
>everything is meaningless
>I play video games all day long
>any kind of work is futile
>you can't find any fulfillment in a pointless existence
>nothing is serious
>I need a 10/10 girlfriend, but since only 10/10 men get them and I'm a 1/10 beta male, I'll rant about how females are whores
>society needs to adapt to my demands because I'm infallible and need not improve myself
>Science explains everything
>I have never seen evolution or the big bang occur but they're proven facts

Attached: Fedora manchild.jpg (992x588, 214K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here fedoras

Attached: hg.jpg (2440x1623, 2.33M)

Kys then

>Uses strawman arguments
>Never heard of "Nihilistic Optimism"
>Thinks roman books about middle eastern beliefs are better than theories that stood for over a century of scientific deductive proccess.


>Nihilistic Optimism

Attached: The tipping has begun.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

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>everything is meaningless
>and I'm optimistic about it

Attached: unzips fedora.jpg (640x533, 74K)

>be christcuck
>let jews and women destroy marriage and your entire ability to uphold traditionalism by enacting laws that punish men for even trying to commit to women and have children

>continue to blame everything on men and "atheists" because you're an autistic fedoralord who could never get laid without being a cuck whos entire livelihood is on the line and could be stolen from him by any woman he fucks at a moments notice for no reason at all, including to go fuck a new man

>defend laws that spit on traditionalism and make it impossible, because you're actually one of the few people so pathetic that you couldnt even get a gf if we did bring traditionalism back

>this post

Attached: Tipped too much.png (500x320, 181K)

every time you insist its all mens fault, you defend the very legislature that created this entire mess

unless you're saying men are at fault for anything but listening to women and jews and giving them an emasculated feminized society

i dont even smoke anyome but i want one of those so bad

Attached: Fedora life.jpg (500x500, 68K)

Attached: fed-orah.jpg (500x815, 79K)

>Definition "Nihilistic Optimism"- If live doesn't have a (real) purpose, why waste it with stuff you don't wanna do? Find your own meaning, do things you love.

I'm gonna state my other to points
>Uses logical fallacies (ad hominen and strawman arguments)
>Thinks books written in 200 AD about semitic beliefs are better than theories that could hold legitimacy for more than a century of scientific proccess

Attached: Fedora law system.jpg (500x500, 70K)

>Nihilistic Optimism
*deep breath*

Attached: Fedora logic.jpg (500x500, 73K)

gosh, this thread AGAIN? how many times do you need to be btfo?

Don't encourage him, this thread is dead already so it doesn't matter.
Hide and move on, and if you have to post, just sage.

>Optimism is a mental attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor, or outcomes in general, will be positive, favorable, and desirable.
>Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known

>Being optimistic that you know nothing, can't attribute value to anything and thus stagnate in a state of meaninglessness where there is neither negative or positive values

Cognitive dissonance.

Attached: tip.jpg (479x720, 38K)

>If you don't believe in my particular religion your life is meaningless

Attached: 1489844864211.jpg (634x960, 184K)

>If yew dunt believe in mah God den you're a virgin who wears a hat!!!
Christian IQ, everyone.


Attached: Quaking euphoria.gif (460x600, 595K)