Waitress bodyslams guy who touched her butt

This story has been making the rounds on all of the major news networks.

>guy commits assault
>woman commits an act of assault in retaliation that wasn't necessary, she could have just reported him
> man gets arrested
> woman lauded as hero and in today's (((feminist))) society will probably get a statue and her own national holiday

How does Jow Forums feel about this story?

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I'm fine with it. He got copped a feel, she bitched him out. That should have been the end of it. Tit for tat so to speak.

Good for her
people who grab random women's asses are scum. That's literally sub-Saharan behavior

Actually feel pretty good about it.
t. father of a daughter.

>touch exposed ass with a finger
>get beated to death and arrested

not even in saudi arabia

totally fine with.

He was being a pervert and got punished for it. She didn't go whining to some other man to do her work for her, she took the initiative and pushed his shit in.

put on a goddamn shirt if you're going to handle my food

>Looks like a filthy whore
>Gets treated like a filthy whore

I'm sure her reaction would've been different if it were a nigger or fellow lesbian

I agree he had it coming but I can't help but think feminists will use this to fuel their agenda, and say it's okay to attack a man for even looking at you in a way that makes you uncomfy.

The slope is always slippery with feminists and progressives.

Why is she dressed like a whore if she didn't want to get touched?

Don’t see a problem, he got what he deserved.
Sad part is that as you say feminism will use this to further their corruption.
It should always end with the guy behind bars and a blue eye and stop there.

^ this

Fuck you, OP. The law permits for 'reasonable force' to used to thwart any assault.

>is he dead?
>did he touch her ass again?

She did well. You're just jelly because a chick is tougher than you.

Because your country and religion is all fucked up and makes zero sense.
It’s really warm and dry, let’s force our women to wear as much clothes as possible because my pee pee gets hard and I can’t control my urges like some pack of vermin.


>Tit for tat so to speak.

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are these shills posing as "sexist men"?

>nigga commits assault
>white man commits an act of assault in retaliation that wasn't necessary, she could have just reported him
>nigga gets arrested
>white man lauded as hero and in today's (((al right))) society will probably get an interview on Fox and his own national holiday

I've had girls occasionally grab my ass. It's a compliment

Well he is a piece of shit for sure. She is also dressed like a whore. Kill them both.

if someone assaults you and you do something back.. that isnt assault, its self defense

onions boy

which part of
you dress like a slut you get trated like a slut

is sexism?

>You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it —Edith Head

She defended herself. She did literally nothing wrong. Don't touch other people and they won't touch you.

different for a dude grabbing a girls ass while shes working
she shouldnt have taken him down, but its pretty funny that dudes that much of a pussy

>accidentally touch butt
>get beaten up
Not saying he didn't do it on purpose but especially in small corridors and when you aren't a soi boi theres a possibility to touch stuff

this. heard he got arrested for it in front of his wife and kids.
Sexual assault is nigger tier. Be better.


>How does Jow Forums feel about this story?
I feel like we've already had this thread multiple times over the past couple days. Get a new headline to spam.

He lives just down the road from me. All the good cunts live in Melbourne, while assgrabbers and heroin addicts live in Palm Bay.


>Pakistani can't handle women not shrouded in sheets


Well, luckily that's not what this was.

>grab random woman's ass
>REEEE she hit me!

Keep your hands to yourself, degenerate.

le pun spic

>touching tattooed 3d women
dude deserved it

Said the user from the country with the highest rape rates in Europe

Regardless of whether or not you think she was asking for attention with the way she dressed, you can’t say that the nigger tier behavior displayed by the dude is acceptable.

People who commits assaults out of the blue, tend to do it because it's empowering. I.E. a bully kicking some smaller kid's ass do it because he knows the smaller kid can't do shit. The guy touched her ass and he expected two things: 1. She wouldn't do shit because she'd fear for her job. 2. If she didn't, she had two options: fight or report him. If she reported him, he would have probably been simply kicked out of the place he was in with no real consequences and if she tried to fight him, he expected to be able to defend himself. In any cases, when someone starts this kind of abusive behavior, the best response is to shut it down swiftly and harshly. This girl did the right thing, trust me, he won't touches her ass again. If she didn't, he would have probably felt her a couple more times since he got away with it the first time.

And who is doing the raping?
The native Swedes or the vermin leeching of our welfare against our will through a corrupt government?

>accidentally touch butt
Back of the hand is accidental, giving it a squeeze isn't

Likely the Viking niggers. Your people have a history of it, you know.

Based Bitch

>Retaliation was not necessary, should have reported it like a total faggot

Go suck a dick

>getting bodyslammed by a girl
i get it if its gabi garcia but that skinny thot?

He was an ass, but she made him a pussy. I've no problem with it.

what is a hooker doing in a restaurant?

she has the right to defend herself.

I see no need for cops to be involved when citizens dish out their own justice. Its like if somebody fucks with me I feel I have an option, handle it, or have somebody else handle it. No need to double up.

Righteous self defense

That man has no decency

I'm not going to celebrate it or anything, but I don't mind that she did it.

Lol, shes dressed like a whore of babylon

It's a good way to show shitlibs that stand your ground is reasonable.

You do realize your country is being anally raped by women and muslims? Yet you claim other cultures are fucked up?

Nigger detected.
First one to make physical contact is at fault, same with that nigger that pushed that old man.

Why is it so hard for non whites to understand that justification for initiating unwanted physical contact is what makes people niggers.

make sure youre saving a lot of money to put her through college so she can get FUCKED.

Opp where's the link to the video?

Kill yourself please

I do not see any ass

>dude grabs your buldge

>you crack his fucking dome


Fucking sexist hypocrites.

>>woman commits an act of assault in retaliation that wasn't necessary, she could have just reported him
It's called stand your ground, user.

Fuckin newfags


This is fine. If assaulted, we should all be protected in retaliation, regardless of sex. It's fuckers like that that give "toxic masculinity" any basis in reality.

Totally cool with it. Don't fuck with people if you don't want them to fuck with you. He's a scumbag and he had it coming.

>This is incel

What people here don't get is that women are subhumans in this day and age and any form of aggressive behaviour should be punished.

Yeah, praise her for attacking a man, it's not like she is a disgusting bitch who probably voted Clinton and would kill you in your sleep if she knew you were moderately right-wing

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Hahahaha what a fucking wimp

Would you react the same if he had touched her arm? Her exposing herself like cheapens her ass to the same value as her arm or her shoulders.

Firt off, this bitch has no ass. Second of all, this is the worst story to have to endure. The amount of normie twiiter s o y men and ugly pink haired cunts that will be retweeting this with " Yaaaasssss that's right queen!!!" is going to piss me off to no end.

She did well. People shouldn’t lay their hands on other people unless it’s consent. End of story.

I bet you assumed that we would take the mans side simply because he’s a man, didn’t you? You think we all lack critical thinking?

No just shitposting muslims and MGTOW
Those two demographics sure have a lot in common.

I'd see your point if it were a strip club, but it's a restaurant, user

And America have a history of wiping out an entire way of life but you don’t see me calling every American a mass murderer. Your way of thinking is what keeps the left in power, look back hundreds of years for something that happened before civilization were even formed and tunnel vision it to no end.
Also I’m pretty sure it was the Danish Vikings that did the exploration and to a larger degree ripped the benefits of their plundering. Sweden somehow just got the reputation for it.

didn't see him slip 5$ in her pants before or after touching
also a reason for a whore to bodyslam him


>touching someone

Those arent the same thing. Its not like he put his hand down her pants. She was practically naked. He basically did the equivalent of patting her on the shoulders or touching her arm.

Did nothing wrong

Come on OP, you have to do your fucking job man. Include a link, preferably an archived link.

original video?

>And America have a history of wiping out an entire way of life
And don't forget that we could do it again

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>She was practically naked.

>literal Moozie tier argument

He got charged with sexual assault for that. Dude literally fucked his life for a half hearted barely noticeable touch on her ass. Positively nigger tier impulse BAKA...

Shes dressed in a strip club uniform.

if you raised a daughter who looks like this tatted up piece of trash then you are the fundamental core of the problem and unironically should have a box cutter pulled across your throat from behind and lose consciousness and bleed out before even having the dignity to see the face of the one who did the deed

Dude here, not a feminist

He got what he deserved. But, he shouldn’t of been punished twice for the same offense. Either she should of took it upon herself to deal with the situation OR she should of had the authorities deal with him. Not both.

While I agree with you sweden-bro, your country can’t talk.

Even been in a strip club? She's overdressed for that

It was a western tier argument less than 100 years ago

Guy deserved it, don't touch women you're not entitled to touch, simple as that.

You cant squeeze the waitresses tits just because you go to Hooters. If he touched her arm I doubt she would give a shit.
Even at a strip club you have to ask before you feel the girls up.

If your daughter ever works in a place requiring skimpy outfits and/or she has tats all over her body, then you've probably failed as a father.

They’re here fucking things up, aren’t they?
They’re still fucked up, now they’re sharing their fucked up ways with Europe while holding their pedo “prophet” as their way of life.

And underdressed for a restaurant. Shes dressed like a whore.

The logic:

>woman is scantily clad
>I can empathise with how someone might not be able to control themselves and touch her

You sound like a Pakistani virgin. Congrats.

Damn Yoshi, try and relax.

Is this another r9k incursion?

This is like the 100th women hate thread today.

>work in whore bar like a whore
>get treated like a whore
really makes you think how women think they should be treated. if you function as a product in a bar for guys like that then how can she even consider getting not touched by guys like that? she could get tipped more if she let guys touch her but oh no she needs to be a feminist about it. stupid cheap whores man.

I bet she got a talking to about her actions from management. Dude could have been seriously injured from that takedown.

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>>woman commits an act of assault in retaliation that wasn't necessary, she could have just reported him

Fuck off, this kind of reaction SHOULD be applauded.

I’ve touched women and I don’t consider myself a nigger. You guys are all virgins lol

>inb4 fucking beaner taco burrito

Fuck you OP, another INCEL, any person touches my wife/sis/daughter like this and the reaction of the girl is the least I could expect.