Twitter Screenshot Pixel Shifting General

Is today the day where we will finally discuss this thing?
Look out for it.

Attached: fingerprint2.png (1095x1274, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Every now and then, tweet screenshots are posted where distinct pixels within letters are shifted like pic related. Those are probably not compression artifacts as can be seen above.

So another guess would be that this is some kind of watermark to track and map information dissemination.

Steganography? But why the shift?

Recent example from

Attached: fingerprint3.png (1100x1030, 59K)

Nah goyim, it's only Android's rendering problem.

Could it be due to a terrible rescaling algorithm?


No source, but I had similar problem with some apps
Also what said

You cannot encode 1kB if information into a dozen pixels, not even with 3 bytes per pixel.

I've been predicting this - it's tracking obv - not file based, but visual based - like yellow dots on printers. I actually tried to see if the noise overlay on youtube was random enough - for now I think it's ok
but they are putting markers on everything
and tying all sessions together
are asleep at the wheel
dumb motherfuckers, bag of rocks
spend more time fucking being smart and less time playing your fucking nigger poor people xboxes you pathetic fucking gay faggots
shit is happening and you gay as fuck faggots are so fucking slow and dumb
you should hate yourselves for being so fucking closed minded

Absolutely fucking not
downscaling/upscaling algorithms would never give those results, no matter which one you use. Linear, Bicubic, Lanzcos, NNE, none of them would be so bad at what they're technically designed to do. This is just very brash steganography

look how literally none of these traitor faggots notice
start turning up
stop being late
start working for the cause
you fucking faggot gay niggers

no you dickhead

can you provide any further evidence of this?
how far back in the Jow Forums archives does this go?
when did you notice it?

>how far back in the Jow Forums archives does this go?
as far back as they are archived, really.
You could do a cursory research of thumbnails with high average amounts of white and get basically all tweet screens on the archive

anything interesting about the filenames?
any patterns?

not really into steganography at all and this looks like a very long reach, but those points at the very right of the image (bottom of this since it's rotated) look very weird this is the site used to decode into that
Honestly if they're using steganography, they're probably also using a preshared key to encode them, or a known method to recover such key, like using the image of the avatar of the guy as they key or similar.

If you keep pursuing this, good fucking luck

Attached: Untitled.png (423x1080, 46K)

Noticed it a few months ago, though nothing of it, actually blamed faulty firmware/hardware of mobile devices. But these images keep coming. I lurk not nearly enough to provide insight as to when it started.

You morons. Tweets aren't sent as photos. They're html text files. screen artifacts are from your phones interpretation algorithm specific to the font.

Attached: 015_1499113120997.jpg (480x318, 17K)


Pretty sure that they are talking about the photos of tweets posted on here and other sites, not the tweets themselves

North American education everyone

If you didn't know snip tool or screen shot saved identifiable information you're not a glowing nigger.

Then again,what does that make me?

Stop using (((Google))) devices and this won't happen. Enjoy your spyware fagits.

t. Apple user who doesn't have either problem

Bump for interest. Thanks based user.

Thanks for the laughs, shitbag memeflag

>implying (((Crapple))) is any different

>refuses to work with the FBI
>repairs code that the feds use to hack devices
>doesn't fill its cloud services with ads
>doesn't fuck up text rendering

Folks, this is an NYUNigger tactic. Be on the look out for increased shilling around the topics shared on images with these tracking marks. The best course of action is to find the original post and generate a new screenshot without the tracking marks.
The hope here is that they can track and dox the sources of our memes.
They will fail.

Attached: 1532124134812.jpg (720x469, 90K)

Colour printers use yellow dots to watermark machine serial number date/time on all output so this is no surprise if true.

Bumping this is interesting but idk wat

Attached: guys everything will be great.jpg (761x563, 48K)

yes you can. Much information can be extrapolated by the people the message is meant for based on a set of rules they decided on before hand.

Lol dumb nigger apple is just as bad as Google

Pizzaniggers trying to remain relevant

PIZZAFAGS will never accept any logical explanation

Amazing how appletards will drink the kool-aid

>negotiating tool

so they brought them in order to negotiate their illegal intrusion?

> (OP)
>Pizzaniggers trying to remain relevant
shut up ladyboy and clean your shithole from peados

Is it possible to reverse engineer their tweet screenshot recognition program?

You guys what?
Can't you remember a Jow Forums plugin made on Jow Forums where you could literally attach mp3 to jpg and listen to it?
People were attaching txt files on every jpg.
This is the same thing, adapted to not be seen on original picture without a close look.
You can see that information isn't very big, but it's useful for someone that is doing it.
People don;t post links anymore, all you see on Jow Forums i screenshots.
People are unaware that someone is feeding these edited screenshots.
Let it be for statistics and national guard reports, but be aware.

>This is the same thing, adapted to not be seen on original picture without a close look.
It's more to the tune of being a diff raster encode to avoid tripping Jow Forums stupid embedded file protection, which is based purely on specific pattern and size verification. You extract the information via diff from an original image the screenshot is based on
That's why I kinda gave up, I don't use phone twatter so I wouldn't have the ability to extract that image and verify it myself

I'd like to see Fourier analysis applied to see if anything glows in the dark