Or is it pure man hatred?
Do Women Use Feminism to Test Men Leadership?
It's just typical jewry
Feminism is a large scale shit test that has gone on for too long.
Both genders have failed
Feminism is a shit test.
Women are just too retarded, dumb, vain and shallow.
A handful of hysterical rich post wall women who can't get hot studs. Nothing more. Feminism only exist in the newspapers, social media, campuses.
Added new board filter along the e-celeb spam.
> Both genders have failed
No. Men have failed. Women have always been like this. Men could stop feminism tomorrow if they decided too. Women are weaker and want to be lead by strong men.
Pent-up resentment over the previously-existing social contract. Women are furious about having to marry the bottom 90% of men to get shit.
Why do nigs use lies and exploit low expectations to get gibs?
It's not an intentional test, but yes, most feminists are acting out because no strong man exists to put them in their place.
because they have a group evolutionary strategy of making white people feel bad for them
>bottom 90% of men
What the fuck, the majority can't be the bottom you retard.
nice digits. The idea that women actually want to be controled by men is a ludicrous delusion. they are attracted to powerful, dominant men, but like every other organism in existence they have their own goals they are trying to accomplish which precludes their becoming slaves to the whims of a person with whom their evolutionary success is at direct odds in a number of areas.
They know that men who take their feminist shit seriously(politicians) are worthless.
>Or is it pure man hatred?
it's a social engineering exploit of human instincts that you have literally never even heard of, and are only faintly aware of in an unconscious manner.
it's a bit technical, and you lack the proper autism to comprehend it, so to you it might as well be a form of sorcery that you can never hope to combat.
/next question
Why pretend to be retarded?
Sure it can, women view the 80% of men as below average, and they only want above average men (top 10%).
Men with political power stab other men in the back. That is the essence of their support for these demented females.
cleraly this is not the right word. if you rate men 1-10 then they will put most of them below a 5, but this just means the shape of the curve for male attractiveness to women is not a normal distribution.
For you
Women are opportunists and have no sense of shame. It's not about hatred, it's about getting anything and everything you can. This is why you're seeing an uptick in "conservative" roasties (pay for me daddy) that simultaneously will tell you they deserve to vote.
We (men as a group) give women what they want because we think there is no longer a danger.
As soon as they have political power the female brain treats society like it is designed to treat the family. They assign resources based on emotion and open the boarders as they think all people are nice.
It happened to Greece. It happened to Rome. It's happening to us.
There is no way to reverse it. Women will only lose power when a new regime takes over. Then the cycle will repeat again.
Its mostly just a giant shit test, yes. There's some dykes at its base though that really do hate men. Probably because they spent their entire life being outcompeted by them.
Dang she always had those great legs
>Its mostly just a giant shit test, yes.
dude, the jews weaponized the shit test on the global level.
it's a whole different thing altogether.
that is what I am saying yes
We gave our power to a matriarchal people. Women don't act like jews ; jews act like women. The only way to put thots back in their place is to purge the jew.
It's still just a shit test. Best way to deal with it is to stay calm and don't get dragged into the anger and hate. A lot of idiots fail to see this though.
>Best way to deal with it is to stay calm and don't get dragged into the anger and hate.
that's only true if it's just YOUR woman getting angry at you, or trying to manipulate you.
It's much different than that, and you can't counter a global social engineering psyop with "Game", because it's not really the women you are fighting against, it's (((them)))...
And if you think passing a shit test gets you off the hook with the jews, you are fucking mistaken.
Nature has always been harsher on men than women. Only 40% of men who ever existed reproduced while 80% of women who ever existed reproduced. Now with newfound self determination the overly aggressive, self centered and mentally ill women are finally being culled en masse simply by failing to breed due to their hideous internal defects. Future generations will benefit from this assuming that the ideologies propagated by such women die childless as well.