Europe should adopt English as an additional official language in all states

It would help business, tourism, culture, understanding and politics enormously. People could finally work everywhere, marry anyone, and read all news from all EU states.

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fuck off globalist shill
i actually like my language and culture


Another 20 years and that will be smothered.

You are German, your language is great and yet you are advocating for this shit? Kys, Mehmet.

nah boi fick dich

the fucking British are so stupid. They had FINALLY won the 1500 year struggle for dominance over western Europe. They didn't even need to occupy the continent. The Americans did it for them. English language was UK's means of culturally conquering the entire EU, and they threw it away because some jobless fucks in Birmingham didn't like Polish workers.

This, next to Germany losing both world wars. Is the biggest geo-political fuck up in modern history.

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Buzz off, clown.
Post-Brexit, English won't even be one of the official languages of the EU (since Ireland picked Gaelic and Malta picked Maltese)

Kill all contemporary germans

>the fucking British are so stupid
You realized just now?

aren't Netherlanders just people who speak shitty German because they got raped by the Spanish a lot back in the day? Shut your mouth.

>tfw second most spoken language is your native language

At least German, Sweden and France can join us in the linguistic cuck union in about 2 years.

Guess what kraut has never been to Denmark

I like German classical literature, but I cannot stand today’s Northern Prussian normie fucktard German. I take English any day over that or Turk-German. If you bring proper German back, fine, I am in, but the pseudo German of today makes my soul scream.

English is already the unofficial second language throughout the world. Europe is especially an example of this.

When a burger is better traveled than you are and knows more about your continent and what is spoken there than you you should either travel or self neck, look into one of these

Have fun getting deported when your hours run out, self-employed TEFL scum.

With our laziness and lack of foreign language skills, don't count on it.

What pic shows is that some 19% of us have a basic understanding of English. It's not we're good at English, it's more we suck even more at other languages.
Plus, Arab is going to take 2nd spot in 10-20 years.

French is the 2nd most spoken language in the UK, according to pic

Basic English is very easy to learn too, plus with the abundance of media in the English language being forced upon you (via the internet, etc) it's very prominent among the youth

>People could finally work everywhere, marry anyone, and read all news from all EU states.

You can already do that.
The EU's guidelines (guidelines - there never has been any plan for a single official language, it's a minefield) have been "learn any two of French, German and English".
Now I guess it has become "learn any two of French, German and Italian", haha.
But in your case, since obviously you know both German and English, you're good.
I myself know all three, so I'm overkill already.

An EU study from some years ago concluded the fastest and cheapest way was for everyone to learn Esperanto, but nobody wants to do that, so the idea was buried from the start.

No. EU (without Britain of course) shall have only one unified language: Latin.

Like for Japan, English isn't really required in France, except for some uncommon jobs (science, airlines...), so lack of practice meant it never took off completely.
And as you can see, quite a few English speak French.

For vacations, just like the Japanese have tropical islands, we have them too (in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific...). We have French jungle in Guyane. Most popular tourist spots (Egypt, Greece...) organize French language tours with French speaking guides.
We have cheap IT support and call centers in countries like Algeria or Romania (they're "our India" so to speak).

ei tuu tapahtumaan

>"irish" as a second language

This fucking barking tongue is only useful because it's easy but sounds like growls and it's made by anglo scum. Maybe when US speaks spanish we can get rid of this

I once looked into Esperanto. For a German native speaker it is actually hard to learn. It just is way to close to Spanish, French and Italian.

Latin better

Francophonie, my good neigbour.
It's high time Europe looks into it (no obligation of purchase) now that the UK Brexited itself into oblivion and the US trumpified themselves.

The vast majority of the EU's founding fathers were French speakers anyway (though some of them were from Belgium or Luxembourg).

"To understand Europe, you have to be a genius - or French" --- Madeleine Albright (US State Secretary under Bill Clinton, ca. 1998).

Well, no, you don't have to BE French, but SPEAK French sure helps.

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That's a bummer. I suppose it's the same for Dutch and the Scandinavian language too, then.
But then again, it seems nobody at all was keen with the idea.
There are other artificial languages, too, like Volapük, which was created by a German.

German is actually derived from old dutch
We wuz franks n shiet, people don't realize just how much we shaped Europe

when quebec has a population of 330 million and the world's largest economy, welll talk.

ah, but dutch was derived from old Danish. So really we have them to thank for all this.

Yes we do!
Too bad Frankish custom was to divide inheritance equally between sons. If Charlemagne's empire hadn't been split three ways between his heirs, it may have saved a lot of time to get to an unified Europe and then benevolently lead the world.

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had the carolinian empire stayed unified, the latin speakers would have assimilated into german society.

Lol that won't change the map.

>in Europe

American education at its finest.
Plus, you guys can't even properly speak YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, learning others is unrelated to you.

Dunno about that.
Myself, I learnt English in England as an Erasmus exchange student. Went to Germany too.
These days, I would have picked Germany and another EU member.

In 20 years, English won't even be the official language of England

lmao the Democratic Republic of Frongo is the worst country in europe right now and has been since the ((revolution)). laws against racial statistics, laws against paternity testing, the US ambassador fucking sending Trevor Noah a letter telling him not to call the African national team 'African'. Fuck France. Honestly at this point it would be best just to nuke you. Charlemagne and Napeoleon are long gone, mon ami.

Thank you for your expert input, my scholarly friend.
We'll be sure to ponder about it.


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Only if all state funded social security is abolished.

are you retarded?
Old Dutch is 300 years older than Old Danish
Old Danish comes from Old Norse, while Old Dutch comes from Frankish with heavy Frisian influences

This is very likely.


get fucked bog trotters
>Your -actual- language isn't even considered 'mother tongue' anymore


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Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Qu-est que ce est quoi c'est?

>England literally leaving the EU

Yup that will happen.

Is there an Irish language that's still alive?

Eh, more like German winning geopolitical dominance over Europe. The Brits wasn't deciding shit in the parliament.

cousin, crois-moi, si les brits sont cons, c'est pas les amerloques qui le sont moins...

>second language in germany, sweden is arabic

>yankees trying to understand the EU

My country was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, they both pushed German and Hungarian languages as official so we used Latin until 1850. Later as part of Yugoslavia Serbs pushed Serbian language as official, we said no thanks. English is OK for pro, in near future we'll rather use Siri for translation. If you want to impress a foreigner learn Mandarin Chinese.

Yeah, it mostly gets spoken in the west. The Irish government tries to promote it as much as they can but everyone still mostly just speaks English

>>second language in germany is arabic
>literally 1 percent of population is Arabic
>2 percent are Polish
>3 percent are Turks
>10 percent are European non-German Christians

Hey sure thing, it is Arabic, it must be!

The shame

Because you're our clay, fag.

>can't even hold clay that borders your state


Yes there is (Gaelic), and it's one of the official languages of the EU.
Because Ireland decided this, English won't be an official language anymore after Brexit.

Je suis au courant ^^ condoléances pour les avoir comme voisins. Nous, au moins, avons la chance d'être séparés de nos couillons par une mer.

Welsh is resurging in South Wales, even immigrants are sending their kids to be educated in Welsh so they speak both languages.

The same will happen in Ireland eventually.

What is the status of Catalan in Spain?

Y una mierda,que te jodan judio de mierda

Don't drown, m8.

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German is comfortably expressive, but it's rigid and inconvenient. Not like the extremely fluent English. Convenience is king.

>english the most common second language of the EU
>moves to become the official language of the union
>Britain won't even be part of the EU

Es obligatori en la comunitat valencia/Catalunya aprendre el valencia , es la nostra cultura ,pense que no deuria de haver cap problema
>Is mandatory to study it in Catalonia,Comunitat Valenciana , its our culture , I dont see the problem
>most of us speak and like spanish too

I find that english hits a good balance between germanic and romance styles of language. My issue with romance languages like spanish is that they just seem too "simple" like there's this one way to express a concept and that's it. Fewer words, fewer ways to use words, and so on.

nous on se coltine ces connards d'anglos de partout: sud, est, ouest... encore heureux que le nord du Québec se cache sous soixante mètres de glace et de neige, sinon y'aurait clairement des bouffeux de burgers qui seraient allés pourrir là aussi

>that pic

Kek. Funny because Brits couldn't keep their feet dry if their lives depended on it.. They merely adopted the water.

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It is you who caused all this. America made English that important in Europe through Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

An official SECOND language.

It should absolutely be mandatory to learn English at a decent level. It should never, ever replace your national language, but we're talking a huge boost to prosperity and freedom if working english became more common.


Technically English is still an official EU language, there's still a country in the EU that uses English as its main language.

That's nice, I knew it's the official language of Andorra.

Stop it

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We should remove all languages and start talking with grunts and drawings

In wales it's welsh not french

English was influenced by French a lot, except Germanic it also has roots in Celtic/Gaelic. Thus you get so many ways of expression.

This. Your own culture/language should always come first and be paramount. No exceptions.


The British never wanted to conquer Europe though, they wanted to isolate themselves from it ever since the 100 year war. Their whole geopolitical aim is not having a strong power on Europe to oppose them.

No... both Malta and Ireland have English as an official language, however each member is only allowed to add *one* official EU language.
Malta picked Maltese and Ireland picked Gaelic.
Only the UK had picked English, so soon it'll no longer be one of the official languages of the EU.

Though I guess Austria, Belgium, Cyprus or Luxembourg could introduce it (those four didn't add an official language, because their language(s) already were official languages).
But this would raise some eyebrows.

OP's topic includes the word "additional"

>Though I guess Austria, Belgium, Cyprus or Luxembourg could introduce it
That wouldn't be terribly wrong. The EU institutions use English as an official language, it would be pretty normal for Belgium, where most are based, to institute it. Or for Luxembourg, where some of the administration is also based.

Plus who says Ireland can't switch?

>implying it wouldn't creep to the forefront with American cultural influences

Use Irish more, my good cousin.
Aontaithe san éagsúlacht!

It's the taxpayers who fund social security not state.

that's an odd way to spell german

Probably, I get blinding rage when I see kids going down the street speaking in half-bulgarian half-english.

I still think we'd benefit from having it be wider spread to a conversational level.

most people in italy don't even know italian, how do you even think about implementing such a thing?

also English is a shit language, only good because simple.

Irish should be the first language

You are doing something wrong

Can I have more info on this? What is the difference with german now and before? Why is the one now bad?

T. Ich habe Deutsch ein klein bisschen gelernt.

>german language
umm no sweetie

>also English is a shit language, only good because simple.
That's the point

That even annoys me user, and doing what is proposed in the OP would only accelerate that.

It's mostly "shit and easy" because almost everywhere on the planet is pummeled with the language in media sources from a young age.

In short, did America fuck it all up?

>English was influenced by French a lot
Yes but it is as much an hindrance as an help, there are a lot of so-called "false friends"words that can actually lead to misunderstanding.

Librairie = bookstore
Bibliothèque = library

So if you ask for a "library" in France, you could get sent to a "bookstore" by mistake (of either).

Or if you ask for a cheese omelet, you can get anally pounded by mistake.

Das ist mein Bier, du bist eine schweine