Assange Predictions

What do you think happens with him in the near future? Any truth to the rumors of him being handed over to the UK? Does Mueller want to get his hands on him?

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he will upload himself to the internet to be with us forever, he will be merged with the wikileaks database.

Assange is sent to the united states tobface prosecution but president trump pardons him and saves the day

I'm hoping the 160 TB of data Putin gave to Trump will be sent to Assange.

nigga he ded

I'm pretty sure Mueller wants Assange out of sight and out of mind. He's the one man that could blow this whole thing to bits. And I think he should do it.

I say he has some Surprise sex in his future.

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>but president trump pardons him

Is this bizarro land?

After ASSange's surprise sex, will he WikiLEAK out his ass?

>Does Mueller want to get his hands on him?
Minister: Robert Mueller sent a planeload of 8 FBI agents to frame WikiLeaks' Assange

The man, seventeen at the time, had worked for the company doing computer related work for a few years. His name is Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson and for the next year and a half he became a part of the whistleblowing association WikiLeaks, operating under the alias ‘Q’. In a stunning move, he became an FBI informant in August 2011, mostly providing the United States law enforcement agency with information on WikiLeaks, among them eight data-filled hard drives.

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Hes fucked

I thought he had an insurance, a crypted file that was shared?

He'll get busted for evading arrest and possibly handed over to the US if we want him.

fuck all you british coward fucks. go protest in the streets and protect assange.

It's just forty thousand copies of the dancing baby .gif from Ally McBeal. He's a master bluffer. He ain't got shit.

I just noticed the cross on her chest, seen this image many times. And that small thing still baffles me.

Set phasers for steal.

I hope that Wikileaks dumps EVERYTHING they have in retaliation, go completely scorched earth, #dncleaks times a million. What the hell is the point of having "insurance" files otherwise?

>fuck all you british coward fucks. go protest in the streets and protect assange.

It's already over m8, his fate is sealed.

You want him leaking all that dirty stuff on Republicans he's holding as well?

He'll continue decomposing. Nigger's been dead for a white

I'm sure he will leak all kinds of things.....cum,blood,tears,puss.......

Why not? The Republican party is full of scumbags too

Some very savage people would like to lay hands on him. I dearly hope they do after 2016.

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if they're crooked they should burn too. people like john mccain are every bit as evil as podesta and clinton

Why don't you Britcucks protect him when the police take him out?


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There is the files.

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hes gonna get BONGED bet his balls are full

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looks like a tranny convention

so many memories of this growing up

this is how every night out in the UK ends up

police presence is increasing across knightsbridge as we speak. officers on every corner with earpieces right now Jow Forums im scared

>try to fly the ZOG
>go to London
He would have been more credible if he tried to seek refuge in Best Korea, China, Iran or Russia. No he went to London. Why not Tel Aviv ?

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Mueller already tried to frame Assange in Iceland back in 2011. They probably want to get rid of Wikileaks in general, or remove everyone involved and take it over themselves.

this is going to be exiciting

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Great then he can larp as a giant faggot forever

14 stood around on duty 4 marked cars, two vans within my view and they look like something is happening, one of tthem just said something about waiting for p8 to arrive?

Abso-fucking-lutley. Burn them all

Actually yes. The nations needs to be exposed to all corruption so that there is bipartisan outrage.

ill be there in 30 anons

Isn't he dead already? I remember a video that had an error in it on his collar.

Assange is already in the United States. This is just a way for people to start thinking about Assange again because he's been on the backburner for a while.

Give us the keys to the insurance files.

take care user this could get messy

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blessed are you user.

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are you live streaming it

bump for interest

he died like a year ago



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he can't stay in his room all day

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420 Sessions get

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That nigga dead.

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Corrupt government, corrupt alphabets, and this fucker's top priority is nabbing the guy who's helping to expose it. Sounds about right.


Step 1 he will be handed to UK police.
Best case scenario is he serves 1 year jail.
Worst case upto 10 years.
Then the US will want to get their hands on him.

However he will die in an (((accident))) long before then. I suspect he wont even get to testify in court.


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There needs to be a crowd of hundreds of bongs ready to surround Assange and get him to a speedboat waiting in the Thames

Assange is best friends with Soros according to crazy days and nights


Blind Items Revealed #38
May 22, 2018

I really wanted to call this one full circle, but think I have used that name before.This involves three women and a few men, but it is the way this all came to be which is the most interesting thing. The first woman we will call A. You all know her and she ended up with the job. She was not the first or even the second choice, but in the long run, she has worked out well and looking back, probably the best choice.

A (former A- list mostly television actress) was chosen by a guy named M. M is one of those guys who has a ton of money and throws enough in the air until women close their eyes and shut out all thought until the sexual act is over. A always seems to need money and has openly admitted in the past to exchanging sex for money. Meanwhile M has kind of collection of one type of woman he wants to sleep with and keeps a running total of them. He has told friends he is up to almost 100. It is a special kind of celebrity.

Anyway, the first choice was kind of unusual. The first choice was B. The reason they wanted B is because she spends a great deal of time in the country where she was needed and famous enough, but not too famous where it would work. Finally, she too is known to accept money for arrangements, but here was the sticking point. Usually, even though she is a permanent A list singer in that country, she is the one bearding for lesser known people and never actually has sex with them. They pay to be seen with her and she will live with them, but there is no sex. According to the demands of the ultimate employer, he wanted to be able to have sex with the woman chosen.

The second choice was an interesting choice. We will call her C. She is an interesting choice. She lives in the country where she was needed. C also fit the bill of famous, but not too famous. She was perfectly willing to have sex when needed and had done that frequently to land many of her reality jobs/singing gigs. What ultimately disqualified her was N. Apparently N had been instructed by his employers that C was being claimed, yes that was the word used, by someone who she had yachted with in the past and he wanted her available to him when needed. N and M are best buddies.

So, in the end, A was chosen and has been doing it for several years at this point. She has made over $1M for her work. Will she end up going to jail? I think it is more likely she will end up killed rather than jailed.

A: Pamela Anderson
B: Kylie Minogue
C: Nicole Scherzinger
M: George Soros
N: Julian Assange


He's already in the US

Getting dehumanized in Guantanamo for few months and after he's turned into a zombie he will get a presidential pardon or something like that.

Soros is a middleman for CIA and such using their funds off the record.
Wikileaks is a US IC operation.
That is the link.

With fat chicks snarfing down ethnic food?

What was the motivation for him to go after Hillary during the election?

ok, police sending us round the block saying theyre keeping the next street clear and open for emergency services

Preventing world war three.
That is what he has been trained for his whole life.

Sheit, he's fucked

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The self preservation thing makes sense. But doesn’t Soros want the same thing Hillary wants for humanity? How could you be friends with with somebody who’s ideology is the same as Hillary’s?

>What was the motivation for him to go after Hillary during the election?
Wasn't going after her

Just a dumb naive kid after truth exposure...
>Surely he wasn't stupid to be in a kike servant MAGA team

Hopefully he gets rectal cancer and dies a slow death. He implied Seth Rich was the leaker and never provided proof, he became fake news. Fuck him.


Proof for what bong?

Soros may be an accelerationalist, also I wouldn't call it friendship, maybe one developed but their relation is business, ie Soros gets a Swiss account from CIA who he then passes on the funds from to whoever they've told him.


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Dude is dead, notice how he ruined HRC's chance at getting elected and then suddenly became politically irrelevant? Remember when he said "More drops later this month" and then became politically irrelevant? Remember when he was relevant as fuck politically and then suddenly became politically irrelevant?

October 2016. They could not afford to allow him "More drops later this month"

>I will happily ignore the truth if it hurts my cause

You sound like a libshit.

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Assange is alive. Assange has not been in the embassy for some time. Ecuador and the US are making fools of GB. When the embassy opens it's doors and no one is inside, GB (who pissed off the US by meddling will have to wonder where he went, either publicly or not.

Should be a hoot.

Assange implied a connection, not that he leaked.

pretty sure theyre jamming the wifi, ive left the barriers to post

>Pamela Anderson
She defends Assange. Shrugs/distances herself from Trump. Why and how the hell did she visit?

It wasn't sex, or a poison sammich. She was delivering a letter.

He will leak every information known to man.

Even his sexual habits.

Of course. Let the world burn.

If you post that Assange is dead, you have to kill yourself when they arrest him and prove you wrong.

We need to get him instead of the UK niggers having him in their custody. Arresting him is just a cover up that is bread and circus for the MSM. Kimdotcom is already in our custody and having Assange stand trial will along with Kim will do wonders for the Seth Rich case. If you dumbasses can't see that this is what is being set up, then you need to lurk moar.

Honestly yes. Everything.

do you want the truth or not? pick one. currently has a live feed of the embassy

ppl saying the presence was due to be reduced prior to the skripal affair. I said are Russia coming and got no replies, just a small grin. :^)

thanks user. I will be watching.

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