Guy comes to Poland on Sunday

>Guy comes to Poland on Sunday
>Asks why all the shops are closed.
>this retarded bill got passed recently because "Jesus"
>we were hungry for the rest of the day

Are PiS politicians seriously want to lose next elections so hard?

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Won't vote for them after this BS.

It's great that your country is trying to become more christian and even here a lot of the food stores close EARLIER but I don't think being closed the whole day is good. Even in the Bible its said that the rest day is given to help you not the opposite.

In germany it's normal. It's been like that for ages

Religion has no place in the State. Fuck them for sucking off the church. Religion is a personal proplem of every person. Why Sundays? Why not Saturday? Evrry theocracy is wrong.

We can't affoard that shit. Don't compare Germany to Poland. This is retarded and will cost us billions.

we had a ban on Sunday shopping in my part of Canada until 2004 or so. before the only places allowed open were restaurants, corner stores, and pharmacies. business under certain sq footage got a pass as well.

Life is actually better without Sunday shopping. most families have at least one day where they're stuck relaxing with the family like it or not. they promised more jobs and a better economy when they allowed it but nothing improved...

Here they don't sell alcohol on sundays, and not after 18 on saturdays and 20 on regulars, is that something for Poland?

Thry banned alcohol sales between 10pm and 6am in city center to prevent students from having fun. Now everyone drink by the river and bar owners lose money. Socialism ho!

Closing the shops on a Sunday won't make people go to Church all of a sudden.
I want PiS to fucking tank in the next election because they are fucking cucks on immigration. 2 million Ukrops and at least 50k pajeets imported over the past 3 years. They need to lose their majority so that they get back in line and have to form a coalition with a less cucked party.

Life isn't better. Students used to work on weekends and nnow they don't. Also people working from monday to friday were shopping on Sunday. Very smart way to piss 2 large voter blocks kurwa.

Kukiz is already bought and paid.

Korwins freedom party or someone else?

He is, but he's not as cucked as PiS. He'll get a few concessions from them on immigration or (((social programs))). I wanted Korwin to get into parliament but at this point I can't see it happening. He lost all momentum after 2015 and his 4.76%

Another thing is that they feel like they can do anything they want and they won't lose support because of muh 500+. If they lose 20-30 seats in Sejm in 2019 they will have to get back in line

Korwin don't want to get in. They would have to actually eork then. He only wants to get enough votes to get money for his party from the budget. If he gets to close to getting in he starts disrespecting women and praising wamen. That's his game.

I won't vote for eurocucks and communists. It will be hard to find a good enough party.

Used to be like that in the Netherlands, it was annoying as fuck.

Can't imagine having open stores on sunday and then going back on it.

People are pissed as fuck.

That's something you expect from retarded countries like France and Germany.

Is it true that you guys are dropping hard Wolhyn rethorics? No Wolhyn discussion, just curious about how is this problem is perceived. This year I didn't hear much talk about it, even though it is 75 years.

(((PiS))) are the people who ban right-wingers from the US, aren't they?

You dont keep snacks in your hotel room? Ffs at least granola bars.

Do you not have refrigerators and microwaves?

Get into a trade or business then where you can set up your own work on Sunday’s then your whiney faggot

>Christcucking legislatively in 2018

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Found the faggot mutt Christians

Larping was fun until those retards took the Jesus meme seriously.

>hating Jesus so much
You definitely must be jewish.

People WILL get butthurt and straight up fuck you up if you glorify Bandera or UPA in any way. Other than that most Poles won't treat you badly just for being Ukrainian.

True. I believe any pro UPA demonstration in Poland would be met with violence.
I don't really mind Ukrainians working in my district. They all speak polish better or worse.

>hating a Jewish fraudster means you must be Jewish
Christcuck logic, degraded through the ingestion of so much Jewish blood

>Christcuck logic, degraded through the ingestion of so much Jewish blood

>hating someone that criticizes jews and butt blasts jews and their religion

Always been like that in Belgium,
Shopping on sundays is for Amerimutts

Off yourselves you massive retards. If PiS dont win then PO will and its 10 times as bad. Do you idiots not have any fucking foresight

I will vote against PiS for this.
Your logic is retarded.

>they shit in my mouth
>but at least the other guys have no voice

Why not Saturdays?

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Your like the brainlets voting third party in the American presidential election. Sure trump isnt perfect but hes still far better then clinton. Same with PiS and PO

Korwin is 76 years old already. He's a meme candidate at this point.

my ciocia owned a store, and she closed sundays. But my cousins and i would pester her until she would come downstairs and sell us some quik-cola and 50gr. bags of chips

No fuck you fag

Getting rid of the Sunday law in Canada was a mistake almost as big as allowing Canadian corporations to be sold to foreign bodies or allowing non-white immigrants.

We need to re-implement it.

How is PiS better? These fuckers rise taxes every month to fund them social programs for jobless losers.

>one day off from commerce
Oy gevalt!

They're obviously more anti eu and pretty great on social issues. Far better then PO.
Tell me whos your great alternative?

Give retailfags a day off. Cant you plan 2 days ahead? We have that also and its a good thing. Takes some speed out of the day and makes it more comfy.

>pretty great on social issues
>steal my money and give it to retards
>rise taxes


Fuck you.
If people didn't want to work on Sundays nobody forced them. Now you have no choice. I used to work a part time job on Sundays for extra cash. Now I can't do it!

Wwwwow, you're retarded.

Stop bashing the polish government, or they will come and get you

Wwwwow, you're retarded.

>Social issue

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Stop voting for fascism then? Vote for the guy in your picture.

I didn't say I want PO to win. I don't want PiS to have a majority like they do now, that's it. If they have to form a coalition (with Kukiz/Wolnosc) they will stop making completely retarded moves such as bending over for their kike overlords in Israel, closing shops on Sundays or importing hundreds of thousands of (((migrants)))

>fascist in any shape or form

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Kukiz are a meme. If they form a coalition with PiS nothing will change.
>coalition with PiS
Yea..that wont happen

>blames the government for your poor planning and inability to use your phone to find food

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Look at this fucking kike and how much he hates Jesus.
Mere mention of our lord and savior makes his blood boil.
Store owner can work in the store if he likes, he can't force other people to work there on sundays.

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That must be why they're polling higher than they did last election.

Does this have anything to do with the fact that they own national media?

We are so fucked but most people don't realize it yet.

Faggot, Poland uses proportional voting. Voting third party is fine as long as the third party gets more than 5%.

Fuck off kike just because you couldn't get your matzo ball soup and gefitle fish on a Sunday. Not our problem the cult you identify with chose the wrong day of rest.

>Voting third party is fine as long as the third party gets more than 5%.
No its not. Voting for some meme party that may or may not reach 5% isnt worth giving the government over to PO.

We're basically stuck with either a party that wants to replace us with (((economic migrants))) from Ukraine, India, the Philippines and Bangladesh or a party that wants to replace us with Pakis, niggers or sandniggers. Great choice, isn't it?

>families can finally have one day off, actually talk to each other
>but muh capitalism

you stupid fucking polacks should have made it SATURDAY not SUNDAY
you are doing it wrong
the sabbath and keeping it holy is SATURDAY
you only chose sun day because of paganism.
fucking idiots

Keep praying to your child eating rapist god Saturn fucking kike.

kys you fagot, many shops are open on sunday and it is also only the first and last sunday of the month where larger food shops are closed. fucking fedora tippers


Read the bill nigger. They will be closed always soon.

I have lived in Poland long enough to say that you are either a teenager or a massive onions boy. You forget that in Poland you still have the opportunity to do what ever you like even though the law says otherwise, it is one of the last places in Europa where people with a brain can get what ever their heart desires if they have a brain

1. small shop owners can open shops, but can't have hired employees present
2. gas stations also do sell food on Sundays
this mostly hurts big foreign-owned market.

Nope, PiS went full retard and will destroy trade in Poland. Somehow no mall decided to break the law and risk fines.

This hurts everyone and this retarded plan was designed to get more tax money from Orlen gas stations.

based polacks
shop on a workday, you consumer whore, or pay a premium and get served on a weekend

it moves gross sales to small shops.
Fuck Tesco and Carrefour.

Shit, it's already begun.

QRD: The mark of the beast is not a chip, or anything like that.
The mark of the beast is Sunday worship. Unironically.
I heard this theory before, and it is well supported by the bible and the writing of the Catholic church fathers which predicted that one day Sunday laws would be established and enforced, so that nobody could buy or sell on Sundays.

The end is really close.

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It doesn't. It moves profits to bakeries and gas stations. Old people owning small shops are too weak to stand behind the counter on that day.

that's retarded, old people are on pensions or renta.
shops are run by middle-aged people.

Not in here they don't.

This is the power of the Jew on the Stick

Jesus literally died to show us the true nature of the jew.

No that's PO

No thats PO

Now you're thinking with Yids.

>You don't get it, it's a LAW, you're FORCED not to work.
Imagine your a non-religious store owner, most people do their shopping on the Weekends (y'know why), let's say 40% of your income in JUST Saturday and Sunday. With this new LAW, you now make 20% less money.
>That could be DETREMENTAL for your business, if you're small.
If you ask me, this law should only aplly for big stores.
I just hate the christcunts for this, if the message contains the slightest critique they say: "YOU'RE A KIKE WHO HATES JESUS"

>b-but we miss the 90s

Shop for two days instead of just one, you simple creature.

All non essential businesses should be closed on Sunday by state law.

On Saturday I rest after the entire week of hard work mate. I work at night and on Saturday wake up in the evening. This fucking sucks. I literally have 3 hours to get all supplies for the week.

>i cant plan ahead for my own well being.
are you by chance a tan polack?

It's just a meme; memes don't mean anything so it's just a meme; memes don't mean anything so it's just a meme.

A lot of businesses are closed on Sunday where I live. Pretty much everything unless it's something corporate (except Chick-Fil-A) or a gas station.

It's just a meme.

Repeat after me ....

I'm not paying extra for restaurant food just because politicians got paid.

It's the mark of the beast

>showing respect for the holy day and also giving workers a day off for all people and families to enjoy instead of worshipping money 24/7/365

Wow, Poland is so backwards and dumb.