Jow Forums will ironically defend this

>Jow Forums will ironically defend this

Attached: american shootin.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Nope, nigger backed off and the white guy waited a good 2-3 seconds before shooting. White guy is a murderer.

I'm here to say you're still a fag and I'm going to sit here until this thread dies and fight you.

The man is a hero.

I hope he goes to jail, they have to limit that law, that is ridiculous.

defend this right now

Attached: robbery.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

What's the problem? He was in fear for his life.

I would find any man in that circumstance acted in self defense, but he should've aimed for a leg instead of the torso.

lol no pavement apes have a 9/10 chance of outright murdering you in this situation so you can't blame the guy for not taking the chance


Attached: gun store robbery.webm (768x436, 1.02M)

>victims of assault should just take it
why are you such a fag? how did you get this way?

>Jow Forums will ironically defend this
literally just can't even


I said it was justified in the previous thread, but now having seen the video... the aggressor was retreating.

I also understand that the human mind isn't so rational in flight or fight mode, and having been knocked to the ground the shooter had no option to flee. His only choice was to fight, and in that instant he took advantage of the confusion and acted on pure instinct.

Perhaps not a justified self defense, but they won't go at him for Murder.

Imagine how peaceful usa would be if niggers feared to be shot everytime they bully some old guy or jump 5 on 1.

Those animals would have stomped on him until he had brain damage if he didn't have that gun. Their intentions were absolutely clear as soon as the one approaching from the side started getting ready to assault the man, and the other one in the car decided to get out to join in.

No charges because the thing brought this on itself.

Not the hero Nigs want, the Hero Nogs Need

the black guy backed up a whole pace and a half and put his back against the fender before he fired a shot. that was cold blooded.

Niggers need to learn that attacking others will cost them their lives. They commit literally 1/2 of all murders, and it's time they're treated like it.

Nah I’m going to unironically defend it, and add that verbal confrontations should remain verbal. If one party escalates to physical the other party should counter with overwhelming force.

>Get's robbed
>defends himself

Meh, I've been arguing with these people for the entirety of the last thread. A lot of them are idiots and have no real knowledge of the law, but here, there is definitely a case.

Anyone who shoves someone who isn't ready for it deserves to be shot

he jus push dat whah mane cus he had a bee on him he a goo boi jus helpin da cumoonitay

If it was a white guy, you wouldn't defend it

As if there is such a thing as objective morality, the recognition of this fact is the bases for postmodern leftist philosophy. Now how do we decide what we deem to be justice in a modern democracy? we vote during elections for people to represent us, these people make the laws they deem just. To scream the laws are not just, only my moral understand of reality is just, is childish at best.

Your whole argument is dismissive of the consensus made by the people. You are basically an aspiring dictator of the meaning of just and moral.Something which it self goes in against the fundamental leftist principles.

Conclusion; go fuck yourself brainlet.

>Robbing a gun store

How stupid can you be?

The place I shop at has three of the best shots in the state and two dogs that are probably trained to fight in combat. I can't think of a worse place to rob. At least do it at night when it's empty, for fuck's sake.

First aid flag gets it.

Maybe don't haul off and assault people until you've been assaulted. Fucking hotheads

Attached: 40 keks.png (292x257, 142K)

why the fuck are people not doing anything at first ? woman with glasses is even laughing

Careful, user. A cop would have shot him, and a cop would have killed him, and a cop would have walked away from this because he feared for his life.

If it was 2 white guys, 2 black guys, or the white guy got killed, we wouldn't even know about it.

Attached: 1531960770246.gif (512x807, 469K)

welcome to brasil friend

Yeah, real bummer he started shit with the wrong person. Shouldn't try to gang up on somebody and blindside them.

Cop would have dumped his whole magazine into the guy's torso.

Pay attention to the 6 second mark. Nigger wasnt done; clearly walking towards the elderly fella. Only stops when old dude starts reaching.

Violent Actions have Violent consequences.

That only happened after he saw the gun. Fuck that pussy nigger.

You have the benefit of hindsight and being able to comfortably watch the situation unfold from a third person perspective after the fact. Meanwhile the victim had just been hurled to the ground violently by complete surprise and faced a life or death choice. During times of extreme duress, the human mind perceives time differently, and considering the circumstances the victim may not have even noticed the current demeanor of his attacker.

Fortunately, the court system takes these psychological factors into account, which is why you only need a "reasonable suspicion" that your life is in danger. Considering his circumstances, the victims suspicion could be considered reasonable.

>sure I assaulted you but I backed off haha checkmate you can't retatliate now haha

A case for manslaughter at most


thats what happens when your country is populated by nothing but brown mutts. we're quickly headed for that.

>Perhaps not a justified self defense, but they won't go at him for Murder.
Yeah that's more or less my opinion. The shooter was disoriented after being assaulted. I'm not even sure he meant to shoot. Most times when it's intentional to defend yourself people do a fucking mag dump.
The geezer at least knew to keep the pistol with one in the chamber and ready to shoot.
He'll lose in a civil trial but doesn't look like he has any money anyway.

Get your eyes checked.

This is only being said because young whites in 2018 are pussies who won't stand up for themselves. We've been socialized into this society where feminine behavior is the norm. But the issue with this is sometimes people go a little rogue and they go around thinking they're the parking police and have any authority to start yelling at people for how they're parked.

People like that are like wild dogs and need checked. That's not a civil society, our founding fathers said I'd rather 10 murderers go free than 1 innocent man spend a day in jail.

What do you think they'd have to say about a guy parking illegally? Probably "fuck off."

People should learn to be polite and not get involved in situations that don't involve them. Some guy buying candybars for his kid isn't that nigger murdering people.

No. Fucking. Doubt.

Attached: this.gif (300x186, 446K)


Attached: img_1232.png (600x700, 14K)

>violently slam old whitey to ground
>continue moving towards whyty after hes down and dazed for round 2
>wyte pulls gun
>ahh shty man i was just havin fun n
>runs back into store to steal one last thing before he dies

Attached: George-Zimmerman-laughs-in-court.jpg (600x380, 16K)

Niggers dying is a net good for society so you should always defend it.

Bingo...Wraps up a point I was making in the other thread quite nicely.

>NFL quarterback slam to the ground, on concrete and fucking cement


my sides

This was a terrible shoot, he should have emptied the gun into the dude.

>be me
>Came to the land of the street
>Start to verbally abuse someone
>guys push me or start abuse me physically
>I can ironically start shooting and kill the guys

If you defend this white man killing this black guy, you support my example too right?

Attached: francedgf.png (785x757, 89K)

He was just waiting for his chance. Ive been to Mozambique and Angola. Blacks back off when confronted by danger but wait in the sides for you to lower their guard. The moment an african initiates violence you need to kill him or hurt him to the point he cant move anymore. Violence is all they understand.

Attached: arabs on blacks.jpg (600x400, 90K)

This, in all honesty. The above happened at 7 seconds. The man aims his weapon at 10 seconds the black man tenses from the shot at 11 seconds. There is enough for a case here. Maybe not a conviction. It would heavily depend on more facts. But 100% there is a case here.
Defs only manslaughter. They might slap him with a murder charge to scare him, but any competent defense attorney knows they could prove malicious intent.

oh but he was done between then and when he was shot? faggot, you just proved everyone's point.

>someone who gets knocked down should be allowed to immediately kill the person who knocked them down
Wanna know how I know you will never be a judge in this lifetime?

Pushing an unsuspecting person over on concrete is very dangerous. At the time of firing the shot, the attacker was still in range to attack again. So it was justified.

Adrenaline pumping, he was probably fumbling for the weapon the moment he fell to the ground. If you don't train on your chosen carry weapon at least once every two weeks you are going to get rusty.

wrong ANY nigger attack is open to lethal force retaliation

this fucking board is now just full of moral fags i dont know why i come here anymore

Don't start nothing won't be nothing

Don’t assualt if you don’t want to die.

It could have been a 120 lb white woman. It doesn’t matter. If you can’t keep yourself from assualting people you don’t deserve to live.

The only scanario where you should be forcing someone physically is to remove them from your legal property after asking them to leave and them not complying.

Looks like self defense.

That goes agaisnt training and instinct. Center mass is much easier to hit and its what you are trained to aim at.

He'll likely get hit with voluntary manslaughter, appeal, then get hit with some sort of bullshit misdemeanor and a fine

How about you write your point in understandable English. Then i just might attempt to consider your example a legitimate point.

found the usa nigger

Yeah, what poor situational awareness though, he was too busy yelling at that woman to notice the impending peril of a skinned knee coming his way.

Wanna know how I know you live a sheltered life?




It sound ridiculous but blacks will argue this

Nigger got what he deserved.


He killed a wild animal after it attacked him!

No, a jury will nullify any attempted prosecution here. Even if they get an all black jury, even black people are sick of niggers.

Nigger didnt even take the time to defuse the situation, just walks up to the guy and pushes him.

Dont be a stupid nigger, dont get shot. Pretty simple.

Attached: 1464060886490.png (763x1065, 453K)

>They commit literally 1/2 of all murders, and it's time they're treated like it.
this, if i get jumped im shooting every last one of them and make sure they are dead too if need be

You shoot to stop. The easiest way to do that is to shoot center mass (thanks physics).

The place I go to has like 7 staff all carrying. I'm with you, what retard trys to rob a gun store that is staffed.


not guilty

This is why Zimmerman got off...the state over
charged. I still think he would have been innocent of man slaughter, but meh

Nigger backed off, then turned halfway with his right hand out of sight. White guy has no way of knowing if he's reaching for a gun or not. In addition, the nigger was 100% the agressor. You don't get to cry foul when you're the criminal.

No prosecutor's going to bother. Good riddance.

Gotten aquicted in court of a smiliar situation (no guns involved). Saying "I was in fear of my life" works wonders.

I'm Swedish living here, I have a blond 8 month old and, in fact, and am objectively a Nazi.

>Wanna know how I know you will never be a judge in this lifetime?

because he's not a jew leftist?

yeah boy better grease those palms if you wanna make it in politics

you fucking disgusting kike, lmao

Niggers don't understand consequences

As post number 1 we the jury have not reached a conclusion. We do not know all of the facts in this case.

>If it was a white guy, you wouldn't defend it
white guys dont go around randomly jumping blacks. thats a nigger thing. now they get niggered from now on. CCW people


He got attacked and defended himself. I see absolutely no problem with this. One less nigger in the World.

I can detect from much experiance with the matter that person number one is in fact a nigger, the correct procedure to encounter such a specimen is to immediately open fire until subject is dead.

wrong. Jow Forums will unironically defend this.

Attached: trump wrong.gif (480x287, 1.21M)

no you retard. jesus christ. Assault is different than yelling "fuck you faggot" AND. Fuck you. Faggot.


Guy was shot in the chest, so it worked

If you walk in the street with your mother, I call her a fucking bitch, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO ABUSE ME, because if you do, I will shoot you, and you'll find nothing wrong with this?

If this white criminal faggot don't have anything with justice, i don't know why I can't do this

I cant defend this. Blacks and whites should not live in the same countries. This kind of violence is inevitable.

Want to know how I know you'll never be a judge? because your bat shit crazy.

People should be allowed to verbally assault each other. Only a woman or low T munich would have a hard time understanding why physical violence isn’t the same as words.

Dindu nuffin