>single handedly beat the entire alt right
how do we stop him bros?
>single handedly beat the entire alt right
how do we stop him bros?
cucks never win
who is that
Literally who? Is there an encyclopedia dramatica page for him or something?
a twitch streamer that slayed all the famous alt righter in debates
This is the lefts only decent meme
Considering he got blown the fuck out by based high IQ nigger Anthony Brian Logan
wtf lol i don't even know who he is
>ragequit against NoBullshit
hah k
is that the new child size sex doll that debates you until you put a dick in its mouth?
>single handedly beat the entire alt right
OMG, he beat a bunch of retards at what exactly?
statistic and logic
>y-your not capable of having a conversation with me!
>tries to debate Alt Hype
>gets reamed
>admits it
I do appreciate DesTINY posting though.
His arguements are all theoretical and speculation. He gives almost statistics in his arguments and rather call someone stupid than have a civilized discussion. Hes litterally just an angry manlet who can't stand opposing opinions.
the spic is part of the group that has the "better than thou" attitude, even though he's just a lowly pos autist that deserves nothing but ridicule. He's a subhuman and I'll laugh when a pack of niggers rape him in front of his son.
>Meme flag
>Pimps a disingenuous manlet
>Arguments comprised of obfuscation, skewed stats, and fallacies which again are disingenuous
>Evades the debate or subjects at every possible moment
OP confirmed as a faggot and possibly the the faggot in OP's picture himself
>banned from twitter
>banned from twitch
>under investigation for pedophilia by the FBI
Yeah he really beat us...
It made me realises how dumb people like Sargon and Lauren southern are. Until then i had respect for them.
Holy. Shit.
The alt hype destroyed him in a debate about race, though. It was just 30 minutes of the Alt Hype doing him in the ass
murder him
i mean it
go buy a gun, go to his home, kill him on stream and kill his disgusting mutt child too
mutilate their bodies and post pics here
The only one he could beat was the lowest hanging fruit aydin paladin: youtube.com
It blows my FUCKING MIND that his comments section isnt filled with people calling him out on being a pedo.
DesTINY is a pedo sympathizer
Damn we didin't have Destiny thread in like a month. Daily reminder that he was literally wrong about everything he predicted and got btfo by Alt-Hype
Sharing a 15-year-old girls bikini pic with your mates that she put on her facebook does not make someone a pedo, it's a shitty move yes, but not a pedophile.
He had a talk with the actual pedo guy amos yee guy and blew him the fuck away.
>famous alt-righters
name 1
>It blows my FUCKING MIND that his comments section isnt filled with people calling him out on being a pedo.
He heavily moderates and deletes any negative comments
He's basically running a cult
He's literally under investigation by the FBI for child pornography:
I just googled amos yee's youtube channel and holy shit his entire channel literally got deleted for the pedo shit.
Wonder what that little goober is doing for cash now.
Newsflash: Nobody cares about alt-right e-celebs, let alone the twerps that trounce them in debate.
who tf is this child and why does it have a beard?
Because he's ethical about his cheese pizza
remember when he said he would like study to prepare for debate against JF or Alt-hype? This was like a year ago...
Most of that is proven bs.
Nice picture tho, it must be nice not to think critically about your opinions.
He says it's because of guys at kiwifarms that have been sending reports to the FBI. After a certain amount of reports, they have to check it out apparently.
You're free to call him a pedo if the investigation concludes he is.
He has native american eyes, but with blue pigment.
Who is this?
ded meem, some altrighters bullied him out of debates
There is no stopping him. We can only submit.
To any leftists in here, no minority actually likes being told that they are too retarded to find out how to get a birth certificate mailed to them or find 30 dollars over 4 years to afford it.
It's very transparent to non-whites that everything you do is just ego-driven bs.
>tfw there are no actual destinyfag fanboys and just bait
where you fags at?
>act surprised by what you just heard
>fidget in chair
>squeal autisticly
>wave hands around like spastic wizard
>pivot in chair
>laugh nervously
>say something is stupid
Why is is so easy to defeat the alt right?
>If I falsely claim that Destiny beats everyone, eventually people will believe me!
Literally who
>tell us manlet: what do you want to be when you grow up?
We sage and hide threads.
are you pretending to like him?
What do you think the left would do to a right wing guy in his position?
where is any of it "proven"?
>gets BTFO by JF and alt-hype
>starts harping on JF for the weird shit he does in his personal life to distract from getting BTFO
>runs away and declares victory
>Engages in debates
>Plays games
>Too small for even antifa recruitment
No, I'm free to call him a pedo right now, faggot.
>Sargoy of Mossad is alt right
>Also famous
Leftist actually think being (((famous))) means something.
Ryan Dawson rekt Destiny. After that TDS had Dawson on for a whole episode. Both are pretty good.
He has grown too powerful. Anyone who tries to go up against his "not all X are like that" finishing move is utterly destroyed.
>how do we stop him?
with a straight arm and the hand on his forhead i guess.
Really ? I just watched him get btfo and he does the same shill tactics everytime
literally can't be stopped
Not watching that shite. Quick rundown?
he agrees to an open relationship with his wife cause he's never home, after some time he starts fucking another chick and his wife gets hella mad and the relationship ends.
Honestly surprised how stupid alt-righters were once I saw Destiny debating them. I'm slowly becoming more left-leaning after watching conservatives & alt-righters desperately try to beat him with fallacious and emotionally charged arguments. Naked Ape, Andy, JF, NoBS, Lauren, James Allsup, Nick Fuentes and many more got their asses handed to them without much effort. I especially unsubbed after watching NoBS humiliate himself in his debate by basically saying "you're so dumb, bro." Heck, the Skeptic/anti-SJW were so butthurt that they tried to constantly dogpile Destiny during his debates, but they STILL failed.
Nope, the only one he defeated was aydin, a literal retard.
He’s a good debater.
isnt this guy a kiddy diddler?
Who is this guy and why should we care?
Can I ask genuine question, why were you considering yourself right wing in first place?
Put the next challenge on the top self.
>grounds his own political beliefs in e-celebs and podcasts
>tfw stephen posts these himself to try to drum up an audience so he can get more shekels and not have to work a real job
honestly I am a little surprised that mods don't remove and ban these shitposts, it is against pol's rules is it not?
Name a single debate with Destiny where the opposition doesn't get utterly btfo.
Is he the
>How do I explain to my daughter that incest is wrong
Yeah. Real intellectual giant right there.
If I had the opportunity to put any group of people to death, Destiny's fanbase would be the first to go.
A nobody that gained notoriety by arguing with people on livestreams.
Typically he'd do similar to guys like Jim/Mister-Metokur where he'd pretend he doesn't really have any position while at the same time pretending any point brought up by the person he was arguing with was idiotic. It'd inevitably lead people to getting annoyed and wondering what the hell his deal was.
Took longer than it ought to have for people to realize they needed to drag positions out of him which would end up making him look like an idiot once he had to explain his own positions.
Dude got BTFO'd by 105 IQ Sargon of Akkad. He can't be that bright.
Is this the same dude who was shitty at starcraft back in the day?
>the entire alt right
wow, all 12 of them? Its not like they were concocted by the left, then dismantled by them to make it look like they actually won at something, right?
The left couldnt beat a fly of shit (ie: Joe B off Moochelle).
He got his shit pushed in by naked ape.
Lol. The Dawson debate was Tiny saying "just feel" about everything. He got steamrolled by Ryan.
>it's another destiny subreddit raid
We can't he's too powerful. We must accept his vision for the pedotopia.
Alt hype made him look like an amateur.
how old is aydin?
I watched his Ryan Dawson debate earlier today. Hilarious. The first hour is Ryan just teaching him things he didn't know while eating an apple. The second hour is Ryan clearly getting bored and eating another apple.
for christ sake, there's threads about this moron everyday and everywere, and I still don't understand why people talk about him. he plays a stupid game, said something about pedophilia and fucking his daughter(?), what is there to like about this autistic looking guy?
You can see Destiny using his highly trained google-based intellect to search for something, anything to combat Ryan with, and you can see his face become crestfallen each time he can't, until the frustration sets in and he essentially begs him to start discussing things via analogy and generalization, aka the youtuber brainlet debate. This is why he loses to AltHype and JF and anyone with facts, but beats everyone who engages on his level.
only brainlets fail to comprehend the existential threat Destiny poses to the white race
Report him everywhere
Which is definitely what we should do
If he gets back on Twitch, make sure he's banned again
Get him banned from YouTube ASAP
He literally said that child porn was ethically ok
He's a pedo freak
Yeah you sure sound legit fellow alt righter