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a literal what now?

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>his wife hated it

this never happens in in cuckold relationships.
Obvious character assassination.

I like how the left shames sexual deviance as long as it's not their guy doing it

This is truly the end for Drumpf

>his wife hated it

I'm sure.

no one cares. pedowood is fucking children as we speak and the pedo occultist elites are eating children. those are the enemies of Jow Forums now fuckoff back to pleddit faggot


>No case to answer
>We'll drag his name through the mud instead

Hillary's cronies are vermin.

>implying all men who earn $120k+ a year don't end up having muscular, musky, hung black bulls
I'm.... I'm a little hard right now. I'm a poz cuck.

Why the fuck is Mueller wasting his time on this shit, I thought he was supposed to get Drumpf

What a fucking joke of an investigation, how many fucking millions of tax dollars did we pay to have him find out some guy is a fucking cuck?

Sounds like a fabrication. Since their ideology doesnt allow them to cast the blame on the woman then the cuckold (who are the most pathetic and weak men possible) had to "force" her to do it. if they had just said he was a cuck and liked watching his wife enthusiastically fuck other men it would have been way more believable.

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>his wife hated it

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Its over lads. He is caught.

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>she asked why so many black men and he said bc they are the only ones willing to do it
Oh Paul you sly dog

So this has something to do with Russia collusion right?


> Why the fuck is Mueller wasting his time on this shit, I thought he was supposed to get Drumpf
He was, but what he's really got is a giant steaming pile of political nuclear waste.
The vast majority of what Mueller's have have actually uncovered is the evidence of the real Russiagate.
Evidence of a conspiracy against an elected president.
Evidence of intelligence agencies, politicians, media, and business interests concocting a hoax and trying to use it to turn an election around.
Evidence of a political establishment that is prepared to construct Potemkin scandals to unseat their own government.

It's a critical mass of scandal and evidence which, if exposed, will detonate with devastating effect.
At least half of Washington would be facing direct impeachment. The other half would be facing proscription, or a mob. The fallout would last decades.

Muller's only real option now is to smear the evidence he has. Taint it with scandal, lies, bullshit, leaks, literal scat, farce, embarrassment. Toss the files into confusion, play for time, get hacked, lose data, scramble indexs, declare most of it Top Secret, investigation ongoing, need to know, have everyone bought off, killed, or discredited, and bury the whole glowing pile in a pit somewhere where only the lunatic fringe will bother to go looking for it. If they find it, so much the better.

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Someone post the reddit cuckold screenshot where he and the wife regret it.

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Why the fuck is this even relevant? Why did they even investigate that part? Why was it even written down? How does Manafort being a cuck have anything to do with bank fraud. This smacks of intimidation and character assassination. And it's time that real consequences start happening to these shitlords running the investigation.

>his daughters were not pleased

I have questions.

Lmao what the fuck is wrong with wh*teoids? Why are they so obsessed with BBC?

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They think it's more degrading for a white girl to get fucked by blacks than other whites

Quick rundown on who these people are.

No idea, it is fucking weird how it's almost exclusively a white fetish.

Wonder if it's true? How did this info get out?

>Implying republicucks aren't pedos either
>Has no idea about the disappearance of Johnny Gosch
>Has never heard of the Franklin Credit Union scandal/coverup

It shows the moral fiber of the person. If they are willing to treat people who are close to them like this, then that easily explains how someone has the capability of being a traitor to their own nation...just look at how fucked up Trump is, and it all become much clearer

pretty hot tbqh, wouldve loved to be the bull

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Now that we know Paul Manafort, like most trump supporters, is an impotent degenerate who likes nothing more than to see his wife get gangbanged by BBC while watching from the sidelines, it has got me thinking: Why are most american Trump supporters always the most pathetic and BETA of men?

Is it a need to see alpha males in positions of power that they all suddenly turn into flaming homo's and cuck cheerleaders?


Any trumptards have their own thoughts on this?

>character assassination

but we can't use the same reasoning about Clinton, fags or niggers?

>Who is Dennis Hastert

Love wins?

Look at this shill, shilling.

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I always forget the name of the nigger rising star

>be in pain
>wait for the cuck to say something
she enjoyed it very much and now shifted all the responsibility on to the cuck. well deserved desu

Japs are pretty obsessed with it too, if hentai is to go by.

japs take their honoray aryan label very seriously

I think it's the same in both cases. It's about domination by something beastial, as niggers are the most foreign race imaginable to both whites and Asians. Like was saying.

did i ever say that republicucks aren't fucking pedos? no i didn't. so fuck off. ALL pedos REGARDLESS of political affiliation get the fucking rope and 90% of Jow Forums would have no fucking problem hanging Manafort from a fucking street lamp if he was one. fuck off with your bullshit

Manafort is a long time friend of the Podestas, Clintons, and the usual cabal suspects. Trump hired him (remember Trump used to literally pay these people for political influence, as do all rich guys. Ivanka and Chelsea used to be best friends.) after a long con campaign to win Trump's trust. However, once Manafort got to really know Trump he refused to continue operating for the cabal. He flipped.

I've seen it explained before on Jow Forums. Essentially, it comes down to watching bestiality. Whites don't view niggers as human - just literal 'muh dicks' in human form. Watching a woman get plowed by a black man is the same as watching a donkey show in Tijuana.

>his wife hated it
She hated it several hundred times

>6 black men in a hotel room
Oh dear is that her kids discussing it?
I feel bad now

>his wife hated it

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>Andrea and Jessica Manafort discussing the sexual torture of their mother
Did you faggots see this?

What the fuck!

yup he's a depraved cuck. get used to it. the "elite" are the most fucked up people and mentally deranged scumbags on the fucking planet - it doesn't matter what side of the fence they are on

Literally an offshoot from bestiality, cuckolds are actually incredibly racist and ironically the pretend to themselves that they are inferior to blacks.

The same as Roger Stone. His ads are legendary.

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>get used to it
Listen junior

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This is obviously a fucking fanfic, you kids believe anything. Nobody speaks like this.

This is the taste of literal nothingness. It's like a waiter serving me a burger when I said I want steak; related, but nowhere close to what I wanted.

Does anyone else believe that the "incriminating" images and videos that the russian has on the God Emperor mihgt just be Melania getting spitroasted whilst he watches impotently from the side?

Seems like a very likely possibility, knowing Trump and the types he likes to personally asociate with (manafort, roger stone, etc).

Do you think they flicked the bean to the thought of their mother getting railed?

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for over an hour , mind you

Of all the things they release about him, they choose to make public his kid’s private conversation about their family that has nothing to do with the case at all. Who thought this was a good idea? Boomer/10

how about all out murder of pedos. that's what i think we all would prefer.

Absolutely disgusting. Lock him up.

I like how you hear news you don't like and blame the left for making you face it because you're a pussy

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Who doesn't?

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Her daughters texts were "hacked and leaked"

Of course, there's fundamentally no way that 7,650 pages of text messages can be "hacked"

It should frighten everyone to think that individuals in the NSA and FBI are accessing phone records from the phone companies of political targets' children and releasing them to the public

Horrible horrible horrible people, we need a full reset

Wow we are reaching LARP levels that shouldnt even be possible.

>this pic
It's probably more relevant now than ever before

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>news you don't like
I must have missed the hundreds of posts about how much we love Manafort.
Why would we care that some guy cucked himself?

You heard it here first, many men have run train on Melania while Donnie sat in the corner and watched.

what hte fuck

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Must defend the god emperor...

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Non-whites like me.

>but apparently he has a thing for black men
>hard core.
>one time it was 6 black men in a hotel room
>she asked why so many black men and he said bc they are the ones willing to do it


Seems legit.


last i checked they weren't trumps texts kikelord so how about you come back with the russian piss ideo that WE trolled you faggots into believing was real.

stop making this about trump - it's not. it's about manafort you fucking nigger

Here's the thing: there's a world of difference between what occurs in a person's private life and what occurs in the public sphere. Nobody gives a fuck what kind of sex you're having with your wife in your private life. What they give a fuck about is their 12 year old daughter getting shilled media about how great it is to be a fat single mom to a biracial daughter that eschews any semblance of social or civic responsibility

Look into the personal lives of any great man. JFK, LBJ, MLK (for you) all had affairs and were pretty fucking perverse. Mozart wrote songs entitled "lick my ass" that he played with his friends at the bar. This is all PRIVATE. It should be protected as private.

The moral crisis is entirely related to the public sphere. The reason publicly proclaimed degeneracy is such a problem is that culture works as a feedback loop; we don't simply affect culture, but culture affects us. So when we have a wholesome public consciousness and culture, then that has an affect on us; and if we have a degenerate one, then that has an affect on us. And degeneracy is RELATIVE: for a kid who has a strict schedule and curfew, staying out until 11pm is the ~cool~ thing to do. For the kid who stays out late and does whatever he wants, getting into pills or crime is the ~cool~ thing to do. Every time our culture makes degeneracy more normalized, they are merely shifting the baseline further toward degeneracy. Two hundred years ago, sex outside marriage was the ultimate degeneracy, and while people did it, they weren't proud of it and it was sufficient to fulfill their need for ~cool~ (personal degeneracy). Now having sex outside marriage is unremarkable, anal fetishes are near unremarkable, so it's no longer the ~cool~ boundary that people can push -- so the boundary is moved further toward degeneracy: toward the normalization of girls having 200 sexual partners, of cuckoldry, of having a sugar daddy, of never settling down; etc

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And I thought my family was fucked up...

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>Does anyone else believe that the "incriminating" images and videos that the russian has on the God Emperor mihgt just be Melania getting spitroasted whilst he watches impotently from the side?
Its very possible

Attached: Melania-Trump.jpg (624x1174, 82K)

please, women love getting gangbanged

What the shit Sandra Bullock is a coalburner? I used to jerk off to her in middle school you know. Sad!

these texts are genuine. only women can write so stupidly. top fucking kek.

No better source on women than 4chinz right? Also that has nothing to do with what he said.

>This is the party of 'moral' virtues
Man, if this is what goes on in Republican Christian homes, then that whole Spirit Cooking thing that Papadopoulos did must be absolutely insane.
>Democrats might actually be pedophiles and satan worshipers

Protip: They're all pedos, one group of pedos just also wants to flood you with indios, arabs, and africans.

It does, it's hardly sexual tortue. Most women have done orgies, DP, etc. at least once.

Wow this is fucked up

>Most women have done orgies, DP, etc. at least once.
>This is the mind of a porn addict

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this is some LARP shit

>t. girlfriend needs lidocane lube just to get my dick inside without making her cry

>It does, it's hardly sexual tortue. Most women have done orgies, DP, etc. at least once.
Lol provide sauce for that pls. CDC stats would be your best bet.

Biggest thing that surprised me was that apparently 11% of all American women have performed cunnilingus at least once in their lives.

All women are whores, Nigel.

I Dont even want to imagine what the fuck this is about...

The looks on their faces is terrifying.

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As a white male, how would you know what women do?

this cant be real

I've already said I'm not a white male Ken-Sama.