I've been an engineer there for about 12 months, working on avionics. It's stressful and demanding but the culture there is awesome, the application (space exploration) is as cool as it gets, and I've gotten a lot better at what I do by learning from the badass engineers here. We have lots of software engineering needs -- >flight software >firmware >infosec >EIS >IT
Why not apply? Are you to stupid or lazy to contribute to the advancement of humanity? Do you prefer to sit around bitching about how other people are to blame for how shitty your life is?
Don't you have niggers on your engineering teams? Fuck that.
Robert Jones
Space is a Jewish lie. We will never transcend the firmament.
Brayden Jenkins
Stop shilling. SpaceX is one of the worst companies in history essentially pressing billions our of the US taxpayer, overpromising stuff and misleading the US public.
Gabriel Walker
when the hell are you guys going to pay me for the reusable/landable booster idea?
Carter Thompson
>when the hell are you guys going to pay me for the reusable/landable booster idea?
Or is this not the type of civilization that compensates people for their effort?
Brody Hill
Complete BS FRAUD. Musk should hang himself before the taxpayers get him.
Me too and this is why I think SpaceX should have to bid for contracts... not get money to develop products that they then use to bid for contracts.
Parker Lewis
Is Musk secretly a white nationalist using SpaceX as the ultimate white flight to Mars?
Carter Wright
subsidy welfare queens
Robert Williams
If only the global commercial launch market was the majority of the global launch market... well, it is not. There were 90 launches in 2017, 55 of them were related to non-commercial payloads.
Hahahahahahahhahahahahahhaaha >tfw expects people to think about SpaceX Look, if “your” company was headed by someone who kept his nose to the grindstone instead of piping up with weird and wacky techy ideas that serve no purpose but to get his hands on RedditBux, maybe there would be something to think about. As this is not the case, and since Musk’s antics are a cover for the burnout that’s generated by working for such an unrooted “visionary”, all I can say is that I think nothing of SpaceX, and feel pity for those sucked into its gravitational well.
The global commercial launch market is annually worth less than one month of Facebook revenues... or half a day of global car reveneues...let that sink in.
Michael Ross
Aerospace engineer here, space x is a LARPY Space program. They are mostly reusing old NASA technology, not very innovative surely no NASA of the 1960’s
Thomas Green
google technological slavery
Parker Gutierrez
people hate musk because, while he's actually doing something productive with our tax money, the trend among other government funded projects is basically our tax money being thrown into a garbage disposal so they assume musk does the same.
Chase White
ok cracker brawn > Brain black > white
Josiah Hernandez
What's your point? You seem really butthurt that your government is too gay to have its own space program, and even it's shared EU program is shitty compared to the USA
Jackson Hill
You're the shill, dumbass. SpaceX has provided millions in added value by lowering the cost of spaceflight, has never received a US gov payment not in exchange for goods or services, and remains likely to beat Boeing to carry the first commercial astronauts
where do you work that's so innovative compared to SpaceX?
Nathan Evans
It's impossible for me to take anyone seriously who claims they are doing serious scientific stuff when they do diversity hiring practices. None of these people have any credibility left. Why would I want to work for a meme?
Thomas Morales
Jesus, another damage control thread. That pruned flat earth thread yesterday really shifted you guys into overdrive. Stop larping with your space bullshit. Everyone knows that nothing goes beyond the firmament.
Space is a meme. Does anyone really believe you niggers shot a Tesla to Mars? Fuck out of here with your Jew BS.
Brandon Garcia
I'm to racist to move out of Poland. I'll keep being electronic engineer selling stupid gadgets I've designed in between working as bus repairman. Fuck off.
Jacob Garcia
>SpaceX has provided millions in added value by lowering the cost of spaceflight “Hey, company x is lowering services y by 5 million, that totally justifies the 7 billion in subsidies, grants, tax cuts etc. they got to develop what they sell!
> has never received a US gov payment not in exchange for goods or service
Absolute bs. Crew Dragon alone is a billion dollars worth development contract paid out for years without a single launch taking place.
At least be honest. Don’t lie about things everyone can read up online.
I agree, problem is that competitors like Boeing and ULA get preemptive money, much more than SpaceX, so NASA has to keep it fair.
Jose Allen
Are you working on BFR in some way? If so, any leaks maybe?
William Williams
SoCal quality of life, sucks. Real estate's too expensive, traffic is shitty, too many beaners, I'd rather eat a bullet than move to commiefornia. I'm not sitting in bugman bumper to bumper again.
Carson Ramirez
Easton Murphy
>What's your point? My point is the majority of the global launch market is not subject to marker bids and that commercial payloads make up a tiny market.
It’s like being the market leader in dresses for women below the height of 5 feet in America.
Brayden Myers
Interesting... Oh wait, the earth is flat so you are just frauds desu?
Carson Murphy
According to progressives, you should give up your place to a Person of Color
Luis Martinez
>the earth is flat
So, anyone who is smart enough to figure out that the earth is spherical, is to be executed for national security reasons, huh?
Oliver Nguyen
Mason Diaz
Yeah. Old Hollywood tricks.
Ian Cruz
No, anyone who promotes space should be executed for fraud against humanity.
again, stay butthurt that Germany has no space program
Carter Roberts
satellites arent real. GPS is ground/ship based.
Asher Fisher
Because your recruiters are smug assholes and if I was going to work 60 hours a week it would be in law where I am properly compensated for my time.
Robert Collins
>No, anyone who promotes space should be executed for fraud against humanity.
So, anyone who is born smart enough to see through the CIA's propaganda, is an enemy of the state, and thus the Gifted and Talented programs were just a way of neutralizing a potential threat to the CIA's propaganda and social engineering, by destroying these gifted children's lives?
Can we expect anyone with an IQ above a certain threshold to also be targeted for destruction by the CIA, to protect their propaganda?
Noah Wood
THIS. The sky is made of glass, nothing can break the glass sky.
Samuel Lee
I don't know. They haven't come for me yet and I'm not worried about those pathetic niggers.
Justin Phillips
>again, stay butthurt that Germany has no space program
But most everyone is at your Hawthorne campus, right? And that's where they expect most everyone to show up for work. Right between the 405 and the 105 - the two absolutely most shittiest freeways in the whole country and of all of SoCal too, always clogged no matter the hour of the day, it could be 2am in the morning.
Levi Ramirez
Ok, then where is your rocket to compete with falcon 9 / falcon heavy? Is it the (laughing) Ariane 6? That kinda sounds like a French name, doesn't it? And isn't it projected to still cost more and have no re-use? And isn't it still years away from flying?
Parker Ross
How much was the oil market worth in the year 1492?
Oliver Gutierrez
Lmao If you aren’t being sarcastic then this is peak brainlet shit right here. You’re real bright there Cletus, I think I’ll trust you. You hear that OP? What are you gonna do about... THE FIRMAMENT!
PSA to all non retards here - you can acknowledge the negative role (((zionists))) have on our societies without going full retard like this faggot did. If you unironically say shit like “the firmament” then you’re probably a brainlet and should consider studying science. Inb4 “science is all Jewish lies!!!”
Tesla engineer user here. Same culture here. Pretty damn sweet to be honest.
Dylan Martin
I find it amusing how people still believe space and to a greater extent scientists. Scientists are literally treated like the savior of humanity when in reality they all lie about stuff just to push their agendas. I don't consider myself "smart" but how can you blindy believe these people?
David Reed
Do you have an actual argument kike?
Nolan Cook
> implying you’re above the “certain IQ threshold”
Sometimes you guys really disappoint me
Matthew Cox
A bunch of retarded faggots circlejerking each other to vaporware?
Christian Ortiz
it's not fun working on vaporware makes u want to kys after a while
Isaiah Russell
I know how vulnerable all the systems are.
Xavier Baker
>typing this on a computer invented by scientists and engineers >he has no fucking idea how it works
truly pathetic
Grayson Rogers
hence the circle-jerking, it helps with morale
Oliver Martin
If you like to laugh about the Ariane program and 25yrs of Ariane market leadership, fine.
But stop with the lies. A. We Germans have a space program, B. Arianespace has been very successful for decades, C. SpaceX has received many billions in taxpayer money, D. we are today further away from real space exploration than at any point in the last 50 years.
Nathaniel Lopez
I would consider arguing with you but I don’t want to make myself dumber by exposure to pure, unbridled retardation. And who are you calling kike, kike? You’re probably a disinfo shill here to make us all look like autistic psychopaths who can’t understand basic science. If you were capable of reading anything without immediately assuming it’s a Jewish lie or kikery because it doesn’t mesh with your niggerfaggot worldview then maybe you would understand. Unironically most flat earthers are niggers, or brainlet-tier Christians who don’t understand the contribution Christian scientists have continually made to astrophysics
Lincoln Sanchez
I couldn’t work in a company with an instable, narcissist at the helm who calls random people pedophiles and who cares more about twitter posts than run a profitable company.
what market leadership are you referring to? the "insignificant" commercial market that spacex took over?
Julian Rivera
What? Are you just suffering from an acute paranoid delusion or do you have an actual point? If it’s the latter I’m happy to hear you out
Aaron Cox
>he believes scientists created the computers for him to play visual novels and not to spy his info and watch him while he jerks off to anime truly pathetic
Austin Parker
>Engineer at SpaceX for 12 months >Posting on Jow Forums Having a tough time adjusting?
Joseph Bell
You literally didnt do shit for years.
Caleb Hughes
lol yea I used to spend a lot more time here... just visiting my old stomping grounds
Henry Price
So, you have only ad hominem and no actual argument. I got ya.
Err, yea it took a bit of time to build a successful rocket business from scratch, I guess. Sorry for the wait
Levi Gray
Too bad I'm a tradie, and SpaceX manufactures everything in LA. Musk will have to live without my GTAW magic and CNC voodoo.
Colton Jackson
>Why not apply?
- not American - not living in America - I have a family - I wouldn't want to work in a stressful environment 60+ hours a week - not much use for my competences I assume - busy with my own projects
Sebastian Davis
I am the wind upon your house of cards nigger. I know where all the weak points are.
Xavier Cox
Yes, the insignificant commercial payload market leadership. You laugh at Arianespace for dominating this marker, yet you think it is a success to somewhat overtake Arianespace. Why?
I mean, it really is a tiny market compared to e.g. defense, aerospace, cars, drugs etc. A single Johnson & Johnson drug for one single disease has annual sales 3 times of what the whole global launch market plus services is worth.
Daily reminder that we didn't get pic related, with an order of magnitude cheaper earth-to-space costs per kilogram decades ago EXCLUSIVELY because of jewish tricks. It could have flown back then, and it could fly today because even the "problems" it had back then have been demonstrated solved years ago.