Obama is an alt-right neo-nazi

Thanks, Obama!

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I'm all seriousness what's actually happening? Why are George Soros and Obama changing their views all of a sudden

isn't it obvious?

People do that. Yes, they're sorta people too but not quite.


No. Explain please

last ditch attempt to stop radicalization towards our side

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Because they're snakes, just like everyone else in the Deep State. They will shift their stance briefly so people who don't like them lower their guard and then they strike

>Palpatine Puppets

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The way a kid misbehave, but when you tell them off they put on the sweet act. Then when you forgive them, give in and don't punish them, they walk away with a grin on their face and continue misbehaving.

Obama doesn't want to play identity politics at the expenses of the DNC existance
Soros is kike shrieking with all his "everything I tried has failed" and at the same time is trying to ban social medias like google+ or facebook because they're the only ones we've subverted (see Zuckerberg not kneeling to anti-holocaust-denialists), I'm sure he wouldn't want to shut twitter down

Back to incremental socialism. Maybe they reassessed their numbers and decided to delay.



They know as of now if some nut job kills Trump, they will literally be murdered by right wing death squads

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>Trump: I was meddling with the Russians
>Trump: Why didn't Obama stop me?
Oh boy

Obama is a smart enough politician to see where the DNC is heading, but I think he's too late.

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30 y/o+ white men are the only demographic that consistently vote en masse. if they lose whitey they lose the midterms.

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They are realizing that the beast they created comes for them, too.

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Possible reasons:
>they're about to send US troops to another war soon bad timing for a civil war
>someone at the top agrees that Whites should get reservations, but not ethnostates like our (((BFF's))). When Whitey snaps, ....
>Obama actually identifies with his Jewish mother, but is using "White" to prevent discussing the Jew

People of colour are incapable o being alt-right

The pendulum has finished it's stroke, anyone with a bit of nous is getting the fuck out of the way as it comes back. Only the truly stupid are still trying to push it further

>George Soros
>changing views all of a sudden

Reminder that he intentionally funds all those leftist organizations to agitate people and speed up the right wing uprising. After all, don't forget that he was literally a nazi collaborator. Also don't forget another very important thing - communists go for his wealth and dream of eventually guillotining him for being "ruling class" while right wingers are the bestest goys and will defend his stacked wealth at all cost to supposedly "defend capitalism"

Gee I guess identity politics wasn't such a good idea, huh?

That’s an idiotic way of looking at it. Don’t work your brain too hard there, Speedy Gonzalez

The elites want a race war

I agree. The acceleration to batshit insanity is sort of breathtaking. The Democratic Party tried to ride the tiger and now they've getting mailed.

Obama was never black.

>Obama speaks a rational viewpoint on a subject matter
>Grab a screenshot of some random nobody's hot take who may or may not even exist then make thread about it

This board is complete shit.

>"How to translate"
>"Not how I imagine what's really written"
Since is caturday, have a cat instead.

Share the cat with burgers, you no country eurofag.

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Apparently anyone treating white men with respect is an "alt-right neo-Nazi."

"Imagine a world without balloons"
these are the people soros and his ilk are dealing with

Based Hungarian intellectual

The outrage over Trump's meeting with Putin backfired hard. Instead of getting fringe Trump supporters to denounce him, they managed to convince more moderates to side with Trump because NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO FIGHT IN A WORLD WAR.

So expect to see more left-leaning figures expressing centrist/moderate policies and opinions to get those anti-war moderates back in play for the Dems.

I bet Obama sees the writing on the wall and fears the beast they have woken up on both sides. Both sides are drifting towards genocide: with the left wanting to genocide everyone who's productive and smart, and the right wanting to genocide all leftists (and that's a good thing). Either way, they are in the ground being genocided no matter who wins this civil war they started. They are scared and are trying to stop things so they can go back to the slow boil method of bringing in global socialism.

Mutts are still coloured

I don't think Obama is actually anti-white. It's just that the majority of his supporters are which makes us think he shares their views. Also he surely sees the way the behaviour of the left is pushing people towards the right and radicalising them.


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literally shaking right now wtf obongo

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Fucking hell people rising their eyebrows so hard they get wrinkles on their forehead always end up looking like they're about to murder someone.
It's not attractive, nor alpha, it's just plain creepy.

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*sigh* Another white guy calling a black dude an Uncle Tom because he doesn't parrot New Black Panther talking points.

I'm not even an Obama fan but when did it become acceptable for white guys to say "okay black people, if you don't believe what I believe you're a Nazi"?

Preemptive damage control. They've spent years feeding a serpent, hoping to poison their enemies. But now that they've ridden close they see the enemy is waking up, and that it's prepared to crush them, serpent and rider, under the bulbous, veiny girth of justice. Now the snake riders are digging in and bucking with all they've got, desperate to make their wyrm relent. But it's grown so capricious that it's begun to devour them--even as we begin to unzip...

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stay in mexico

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We need to start framing this the way people looked at 9/11, with skepticism on if Bush allowed it to happen for political gain. Ton's of people in the middle didn't care for Bush and if they don't already full out believe the govt lied about 9/11 they likely have a soft belief that GWB could or would let it happen. The whole "he tried to kill my daddy" shit.

Lel, already went there and came back.
Nice 4 years doing a MSc and then working over there, but I indeed prefer Mexico to the UK, Never been to Germany tho.

Obama trying to say "be inclusive of people who are different from you" equalling Nazism -- is a logical outcome from Jewish Holocaust history ("Holocaustianity"). People would have a clearer understanding of Nazism and the Holocaust if it wasn't for Jews. The Jews make it into a hyper-emotional loyalty test with meaningless criteria. People think -- as they have been taught at the local Holocaust museum or the latest movie -- that "Nazi" just means "devil."

Appeasement maneuver, it's all smoke user.

Why do bugmen love thick rimmed glasses? I dont understand it

>user has a literal double take
They’re realizing that they jumped the gun on the anti-white shit. Obama was planning on being the face of the NeoMarxist one world order while Soros was ready to rule it from behind so he would have his global empire. They’ve both come to the conclusion that they fucked up massivly. And they don’t have enough lube for the eventual outcome.

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It's a trick. The democrats are being split between the super-socialist "Progressives" and the "mature" "moderate" faction. The moderates are going to seem very reasonable when most people think of the socialists as the "left" in America. Presumably the democrats are going to finally start winning again thanks to these moderates, and they're going to gain support from Republican voters and in doing so will drag republicans into what was once considered "democratic" political alignments. Within 20 years the moderate democrat vs progressive democrat civil war will be the new republican vs democrat.

Because they want control. But their actions are instead pushing us to civil war. Which is a gamble, they won't know who'll win, and that's dangerous territory.

They were telegraphing the 'muh russia' thing for awhile. Remember when Hillary Clinton said the Vladimir Putin was the "leader" of the "alt-right?" I think this was planned. The vault 7 wikileaks release revealed that intelligence agencies could false-flag cyber attacks too.

This. He's an Indonesian Muslim

Obama is literally Hitler wtf put him in jail racist half huwhite cracker baka

Muh Russia, If Hillary had won, would have turned into WW3.

They hate beauty. It's a rejection of the natural. See also wild hair colors.

>liberal party is tearing itself apart because of race politics
>not even king nigger obama can convince these people


that party is fucked

Fucking BASEDboy face "out cheah" talking ebonics with his nigger ally eijs.

Raised eyebrows like that is a lower tier s o y face.

this! the dark forces would have done the same to her

I always knew he was yet another uncle tom/nigger token othervise he would have slaughtered cis white male scum when he had the chance baka baka litterally worse than hitler :sad:

They know they're losing and are trying to do some damage control

No... just no.
You're horribly wrong and might be retarded.

This is proof more than ever that The Left is collapsing. This is what I've wanted to see since 2016, even more than the wall. The party is fucked, and even if it finds a way to keep going, so many of their tactics are going to have to change and thousands of reputations will be ruined. The Left turning on a few celebrities is one thing, but if they turn on King Nigger, you know shit's going down.

This might be the closest thing to a pendulum shift we'll actually see.

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