Has anyone tried crypto-racism?

I am considering taking advantage of the anti-white cultural establishment by pandering to their sensibilities. Is anyone already doing this? At this point I already know the marxist vocabulary without studying it from their side, because of I've heard alt-right figures break it down dozens of times. I feel like anyone smart is already doing this and I'm just dragging my feet.

Attached: clarice_20_17738_15.jpg (1066x1600, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Her finger almost looks like she's holding a dick in her hand

Fucking source

she has very small nipples

Attached: kissNsnifffff.jpg (1024x656, 88K)

The whole "lets get them by their own subversive tactics" is a bad strategy.

This people are a corrupting force, you can corrupt what is already corrupted.
"Fighting fire with fire" is just a metaphor, you can't stop a fire with a flamethrower.

At this point saying "NO" and showing an alternative is the way to go.
That is exactly what Trump did.

You can stop degeneracy showing that a non-degenerate way of life could be pretty cool.
That's exactly why marxist try to make everything ugly, degenerate and corrupt.
You need to hide beauty beacuse your deconstructed bullshit new beauty standards can't compete.

"Braps for her"

And what would be wrong with that?

What a qt
Way to derail your thread

>mfw that filename

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if youre a fucking white male there is no winning, just stay the hell away and if they try to engage you act like they dont exist

what do you think jews make their money off of

I care not. Source me

ive been thinking about this as well... one could make a lot of money selling inflammatory t-shirts and hats that abuse Trump and his supporters.

you could take their money AND make them a walking billboard for the socialist outrage hate machine

>still thinking anti-white is a serious thing and not just a very small group of morons within liberals


Very good point...
The amount and length of time you could exploit them is limited especially if you are actually hoping to change the world.... a greedy stupid person could just become obsessed with selling trash to trash... hmm maybe that's how the jews got started

I work as a (((banker))) and pretty much do this. It's kind of empowering having this secret knowledge that no one else does, and using that secret knowledge to subvert them whenever possible. Smiling in the faces of people you despise does get a little old though.

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>t-shirts and hats that abuse Trump and his supporters.

They would never wear the kinda despicable garbage you shitheads wore during the campaign.

Attached: trump_t-shirt_0.png (450x423, 242K)

Easy to say while living in a 81% dutch caucasian country.

easy to say when you aren't an idiot, because anti-white is about as much of a thing within liberal groups as school shooters are among depressed high schoolers. Yes they exist, but they are a subgroup of a subgroup of a subgroup.

Attached: AF005E20-AFF4-4E81-BC90-A3239C32EF0B.gif (200x150, 1.11M)

>Make WhiteHate coin
>Buy this coin to support POCZ and hate on whites!
>It gets more popular than bitcoin
>After it has all their wealth - sets all wallets currency to 0.

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and what exactly are you saying to them?


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small ass, too

okay I keked really hard here, you have my thanks.

We have the Swedish king applauding a jew who tells us Swedes have no culture, our food was stolen from foreign recipies. Meatballs are italian, immigration is natural, everyone immigrated. blablablabla. If our king is applauding this, then how is the whole fucking country not under threat of anti white propaganda.

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First time on Jow Forums I see.

tasteless yes, not misogynistic and a personal attack though.

It's just disappointing

Big nipples are gross

Source plz. I have no interest in this thread rather than more pictures of this 11/10.

how exactly is he wrong? Culture in every country is based on shit from elsewhere. You make it your own and that makes a thing Swedish, but it did come from somewhere else.

It's not propaganda when something is just true.

No bush...

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It’s almost like you can use the watermark and file name to fucking figure it out you absolute grapefruit

also nothing in that statement is anti-white

Found the source gents. My God she is fucking perfect.


t. hairball-cougher

theres really no better way to stick it to 'em than by doing everything they want from you, selling out your nation and future generations for your own social promotion... you're practically a hero, OP!

>t. hairball-cougher

Attached: download.jpg (261x193, 5K)

>At this point I already know the marxist vocabulary without studying it from their side, because of I've heard alt-right figures break it down dozens of times.

Attached: putincat5.jpg (297x170, 8K)

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>Not misogynistic
>Implying clinton is not a man
Plus, if you think that a picture of donald trump getting his brains blown out is anything but a personal attack, you're a fucking moron. Or a democrat, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

Is that what they consider small in the Netherlands?


/SIG/ HELP!!!!

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>And what would be wrong with that?
It would mean you're a fucking faggot

You can't tell, the image is not clear about that. Is it hate for the person or hate for what he stands for? is screaming BUILD THAT WALL about an actual wall or about immigration? He and his lackeys have claimed it was 1 and the other.

>It would mean you're a fucking faggot
And what would be wrong with that?

Attached: jfk-tommy-lee-jones.png (800x528, 563K)

pretty small, even mine is bigger and im a dude
we get superior asses because of the daily biking

Every culture in the whole world has their own kind of meatballs. There are japanese meatballs. There are korean meatballs. There are russian meatballs. Why would you go out on a limb and say theyre not our own just to further your agenda? It is with the intent to undermine our culture so that they can have their multiculti shit. Open border immigration has never been normal. Theyre trying to tell us workforce immigrants and welfare leechers are the same thing. Its simply damn wrong.


Name: Clarice A
Aliases: Elvira U, Sonia S, Clarise
Age: 18
Country: Slovakia
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Boobs: 30 A
Areola size: Small (Less than 1 inch in diameter)
Pussy type: Discreet (Slightly visible inner lips)
Pussy lips size: Small
Status: active

kys, pepperoni nipples are the best

she has a disgusting roastie vagina in other pics, its awful. This picture is misleading, she looks relatively pure, it is only when turning around you realise that she is fucking used goods and worthless as fap material unless you are a degenerate who fantasises about buying sofas that have been used by 50 other sweaty disgusting people before you.

Are you kidding me?
Trump made them think he was going along with their nonsense for decades!

Attached: ct_20180405121108538.jpg (640x640, 45K)

Never seen her before, thanks.

>this guy is brit

there is no thinking when you fuck somebody lil cunt

Ooga booga

faggy lord

And no. If I woke up one day to find that my girlfriend has a beef chasm for a vagina I would never touch it again in my life.

If you are happy fucking a loosely packed pork sandwich that smells evermore heavily of fish as the discharge gets stuck in the folds and crevices and can't be washed out with ease, be my guest. Not me.

Classic. Where do I order?