Why did God create niggers?
Why did God create niggers?
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They were here first, then we came. The white devil soon learned from its scorched skin the hate of the black man and swore revenge.
Guess what happened?
For you to educate them on the Truth
Satan did.
You need the vile to learn and distinct it from the pure
No. They just are. Just like morons like you, they just are.
He only judged them righteously. Black skin is the mark of Cain, that his descendants may be easily discerned. Recall that Cain violently murdered his brother, as do modern niggers. God cursed them to wander the earth, meaning they will never settle and build a civilization like all the other ancient peoples did.
So we could genetically engineer those that are here into nerve stapled docile slaves while back in their home countries they get modified into an actually productive IQ range for a functional society.
It was an accident.
he's punishing us
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
Same reason he created humans, just random chemical arrangements that think there is some bigger purpose to their existence.
God created the animals and man on the same day- probably getting tired around lunchtime; hadn't had carbs since breakfast; accidentally merged some monkey with with man and created the nigger.
He thought 'ah fuck it, theyre so dumb they'll be dead in a couple hours, i'm gonna have a bacon sandwich with that pig thing I just made then get to work on the real people'.
Unfortunately god made niggers so disgusting even the lions didnt want to eat them so they flourished in the land where god got experimental and made stripey horses and weird spiky fruit things.
TL:DR niggers arent people so anything in the bible that relates to mankind, only relates to whites
>Black skin is the mark of Cain
How absurd
He didn't. They evolved from apes.
What did you check, you fucking retard
Lol at the feather nigger in the corner with the book upside down; and people say we were mean to them- at least they aren't grouped with the other niggers
Target practice.
It makes perfect sense
To populate Africa
So they could prey on the christians.
For slavery.
Jews are a better idea of humans that are pure evil, niggers are just wild animals.
To make us suffer even more
God does not care for us
And if he does it's likely negative
God doesn't exist
Niggers are protohumans
Not all Humans evolved at the same rate despite what lefties tell you
its a test to see if we can be like him. can we teach and forgive vile creatures like he does. can we be both the lion and the lamb
lion food
blacks are the descendants from ham
ham was cursed because he mocked his drunk father
the curse was ham's descendants will be the slave of the other brothers
That's fucking retarded.
Came here to post this
we still haven't found our common ancestor with the niggers
Also, Niggeriod is their scientific name... like the scientific name of Lions "Panthera leo"
They are another species of animal than the common human
(((They))) banned the word nigger so people don't know that niggers are another species of animals
Curse of ham