Post results
post results

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>In general, what is your view of capitalism?
>Let me check my Bible and see what it says about it.

>You might be a fan of Richard Spencer.
Eat shit faggot.

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Got alt right first with top on fascism. Re did it without choosing only 2 bait answers and got alt-light top on constitutionalist.

The fuck was this made by a 16 year old? Shittttyyyyyy


falangist united

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this is the most biased and fucking bullshit quiz ive ever seen

i am an anarchist, none of those answers apply to me

not too bad.

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The quiz is specifically for right wingers

To be desu I am not really that big on laissez-faire economics since I think it's important to nationalise or regulate industries for defence and strategic purposes, as well as for control of public morality. I'm also very enthusiastic about punitive trade policy towards enemy states.

>national SOCIALIST
Who the fuck made this test

Did my best, boys. And I let you down.

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Not a very good one if you can't make the quiz tell you you're libertarian, which for everyone who isn't new here is an ancap's public platform.

>I'm actually Global Federalist

Well it is not all wrong, I believe in rule of law I just don't see the US Constitution as the best there is and will be. I do at least appreciate that the foundation is properly respected.

Some of the questions were silly though. No one should want to live in Holy Roman Empire, wild west or post-revolution US as they were literal dung ages and all you would have is an empty stomach and a stab wound.

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heh, i don't really care about economics.
i care about tradition and environment mostly.

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what the fuck is a paleoconservative

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Nu/pol/ has to go back.

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show us the rest. if you're libertarian both economically and socially, you're a faggot.

What type of right winger are you?
Your Result: Paleoconservative


You are a paleoconservative. Paleocons are traditional conservatives who favor social conservatism, isolationism, and civil liberties. Economically, paleocons favor free markets on a domestic level but oppose international free trade and support protecting national interests with protective tariffs. You might be a fan of Pat Buchanan.

Alt Lite

National Capitalist





National Socialist

Christian Fundamentalist


not-interventionst, fundamentalist/traditionalist, fiscal conservative.

I thought paleo would win out. I do like Rand, Ted and Pat though.

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>What is the biggest threat to America?

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>specifically for right wingers
>no "history" option for the school question
>last three answers are dumb bullshit

>loaded questions: the quiz

Why would you even bother?

That shitty test says I'm alt-lite. The questions don't even have none of the above

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the test is bullshit

>alt-lite civic nationalist
>in reality social liberal centrist

Gay test, but whatever.

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Bretty good

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Faggots. You’re just giving your IP to glow in the dark niggers.