the Mexicans. Niggers will be in the same boat as us.

I also love Brazil, redpilled BRs are the most based ppl in world.

The AWB was active in the coligny protests last year. They went to protect our people whilst the Suidlanders did nothing

will you let him lead the militias guys? the man has so little going for him in life right now I unironically think he'd get down there

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Your biggest mistake is thinking guys lije me are ignorant of white genocide.
Your other mistake is thinking ITS TGE JEWS and not liberal whites that are the real problem. Yes, the jews are a serious problem, but they would be powerless without pathological white altruism and chronic ethnomasochism

I don't hear good things about the suidlanders. Basically they are only concerned with the whites that are part of their group.

Where will the ratline start for pipehiters? Namibia?

Then they have to jyst die while watching their 10 ye old daughter fetting raped buly niggers i guess!

Gracias for info brother. (seriously)