Who's ready to riot in FL
Btw don't look this up on FB as you'll only see inmate group photos and mugshots
This shooting was in 2011, even featured in the revised edition of the book "White Girl Bleed Alot" why the fuck are there multiple news articles on google dated yesterday?
It was clear cut self defense all the way back then, did a new DA decide to go after him because he thought he had a case?
>nigger's name is literally McGlockton
Different McGlockton. This one is not a football player
"It’s a wrongful death. It’s messed up. Markeis is a good man … He was just protecting us, you know?" Jacobs, 25, said Friday. "And it hurts so bad."
Is there no video? Because all I see is testimony and "news reports" and we all know that most news is fake news.
There's a video in OP's post you retard
Looks like another nigger being nogged. So no fucks given by me.
>black woman parks in handicap spot
>white guy says "stop that"
>black guy pushes white dude to the ground
>white guy pulls aims and fires
>black guy dindu nuffin