Your thoughts, gentlemen.
Your thoughts, gentlemen
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Germany let Lenin back into Russia. So Germany is obviously the real problem.
>Not including american mutts for being slaves to kikes and meddling in middle east.
Obviously a trick question. Mericunts is the correct answer.
germany didn't cause ww1. that was all austria
ww1 was the reason communists were able to take power
ww2 brought labour into power in england, and with it all the (((equality))) and also killed allot of whites + asians
>Nationalism wouldn't be considered taboo today if the eternal Anglo just let Hitler gas the jews
>It was the eternal AngloJew industrial complex that teamed up to bomb countless cities in mainland Europe and afterwards blame Germany for it
Germany wrote Austria a blank check stating they'd basically fight for anything they'd say.
Spain. war of Spanish succession led to the modern europe that exists there now
Dude britbongs didn't get involved coz of the jew
>caused both world wars
hey britan/france can we get some like colonial trade nations so we can grow as the same rate as you
>britan and frace NO WE HATE YOU !!!
fine then
upsie the archduke got shot
we got yo back austria
serbia cry to russia halp pls they wanna anex sum more
prince of russia DELOY THE MILITARY sir. pls that aint a good idea
germany - yo guys we shouldn't fight, lets be friends
france - nom nom nom. gibs clay
britan - F U I OWN THE SEAS
germany - but guise pls lets not fight
russian diploman gets heart attack before signing non-aggresion pack with germany
guise PLS LETS TALK, WE RLY RLY DONT WANNA FIGHT... just gibs some colonial nations
Russia Why the fuck are we delopyed... ah yes MEMBER THE RUSSIAN PRUSSIAN WAR... GIBS CLAY
germany... as shit got to defend my self... FUCK YOU GUISE IMMA REKT YOU ALL
>germany rekts all
>jews take over
>germany surrders unconditional
>france/britan/russian rapes germany
>poland spawns back
>germany is split
>france takes industrial area
>romania guise, gibs some clay
>shitloads of other nations spawn
fast foward to 1939
>The Declaration of war by France and the United Kingdom was given on 3 September 1939
Hellah no... i just want to fix the mistakes i did by allowing communism to spread and kill nations
NAHH BRA i want to relocate them, and not allow the jews to own banks, all german houses, make german polictics and own the media to brainwash our kids... promise i'll send them to pallestine
>havvar agreement
>madagascar plan
Oh, that's right. I forgot they declared war on Germany for invading Poland but didn't care about Stalin doing the same thing.
France is to blame
>Birth of Communism
>First to bring over niggers and shitskins as citizen
>Forced Europe into shaky treaties and alliances, from perpetual war they started
>Declares was on Germany twice
>Abandon allies they promise independence too
>Allows UK to control them and western Europe
>Which Allows Russia to control Central Europe
Seriously since 1780s to 1940s France been the fucking enablers.
Britain: The French actually started the trend of bringing non-whites to Europe. The British followed suit eventually but they didn't start it.
Russia: Their example showed pretty much all of Eastern Europe how much of a failure communism was and has thoroughly discredited extreme communism as an ideology in the West.
Germany: They didn't start the First World War and only started the Second because of British and French imposed problems backing them into a corner.
Personally, I blame France.
Neither is at fault, it's just the jews. Niggers wouldn't be in europe wthout jewish immigration laws, russia wouldn't be communist without the jews inventing communism, and nationalism would still be around if the jews didn't make it a taboo.
Yermany and Britain are to evils faces of the same coin
Russia is its one beast altogether
All three have done unimaginable damage to eyropa
>starting any World War
Well they didnt do shit to protect Poland and did not even attack Germany (see Phoney War)
It was Hitler who attacked and wrecked france and it was Hitler who bombed the shit outta London. Bongs always interfered when one country on the continent was clearly domonating the others. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that jews are very influencial and evil people, I just don't think they re behind this1
Ok 1st WW is everyones fault
But dude
2WW is all on them
They invaded basically all of europe completly unprovoked
Fuck sake
>By their actions made White Nationalism a taboo
Yes, because it's not the kikes' fault for bringing Germany down and dragging them in the shit for decades, it's Germany's fault for trying in the first place
How fucking retarded do you have to be, I swear
german subhumans by FAR
>France and Britain declare war on Germany
>"wtf Hitler why are you killing us?"
>Jews say that Germany killed jews when they never did
>"Germany wtf why did you ruin nationalism"
What's it like being sub-100iq? The world must be a scary place for you.
>caused two world wars that nearly destroyed Europe
But that's wrong. The second world war caused by Poland, France and Britain. The first world war was caused by Serbia or Austria-Hungary, depending on how you want to interpret it. The world wars wouldn't have destroyed Europe either and would've led to a utopian future if Germany had won, but due to Jewish intervention and thorough corruption of the anglosphere, to a degree that you had warmonger (((Churchill))), who just a few years prior intentionally sent a million Brits to their death at Gallipoli in an attempt to weaken native British defense forces for the upcoming communist revolution in Europe (which was luckily stopped in Germany) and Franklin (((Roosevelt))) in power (funnily enough followed by a literal kike), Britain and the US sided with the ethnicity and ideology that has been nothing but trouble for every other civilization on this planet for at least 5 millenia.
Alright UKuk, take the meme flag off.
And why did you join ww1 again...and ww2 for that matter?
britian, they caused all three things, the rothschilds paid for all of this shit.
>Ok 1st WW is everyones fault
Germany was the only one who actually tried to fix things when everyone else just warmongered
>They invaded basically all of europe completly unprovoked
Invading the nation that declared war on you is completly unprovoked
it was your lapdogs austria trying imperialism on serbs
that was their end
So pretty much, in a nutshell, we can all agree that Hitler was onto something
>Dude britbongs didn't get involved coz of the jew
No they had usefull idiots to piss of Germany.
>What Austria does is Germany's fault
It's your fault in the first place. You killed the prince and did not allow the police to do their job
Bruuuh nothing can justify genociding civilians and attacking other nations without, you know a reason other than autistic visions of lebensraum and dubious claim of german superiority
Poolan caused most of the wars in Europe, not Germany.
Ruskis are slaves all of the shit is down to their ruling jew cast.
We only fucked our country, with shitskins, rest ir correct
G*rmans did more damage to Europe throughout history than anglos, jews, muslims, arabs, communists, turks, sub-saharan africans and the U.S. combined.
France and Portugal brought more blacks to Europe than Britain did, and started doing it far earlier as well...
>Ruskis are slaves
Thousands of white little british girls are being raped and sold into slavery by shitskins and your government covers them.
I wonder who actually are the slaves
Germany, no contest. Russia's monarchy was so half-assed that virtually any system would've been preferable. Th at probably wouldn't have been the case if Germany hadn't declared war on Russia, which despite all the mental gymnastics displayed ITT they really didn't have to. I guess if you look at it a certain way the postwar dominance of Communism is sort of Russia's fault, but it never would've spread if Hitler didn't chimp out and declare war on all the other countries that could've contained the Soviet Union. As for Britain, all those problems listed never would've happened if it weren't for the above.
Divide and Conquer thread, sage and leave.
Germany's involvement in both World Wars forced Britain to take in millions of shitskins?
>made white nationalism taboo by practicing white nationalism as intended by white nationalists
Made me think.
Yes indeed. Germany's involvement made Nationalism a taboo equated with war and genocide. Moreover, after WWII Soviets actively promoted anti-colonial movements in Britain and France, both for ideological reasons and to weaken them geopolitically. It's no coincidence that most of the shitskins they imported came from places they once colonized.
Everything listed in that pic was done by jews
France because the French Revolution caused a massive shitfest in European thought and philosophy
Yeah, and you don't think the UK, teaming up with Jews, Stalin, and the US to destroy Germany and spread an endless amount of propaganda to make nationalism taboo, actually had anything to do with it?
>after WWII Soviets actively promoted anti-colonial movements in Britain
So now you're blaming Germany for something Russia did? Am I getting that right? It's what the UK deserved for teaming up with the commiejew.
Germany & Russia are tied for the first place .
WW1 was not started by Germany and the brits made the 1939 German/Polish war into a world war.
WW2 was literally caused by the Treaty of Versailles
None of that would've happened it it weren't for Germany.
guess which one is germanic?
>be hitler
>say kikes rule the world
>doesnt gas the kikes
>relocates them so they can further commit kikery
holy fuck
>Supporting your ally in an offensive war =/= starting a war
>Supporting your ally in a defensive war = starting a war
France always acted for the betterment of Europe. Subhuman germans and filthy angl*id did destroy europe