This timeline

>this timeline

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It's just a meme.

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>how LGBTBBQNASAHGTV pusher *green haired 22 year old* freelance article writer keeps getting people fired

it's almost like the cognitive dissonance has reached peak levels

welcome to the meme war


They scared nigga

>because they do it suddenly its okay for us to do it!!!

Maybe bust actual child molesters instead of tweeters.

When you become the hypocritical liberal faggots you hate so much....


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literally who?

Hi there Mr Gunn
Suck shit you pedo faggot

alt-lite superior, alt-right inferior

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you're welcome to leave fag, i promise nobody wants you here, also those tweets amount to nothing less than an admission of guilt, like OJ simpsons book "if I Did It"

to be honest with these dumbass posts that keep coming up. opie and anthony and joe rogan and comedians in general have been talking about this since the mid 2000s

don imus getting fired for nappy headed hoes was probably the first major instance and it opened the flood gates in 2007 and the fact that there was never a "retaliatory stance" taken at all or all out thought crime wars is fucking astounding.

these puritanical progressives warmongering was just allowed to happen and everyone hoped they would just run out of steam.

These are the same people that doxx and get right wingers fired. Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot.

Get to fighting, or get the fuck out of the way. There is no more debating with the left. We need to win.

the point is that the left feels they are justified in taking someone's job because they said something "racist" online 12 years ago. They started this shit, now they have to live with it.

Personally I don't agree with anyone being fired over uncomfortable opinions or rude jokes, but this is the outrage culture that was created by the Left, and it's not fair that they're the only ones who get to play by those rules.

Comedians getting the fuck scared out of them would be great. Maybe they will start telling their actor pals to knock this shit off.

two wrongs don't make a right.

The Gov doesn't need to be big brother when little brother does a better job.

It's getting out of hand. Seems everyone is fucking retarded.

It's all fun and games until this shit used against you. It will happen eventually.
You're helping destroy free speech.

those digits

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Thanks for the bump Huffpost.

comedians are the dregs. they grind out for 15 years bordering on homelessness and getting paid in free dinners and a 20 dollar bill before anyone gives a shit about them and hopefully get famous by the time they're 45. after that shit they're just made men in hollywood, not family.

they're also easy to squeeze cash from because you can prop them up for a show, make a quick buck and then bring up an old radio interview and cut them loose.

next two people in line:
jim jefferies
bill burr

>You're helping destroy free speech.




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It's always been used against us. For over a decade now.

see your whinging? we want the lefties to be saying it which is why they are getting a drubbing now

>The Gov
wait what part of this has anything to do with the gov

Good, freedom is cancer and so are you.

Maybe when you sad fucks can learn to live without freedom of speech for a while you can appreciate it and stop fucking abusing it and taking it for granted like you do now.

This has nothing to do with free speech. I actually find it great that they all want to talk openly about it.
This has everything to do with freedom of association.
Try again user. People getting fired for what they say is freedom in a nutshell

It doesnt, this is a libertarians wet dream.

One day due to the political climate the only people on earth who can still voice their true opinion will be....

Black people.

You'll wind up having to rely on them to save you from your jew overlords.
Will they help you? You called them a nigger 100,000 times. They have your internet history to prove it.

If the end result of this shit was everyone realized how stupid it is to judge based on what is said instead of of what is done, that would be fine.

That's not going to happen though.Intentions are more important than actions in this day and age. That's true nigger behavior. Roastie and jew too.

Justification of ones actions through intention.
Or deflection of ones actions through intention.

Nigger: i dundu nuffin
Jew: shut it down!
Roastie: i fucked him because i love you

>You're helping destroy free speech

Oh really now? Were the fuck were you when everyday,regular,run of the mill people were fired from their jobs cause a roastie screamed harassment on one of their facebook posts ,or when they were accused of racism because they like the wrong post.Fuck off you two faced liberal faggots. You pushed way too much much for way too long. The backbone of our civilisation which was is and always will be the true and honest to god white man had enough of your shit. We are pushing back and we won't pull our punches. Rest assured times are changing and no matter how much you cry and plead you will fucking hang with the rest of the rats.

This is why I support this campaign.
Honestly, back in the day, I was an edgelord myself. I don't know if these guys are true pedophiles or just being edgy. Normally, I would defend anyone's right to say anything, no matter how offensive. BUT these cocksuckers try to ruin other people like Trump and Roseanne over things they said.

So, for that reason alone, whether they a just jokes or not, they should burn.

really now

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The thing is, they can't be outraged over this, or else they'd have never be able to use this tool again. The intention is to make them also oppose getting people fired just by creating outrage about that person. A tool that's been in their arsenal for over a decade now. The right is only just becoming more organized about it, but the real question is who do you want organizing this, and can you trust that they'll choose important people?

The thing is, they can't be outraged over this, or else they'd never be able to use this tool again. The intention is to make them also oppose getting people fired just by creating outrage about that person. A tool that's been in their arsenal for over a decade now. The right is only just becoming more organized about it, but the real question is who do you want organizing this, and can you trust that they'll choose important people?



Cernovich is a self-interested, jewish braggart but he had the balls to go after Disney. Gotta respect that.

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger, they struck first, they deserve everything they're getting now and then some more.

we're coming for you, Skippy, you ain't hot shit.

I agree. This is my goal too.
Hopefully, after the left has a few taken down for "offensive words" then maybe, just maybe, they will agree that getting people fired over free speech is a bad idea and both sides can agree that we shouldn't be trying to ruin people's livelihoods over something they said.

I still have that old school way of thinking, like when the generals complained to Lincoln that Grant was an alcoholic, and he responded "tell me what brand of whiskey he drinks, and I'll send one to all my generals." Back then, as long as you did a good job, people weren't supposed to care what you said / did in your private life.

Is she saying that #MeToo is stigmatizing and affecting the furtherance of women in the co-educational workplace? Can't say that I disagree.

>that first tweet
the salt that is mined
something something about living in glass houses

Gorilla kike is just a distraction.

You’re all talking about small scalps as a massive win that is in essence collateral damage whilst the swamp walks away unscathed giving Podesta immunity.

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>pol crusades against people making politically incorrect jokes
nuke this board

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Fuck this guy, I hope he never gets a job again

The thing with this one is that Gunn had power over kids on the set. He was making jokes about pedophilia, while he was responsible for the well being of children @ work.

He not have actually done something, but the mindset he has when he is supposed to be protecting children at work is fucked.

No, she clearly is placing blame on the part of men.

Soundwave, pls

We are That's why when someone like Gunn posts hundreds of tweets about pedophilia (including linking a video of 100 female kids touching themselves and bragging about nutting all over his own face to the pedophilic video) we put them on blast. Just like I'm sure you either already have been or will be put on blast. You sick fucking pedo.

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All pedos must die


Oh even if he didn't do anything, it's DEFINETLY retarded for someone who directs for Disney to make child sex jokes on his public Twitter account under his own name.

It's like a cop having a Twitter account and constantly tweeting about smoking drugs and shooting up.

Why was he in locker rooms? He’s a scrawny, non-lifting faggot. Look at those gunns!

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All is fair in love and war.

Figures, not very likely a #metoo abortionist would display any degree of introspection.

I agree that he was in a position that makes his comments very concerning. Haven't heard anything from those kids, but something to look out for. Even if he didn't do anything, still makes him a creep that I wouldn't let my kids around.

>James Gunn gets canned from GOTG3
>Pulls off some sick quads trying to defend himself on a mongolian basketweaving forum
Win some ya lose some, eh James?

>pointing out other peoples public behavior is bad

"fight fire with fire" - some old chink

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I didn't see you celebrities calling out the left for practising such pathetic tactics on /our/guys. We didn't have fun and now we're giving you the taste of your own medicine to make you understand. But now you're crying like a bitch instead of taking action against the people who originally attacked freedom of speech .
Your integrity is trash. Your integrity is fucking trash, fuck you.

>Jow Forums finds pedos
>gets them fired
>Cernokike takes credit
pic related. Mike Cernovich has helped Epstein.

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>You're helping destroy free speech.
That's fine because leftists despise free speech.

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That's okay. We're done talking.

>You're helping destroy free speech
"Don't attack the left guys! We don't want to be like them! Just sit back and let them use stuff like this to destroy right-wingers! It's called principles! Duh!"

It is though

Trump curse is real. You'd think these freaks would learn that by now

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>I don't know if these guys are true pedophiles or just being edgy.
It's the former, sadly and disturbingly. We need to take action and this is God's work


I agree

But ruining hollywood careers is always a plus

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He just delivered on a lot of hard work from Anons, but somebody has to do that. Respect to him bigly

This needs to accelerate into bloodshed, just firings are not enough.

So long, Gunn. Guardians was shit anyways.

It's the former disguising itself as the later. You know when a guys asks a girl he is friends out on a date in a joking sort of way and she replies with, "seriously", and the guys responds with, "no, I was just joking". That's what these pedo "jokes" are. They are dipping their toe in the water to check the temperature. The proof is in the fact that none of these "jokes" are even the least bit funny, and most if them are creepy as hell.


>Actual child molestas
It's just a rabbit user

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>t. james gunn

the left has already destroyed the right's freedom of expression
we have nothing to lose you retard

Totally deserved. Conservatives need to follow the Rules for Radicals; all the leftists and liberals are already doing it.

Mike Cernovich is pizzagate

Free speech has already been destroyed. Just look at the Jow Forums anons who are now serving 20 years in prison in Minnesota for shooting a nog in self-defense, just because they had a history of not liking nogs.

thernovitch is the perfect emissary of hate. no one fights harder than a self-hater.

He is still allowed to say stupid shit on Twitter and will never have to worry about money as he is a multimillionaire. No, not sorry for getting a pedophile fired from a children’s movie company


This. Rosanne said stupid shit on Twitter and got fired because what she said was bad for the brand. Same thing (but worse) with Gunn.

Time to pull a Snowden Trumptards - It's only going to get worse. Pick your favorite non-extradition treaty country and bolt now!
The following individuals will likely be named in the pending indictments of Americans having conspired with Russia to subvert the United States:
Matt Gaetz
Trey Gowdy
Bob Goodlatte
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Jim Jordan
Dana Rohrabacher
Paul Gosar
Brad Parscale
Louis Gohmert
Roger Stone
Don Trump Jr
Ron DeSantis
Devin Nunes
Darrell Issa
Sean Hannity
Tucker Carlson
Neil Caputo
Stephen Bannon
Sebastian Gorka
Erik Prince
Mike Cernovich
Gotcha - "If it's what you say...I love it!"

They know. They just don't care because "m-muh leftist!!!"

Oh hello James.

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How does it feel to have wasted the time typing out all of those names?


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