>‘Foreign recruits’ mulled by German military raise ‘mercenary army’ debate
>In a bid to cope with shortage of recruits at home, German army reportedly floats an idea of opening its ranks to foreigners. Critics of the head-hunting proposal say the move might turn Bundeswehr into a “mercenary army.”

sadly all too predictable.
itll be more be al nusra rather than volksdeutsche invited

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Europe is sinking faster than the US, SAD!

this is literally the fall of the Roman Empire all over again. Starting with foreign citizens gaining roman citizenship and barbarians destroying it from the inside. Close your windows, close your doors, we will be going to war

Just copy French Foreign Legion, should be fine.

>‘Foreign recruits’ mulled by German military raise ‘mercenary army’ debate

O nein nein Nein Nein NEEIN!

>The Foederati who ruined Rome are now relying on Foederati themselves.

when the populist countries have to go to war with the nigger-tier west euros, it will be easy
the niggers will fight like niggers, and the other niggers will be waging their chimpouts on their hosts

Join up then

They should plan that BEFORE devaluate the German citizenship so much.

France already does this and has been doing so for 150+ years.

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Germany seems to have forgotten that this is how their ancestors managed to sack Rome.

Foreign legion is a highly highly limited part of the military relied on mostly for high attrition low glory jobs. Not defending metropolitan France, except for when they needed bodies on the line in WW1. Also they had to station a majority of their German-ancestry legionnaries in Morocco during WW1 because, surprise surprise, when it came time to fight Germany in WW1 they couldn't exactly trust them. The legion also always tended to be in a poor situation whenever it didn't have enough Frenchmen (ostensibly illegal to be a Frenchman and a legionary at the time - so the recruits claimed they were Alsace-Lorrainian pre 1918, or Belgian or Swiss) to form a solid nucleus.

Germany in this case is looking to rely on foreigners to bolster their primary military corps, to provide citizenship as a reward for it. It does not have overseas colonial bushfire wars it needs a foreign legion for.

The Legion also experienced major trouble whenever a single monolithic ethnic block (besides Frenchmen) predominated in the legion - such as when Germans were the majority. At present let's not deny ourselves that most potential recruits for a German Legion will be Arab and Muslim.

(Basing this off the history of the legion outlined in Douglas Porch's book on said legion)

I see less the concern of Foederati, as much as I meme on the hilarity of , and more that you would be arming and training Muslim men who invariably 100% guaranteed will use these weapons and training in a future terrorist attack.

So they're reintroducing the SS?
Sign me the fuck up

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>citizenship as a reward

We starship troopers now boys

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2nd latvian legion reporting in
still fucking hate germans tho

>turning to mercenaries and barbarians
Gee whiz where have we heard that story before?

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Well they remembered pretty well until our faggy grandparents bombed them. How fucking underage are you?

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Finland will be this era's Byzantium. When every other country is long dead, Finland will still remain.

They will do it. They also do it with police.
Because they say it's better for intergation and other migrants feel "safer" when they get approached by a migrant cop instead a white cop.
German men won't do that in big numbers. I still remember how much those faggots bragged about general Wehrdienst because it was sooo hard and kept them six month from starting studying or a gay white collar job. So many migrants will take the chance because it means save money and you can learn or improve fighting and other military skills.

It's the same with the old Romans. Too degenerate and lazy to do it by themselves so they hire foreigners. Where their loyality lies will show when SHTF

They also want to give german passports to migrants who want to join because a German passport is required to get hired by Bundeswehr

So what is the course of action here?
Join to get numbers up or get the f out?

>Service guarantees citizenship

>arm mujahadeen to fight soviets
>they eventually turn on you and use your own weapons and training against you

>arm ISIS to fight Assad
>they use your own weapons and training against you

At least in those instances they were half a world away, and not in the actual populace. Do these people think all those "German" Turks would fight and die for Germany in a war against Erdogan?

If this is really the fall of Rome 2.0 (it's almost too perfectly paralleled, almost as if it's Intentional...), expect a war to break out soon. These soldiers will be paid in euro, which will become worthless at some point, and they'll rebel against their german commanders or go AWOL and form militias.

You know how Murricans say the feds can't start shit with citizens because half the military would defect? Yeah that's being avoided entirely by Germany by simply having the entire army be manned by foreigners.

The mujahideen didn't turn. US purposefully introduced more and more wahabis to crank those numbers up. Look up northern resistance.

Didn't see it like that but think this is a real probability. Foreigners have less concern for populace or their liberty.

>rising bread and circus costs
>gutting of the mlitary
>economic and legal paralysis
>mass migrations
If you have a family get the fuck out otherwise ride the wave.

The show won't start for a while though.


Germany dont have army they are still banned since post ww2 rules, to build any forces (we are too banned to have sub marines still as an axis country), for example our forces could take the whole germany easily.

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Fuck, sign me up. I wanna be in Europe when the race war happens.

Plus anything to get me out of Australia

i dont think there will be a war though.

all of swedens medieval history involved german mercenaries making the peasants pay up to the swedish crown. foreigners are very effective, especially with the (((fed))) in america : )

whoa, something like french foreign legion? sign me up, hans.

Literally fall of rome tier

Return of the Landsknecht?

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>>In a bid to cope with shortage of recruits at home, German army reportedly floats an idea of opening its ranks to foreigners. Critics of the head-hunting proposal say the move might turn Bundeswehr into a “mercenary army.”
That's exactly how the Roman empire ended....
These people are fucking clueless about history.

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Merkel opened the doors to give herself an army.
To say "This is how we fix "The New Europeans" not working at a ratio of 99.9% unemployment, she will introduce mandatory service.
Basically she will arm the kebabs for The EU army.


Is it time to depopulate 30% of Germoney again?
>soldiers into citizens
You will be the citizen once all the other citizens are dead :^)

They should rather ask why no one wants to be a soldier in the Bundeswehr. There is a massive image problem no one wants to aknowledge. Bundeswehr at this point is severly underfunded pussy army with constant witchhunts for anyone who has any national pride. No one in their right mind wants to be part of this.

can you even have an army?

This fucking Bait thread again
listen morons, the idiots in our government allways wanted to do this since the Bundeswehr was created
they simply cant do it since theres this small Piece called "soldatengesetz", if theyd take foreigners they would break german law

why the fuck is anyone taking von der Leyens weed-halucination-ideas still seriously ?

you dont even have a constitution man, all your laws are communist.

fucking moron, GG is the god damn Constitution, simple as that, ist even written in there

all you Half fact morons Need to get your Facts straight

Or they could raise soldeirs pay. Weird Idea I know.

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>Would you like to know more?

thats not a real constitution

it turned into a real constitution when they ratified article 23 and just expanded it to include east Germany, other than that it is the constitution of Germany

Didnt know there were Reichsbürgermorons in Belgium

Roman empire ended in similar debt bomb western society is ending currently. Their army split into multiple armies which began bidding competition for hiring and recruiters served different generals instead of Caesar or 1 nation. Barbarians from africa invaded the collapsing society much like now muslims are invading europe that is struggling with monetary crisis

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> Implying this Vietnamese basket weaving board with its international members is as closely familiar with obscure German politics and politicians as yourself, so becoming really angry that they don't know something which is so obvious to a German like yourself.

autism is a serious condition

The GG was created in the "Villa Rothschild".
Also the military governors had to approve of this "constitution."
A constitution is the free will of a people, a basic law (Grundgesetz) is a document to ensure order in an occupied area.

Do you think it's the will of the German peopel to have this article in their "constitution":

"Article 120
[Occupation costs – Burdens resulting from the war]

(1) The Federation shall finance the expenditures for occupation costs and other internal and external burdens resulting from the war,"


"Article 139
[Continued applicability of denazification provisions]

The legal provisions enacted for the “Liberation of the German People from National Socialism and Militarism” shall not be affected by the provisions of this Basic Law."

The only good article is the last one:

"Article 146
[Duration of the Basic Law]

This Basic Law shall cease to apply on the day on which a constitution freely adopted by the German people takes effect."

telling me that the GG isnt a constitution and not even knowing the Facts behind it

Well, better be an Autist than doing the same shit the SJWs are doing

>When the Goths crossed over the Danube, it seemed easier to retain them in the army than to police them.
LOL We are here right now.
>Ultimately, Germanic mercenaries were the order of the day. Odoacher, the Gothic chieftain who deposed the last Roman Emperor (Romulus II Augustulus) was actually fighting as a mercenary for the Romans and having deposed Romulus forwarded the royal scepter and purple robe to Constantinople with word to the Emperor there that he was now the sole Roman Emperor.

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Reichsbürger Idiot once again coming to Spill his shit around

then tell me which Article is made to oppress native Germans ? Care to give one ?
Where is the anti german shit in there ?

Fact is, it was a constitution simple as that, it is derived from the US and French constitutions and leaves no Point out, why the fuck should anyone get through all the fucking hassle to make another one which takes years mind you, of course Military governors had to give the ok, it was 4 years after the biggest war in history and they didnt want another Weimar Verfassungsclusterfuck

This time round there won't be a Roman Emperor to receive the regalia since the Left have been so diligent in dismantling the whole system to fund their gibs.

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Sounds like Germany bolstering its numbers in the military up! When war comes it will be third worlders fighting us and not krauts. I kind of knew this when immigration/refugee boats turned up with nothing but black/arab men of fighting age. GG Germany I hope you know what you're doing.9

I really wish so.

Man up and join.

foreign legion is not allowed on french soil. also, they're not allowed to come into french houses and fuck the wife in front of the husband.


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The French have the Foreign Legion.
What's the big deal?

>constitution of Germany

Har dee fucking Har Har. You live under our rule until 2099.

>foreign-born army
>barbarian refugees
THis is literally the fall of rome 2.0

>...As word spread of this revolt by Goth refugees, the emperor recalled to duty another group of Goths, formerly settled on Roman land near Adrianople. The leaders of these barbarians, however, delayed setting out on the march until they had received money for their expenses. A tragic incident resulted. The chief magistrate of Adrianople had no patience with his Goth guests. They had apparently pillaged some suburban property of his, and he wished to see them leave. Incensed at their lingering, he could restrain his anger no longer; he distributed arms to the lower-class townspeople and workers in the local arms factory. With this rabble, he menaced the Goths, demanding they depart immediately. The Goths refused. The standoff led to angry words, an exchange of missiles, and finally a skirmish in which the Goths slaughtered the armed mob, which had attacked in a rash and disorganized manner. When the battle ended, the Goths took Roman equipment from the dead and marched to join their rebellious Gothic brethren...

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>...Theodosius’ army in no way Romanized the Goths. The barbarians were allowed to keep their own leaders, customs, language, and laws. The Goths were also allowed to fight as barbarians. This represented an important shift in Roman tactics and training. Before, the Roman army had done its best to turn barbarian recruits into Roman soldiers, arming and training them just like their Roman comrades. Although barbarians and Romans did battle in much the same way, relying heavily on spears both as missiles and as close-quarters weapons, the differences in equipment and training were significant. The Roman army was more disciplined and bureaucratic than any barbarian host. Roman soldiers were organized into ranks and units; they received special training; they marched in careful order, built fortified camps on every night of a march, and fought in formation. A Roman soldier stood for roll call every day, and his responsibilities were detailed in a daily duty roster. Barbarian armies possessed none of this elaborate organization. They were agglomerations of clans, with unranked chiefs leading their kin and retainers into battle...

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>...Alaric and his Visigoths troubled the empire for several years, and the only man who had any success in dealing with them was the half-Roman, half-barbarian general Stilicho. But in the swirl of accusations and fear that now riddled the Roman army, Stilicho’s position was insecure. The whisperers questioned why Stilicho had done nothing to stop the barbarian Vandals (his own people, on one side) from invading Gaul. In August 408 the emperor ordered Stilicho beheaded. Stilicho’s fall widened into a dangerous riot of ethnic cleansing when Roman troops murdered the families of barbarian auxiliaries in Italy. Those auxiliaries, some thirty thousand in number, promptly abandoned their Roman standards, marched to join Alaric, and urged the Gothic leader to invade. In the fall of 408 Alaric besieged Rome. Corpses soon filled the streets of the starving city. Alaric’s demand for gold, silver, slaves, and movable property agonized the Romans. “What will be left to us?” they asked. “Your lives,” was Alaric’s reply. The Romans eventually satisfied Alaric’s demands, but he returned again the next year, and then again the year after that. Finally, in August 410, when Alaric’s negotiations with the emperor were interrupted by a surprise attack by another group of (pro-Roman) Goths, the barbarian leader led his troops into Rome to sack and pillage the Eternal City. The sack of Rome was one of the most psychologically devastating moments in all of ancient history. Roma Aeterna, seemingly the center of all civilization, had been brought low by a band of barbarians and, worse still, by barbarians who were supposed to be defending the empire. The Roman Empire did survive the brutal sack of its capital. But in the ensuing decades, the state came to rely even more heavily on barbarian foederati, despite their having proved such dangerous and unreliable allies...

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>...In reality, they followed only the orders of their own leaders, native kings who generally did not appreciate a feeling of subordination to the empire. In the late fifth century, four of those barbarian kings—Euric the Visigoth, Gundobad the Burgundian, Clovis the Frank, and Theodoric the Ostrogoth—effectively disassembled the Western Roman Empire to suit their ambitions...
>...Ever since the death of Alaric, the Goths had assassinated any leaders they felt were soft toward Rome. In Euric, they found a leader to their liking. Euric felt no obligation to defend the empire. His only goal was to seize as much of it as he could. It was his men who besieged the Clermont of Sidonius Apollinaris, and it was his men who wrested most of southern Gaul away from Rome. By the time of Euric’s death in 484, he had established an independent Gothic kingdom on erstwhile Roman lands...

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>...Euric’s contemporary, Gundobad, took a different course. Like so many Germans, he originally pursued a career in the Roman army. By the early 470s, Gundobad had attained the office of patrician, high commander of all Roman troops. But when his father, the king of the Burgundians, died, Gundobad was forced to leave Rome to assume control over his people. In many ways, the Burgundian kingship must have seemed a step down for Gundobad. The same man who had once strangled an emperor with his bare hands was now merely the leader of a group of foederati. But although he possessed an admiration for Rome all too lacking in Euric, Gundobad nevertheless hoped to achieve a similar ambition. Shortly after 474, he issued his people’s first written code of law, in Latin. Throughout these laws a short phrase repeatedly appeared: “This law applies equally to both Romans and Burgundians.” The impact of those words could hardly have been lost on the people of southeast Gaul. Gundobad was supposed to be commander of the Burgundians. He might issue laws for them as he saw fit. But he should have had no authority over the Romans, who were still governed, at least nominally, by the emperor. Thus, by asserting that his laws governed both Burgundians and Romans, Gundobad was effectively breaking the terms of his foedus. The Burgundians (who had, in fact, at one point helped defend Clermont from the Visigoths) were simply assuming control over the region they had been assigned to defend...

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>...The surviving Roman field armies were all but powerless to resist these usurpations by the barbarian foederati. In Gaul, the field army broke off relations with Italy during the 460s. By the 480s, if not earlier, Gallo-Roman troops had begun calling their leader “King of the Romans”—rex Romanorum, a styling that had come to mean “emperor” in late Roman writing. But Rome’s days in the north were numbered, and even these last comitatenses, the successors of Aetius’ army, could not change the destiny of the empire. For a while, the Roman army in Gaul held its own against its barbarian “allies.” In 463, it even inflicted a severe defeat on the Goths. But in 486, Syagrius, king of the Romans, and his field army were crushed at Soissons by a force of Franks that had once been established in Gaul as foederati...
>...The Frankish leader at the Battle of Soissons was Clovis, arguably the most brutal of all the barbarian leaders. The ruthless Frank once split the skull of one of his own men, and diplomatic letters of the period portray him as a rogue element on the international scene. Clovis had Syagrius killed. Years later, the Frankish leader would play a bit at being Roman. He would establish diplomatic relations with the surviving Roman capital in Constantinople, and he would even accept the traditional Roman title of consul. It was all a sham. Clovis had established an independent Frankish kingdom in what had once been a Roman province. Like Gundobad and Euric before him, he issued laws for both Franks and Romans...

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Holy shit, Merkel is trying to do everything she can to avoid paying Germany's NATO denbts

Germany doesn't have half of Africa worth of colonies to kill off the the foreign legionnaires

I dont understand wtf is wrong with you Germany. It feels like living in a nightmare because literally everything you do is trying to kill of every white people left in Europe.

In theory, an army of foreigners is a win-win because you you get an armed force full of people you can afford to send to their deaths.
In practice, this most likely leads to low morale, desertion, armed coups, unreliable troops on an individual level.

This has worked very very well for the Ottomans, until the Janisarries used their position of power to gain great political power. Would negroes be smart enough to do that?

Negros have always been low iq apes. Its the turks/arabs I would be most concerned of. Erdogan is already making battle crys for muslims living in Germany that they should make more babys nd eventually they will take over Germany. Now Germany plans to give beside the free housing and welfare also army training to invaders. It just doesnt make sense.

>for example our forces could take the whole germany easily.

That's fucking retarded and you know it, our military is entirely developed around defending the plot of land we call home. We don't have any capability to deploy fucktons of men in a short notice, just because we have more men who technically served in the military (most of them stretching their penises in EHK for 6 months) doesn't mean we could take on the germans and their broomstick humvees

I seriously hope the amount of nigger conscripts stay low in our country because otherwise we might be headed for a similar scenario

Was this their plan all along?
Conquering europe with shitskins so they don't lose one actual german?

Oh yes, the turks and a*abs would definitely use this as a means to gain great political influence.

Not possible.
"We be faitin for hans, les conqjer all dis land for AFRICA HURR HURR"
It's a death warrant.

Yes, it's a fucking joke, let us die already.

We can now join the german army!

These opportunities...

>Join up
What, to die for this system?
Fuck no, that is the servile attitude.
The only way is to starve it and tell others to do the same.

>tfw your country barely has a military left and it will be completely gone in a decade
H-haha, get fucking outplayed, kikes! We barely have a police force left either so that's even less you can infiltrate with muslims.


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What are normies thinking/talking about this? How can anybody be okay with this shit.

>Train literal Islamists and provide them with weapons
>Give them the networking to set up an entire infrastructure, complete with chain of command of likeminded people
>"But we pay them so they'll do what we say"

>The year is 2040
>Islamist parties have risen to take 30% of the vote
>Muslims demand more and more sovereignity
>80% of the German army is in support of the Islamist party
>Literal coup

most of them dont have the time to read news or have thoughts about it, they just go out to th next party location like the roasties and fucktards they are.
Germans hate politics, most of them are too dumb to understand whats going on and the rest is inoring it because they are afraid that they see something which they dont like.

especially the youth.
Dumb and Ignorant, only care about how many Friends they have on Fagbook, which Girl just broke up with who and when the next Weekend is so they can get Drunk again.
If you try to bring up Politics, they try to change the Subject Immediatly.
They love their Safe Space and accept any Lie the Goverment gives them to feel comfy wih it.

>Refugees are all educated!
>there are no more Refugess coming!
>Please Ignore that Attack in Luebeck yesterday!
>Crime Rate is Sinking!

I love this Country and its History, but this Generation is so Degenerate that im sometimes Thinking if im the only one whos Actually identifying as German outside the World Cup.
I want to Die.

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Nobody cares, but the people IN the Bundeswehr actually might.

But since the Bundeswehr is pretty hated among the leftists they will probably applaud this progressive move.

Fucking hell. Thats just sad. Living in the time when your great nation is dying and just not caring about it. Feels bad man

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>The great German nigger army
The wars of future will be fought with robots and niggers, screencap this.

Lefties are already lost cause anyway. Atleast there is a chance when older generations die out new generations wont be voting for only SPD and CDU fake conservatives like robots. On the other hand there are much less of germans left when they die out. Really bad situation. Cant even see how this whole mess could be sorted out.

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This will totally end up being a great idea. Create your own militant Muslim coup to take over your country.

lol no.
You're already at the bottom mate

Do you know how it feels when 90% of your Friends ignore your Warnings, your Redpills and your Arguments?

and when some of them turn on you and call you a stupid Nazi, snitch on you and try to shut you down just because you were telling the Truth?!
I want to SAFE them but they arent Listening...
yet im still fighting for the remaining 10%, showing them what Hell awaits us, trying to get their eyes open.
its hard here.
Even tho the Right Wing is Rising in all the Polls,its getting worse with every week.

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>You're already at the bottom mate
I have some doubts about that.

I'd join the Bundeswehr for German citizenship.

Right now if shit hit the fan and there was a race war in Germany, the army which is still mostly ethnic Germans would side with the native population. Merkel wants to flood its ranks with her niggers to prevent this in the future.

Implying the usa are not doing the same with mexican since 2003 at least...

Why would you join another one of our national embarrassments?