Why do (((they))) hate Gamergate so much?

Why do (((they))) hate Gamergate so much?
What's the mainstream story on Gamergate?
What's the real story on Gamergate?

Please list your works cited.

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Because the gamers called them out and fought back instead of bending the knee like every other group did, the continued refusal to bend the knee is infuriating them

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Because it wrests control and the narrative away from the media.

from what I remember it all started when the ex-BF of the girl , did a rundown on how shitty she was. she was a z-tier sjw game developer. then the virus spread and created gamer gate.
personally I think the catalyst that started it all was manufactured from the start

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It was the first time people actually fought back against the neo liberal globo-homo agenda. Leftists are so used to getting things there way they freak out whenever they get the slightest bit of pushback.

Gamergate was where neomarxism/post-modernism ,cult-like movement that is fueled by narcissism and virtuesignalling, met the enemy it could not defeat - autism.

It all boils down to this. Every other industry just cucked out before their might but gamers absolutely refused to bend the knee.

Have we come full circle?

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Ah yes, I see the shoe’s on the other foot now, Leftists.

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>Why do (((they))) hate Gamergate so much?

Because it was normal people VS the (((media))).
And it spawned a new generation of journalists, activists and researchers that are there to fight the old establishment.

They're scared as shit.

>Disastrous Win

Gamergate wasn't Zoe fucking journos, it was the coverup and suppression of it on all platforms

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>peddling conspiracy theories for personal gain

I personally gain when pedos have to think twice about molesting my children, what were they implying here about my motivations?

I'm starting to dislike the ((())) it has become a politically correct way of naming the kikes.

How about *this

mainstream is gamergate = enemy of sjwfaggotryjews = bad
real story = prostituting for good reviews led to exposing collusion of jew media led to exposing concerted jew plan to maniuplate through games that involved jews in colleges and think tanks to push jew degenerate agenda.

How many times have left wing mobs done this?


Nonsense! I use (((()))) and I wear my oven mitts every winter just like any good Nazi.

The press is a bunch of arrogant corrupt pricks that picked a fight that hurt them badly. Nick Denton doesn't own Gawker anymore, for instance.

fucking this

gamergate showed a bunch of autists can severely damage media platforms.
Now what do you think happens if that small group grows to include tens of millions of republicans.
It will literally kill the media

Right-wing mobs? What?

This was just another case of the usual suspects of far-left outrage mob getting bent out of shape over jokes. Yes, a right-winger dug up Gunn's twitter posts but the crybullies didn't hafta rise to the bait.

Look, if you push someone into a hornet's nest you might be an instigator but you didn't make hornets be the flying assholes that they are, they do that all on their own.



Zoe Quinn, her bf was mad b/c she was a whore and suggested, indirectly, that she was sleeping around the industry for good reviews.

What's missed about all this is that everyone was already suspicious about these indie games being so heavily pushed. no one could really understand why bad games were being glorified in similar wording throughout the games journalism industry.

this had been boiling underneath the surface for well over a decade, farther than that when you go back to look at how tight the magazines were with devs and publishers. ofc they were selling themselves out for good reviews. but the indie scene was something different. when the "journalists" attacked, in unison, the racist hatemongers of the internet, it was the last straw for many autists. the real catalyst was banning discussion of this topic on /v/, which led to an exodus from their onto 8friends and Jow Forums. many autismos were radicalized because it was a microcosm of what was happening in the larger jewish press. graft, payoffs, bribes, pay-for-play. journalists have no gutter deep enough for them not to dive head first into.

I'd say the blue checkmark is effective

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I still remember when the game sites all release their "gamers are dead" or something all on the same day. it was so cringy

Because gamergate had the nerve to criticize journalists.

Based Hulkamania.

If something's unpopular, like say defending pedophile jokes by a big time Hollywood director in the """#metoo era""", just say that conservatives are against it. You're not some racist right wing neo at right nazi gun owner, are you?

*neo alt right nazi

vidya is faggot shit for kids
but they united unlikely allies and they regret it

>it's not a mob when the left does it

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Yes, if the games websites had just come out and said "whoops, our bad. We need to review our conflict of interest policies" Then Gamergate would have been dead in the water. Instead they went scorched earth on all conversations on all forums, pushing discussion of the subject to literally only 2 or 3 major sites on the entire internet that you wouldn't get banned from talking about it. Reddit deleted a 20,000 post thread, Youtube took down some videos (this was before the whole copyright claiming youtube takedown culture). Gamers felt under attack, and so they began to dig - Into the people involved, into the websites, and they uncovered a whole hive of filthy SJW gatekeeping that horrified them. Over a dozen gaming websites had to overhaul their ethics and code of conduct policies and retroactively edit articles to remove or inform of conflict of interests because all their liberal journos were living with/sleeping with/renting with/having affairs with the gaming developer whose games they were shilling on their gaming blogs and articles.
At the same time some unidentified muppets sent a few females some nasty tweets, so that meant the whole movement was just totally misogynist and totally like the worst thing ever you guys.

>People are still talking about faggot-gate

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Well-worded. I'm not a gamer anymore, but wasn't video game journalism kinda dead already? I remember suspicions of conflicts of interests in the early 00's. Further back, Nintendo Magazine was kind of a joke too when it came to honesty in reviews. .

That meme feels more real as time has passed.
They started an internet war with a bunch autistics who spend 12 hours a day online and know the battlefield better than anyone. It was pretty fucking dumb.

Came here to post this. It's like these """journalists""" don't even know what an adjective is and how to use it properly. I would have accepted;
>spectacular win for the right
>disastrous loss for the left
Now they all have to die. Sorry, I don't maqe teh ruleszzz.

What did he mean by this

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That guy on the right has 1984 and Animal Farm on the list and citing them as a reason to BAN guns?!

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The response of the press to those accusations was not to try and sweep it under the rug but instead to launch attacks of their own on their readership, with predictable results.

It's literally just boomers mad their capeshit director got fired so they need to try to find a scapegoat to attempt to protect their entertainment. They don't actually care about politics beyond virtue signalling on social media, but what they do care about is things that effect their epic children's movies. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them were pedos themselves.

I'd bet $100 that that the only book on that list that that guy has actually read is Harry Potter.

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In Harry Potter every child gets a wand capable of literally killing by just saying two words. No ammo restriction, pretty much unlimited range. Armour piercing etc. etc.
All the teachers carry them, and when the bad guys with wands come to the school to perform Wizard Columbine, all the good guys with wands are able to protect the kids and save the day.
I'm guessing he's pro gun then.

some subhumans masquerading as "people" prefer the yoke and lash to freedom

This, the Jew hates resistance.

did it set dangerous precedent when roseanne was fired?

i thought freedom of speech did not mean freedom from consequences. that is what progressives told me. guess they love freedom of speech and association now!

>guess they love freedom of speech and association now!
Of course they do. But only as long as it benefits them.

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