The Revolutionary Spiritualist Workers Party (Legion Of Light)

we are arisen new from the ashes of the failed alt-right we base our ideology off the imperialism of the Russian empire, the soviet union, the Japanese empire, the peoples republic of china, the third Reich,and the British empire ! we are not right wing nor are we left wing we are something new true national Bolsheviks all our welcome pacific Asians, Persians, Indians, Mexicans, all Europeans, some Africans and some Arabs, and of course Turks no Jews no anarchists no niggers no liberals no socialists no democrats and no democratic socialists no marxists and no progressives we are looking for communists, nationalists, national socialists, monarchists, imperialists, western chauvinists, incels, weebs,otakus, hackers,gangbangers,outlaw bikers,

Attached: 28270.jpg (399x624, 76K)

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to help fund our cause send donations here 19UfdUR2xwgGQXyvMYyYjCKWLP6AXWSenB

Attached: 5764b4cb6ce3be882ba28db8959eb3fd--rasputin-familia-romanov.jpg (507x696, 72K)

>writes like a retard
>actually has a list of "things i dun like :("

Attached: A mighty Faggot.png (500x366, 236K)

So it's basically a Christian nationalist movement against globalism and materialism? Sounds cool.

russians are subhumans

>we are looking for communists (...) monarchists
Are you insane, per chance?
>send donations
Oh, right. Just choosen.

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i might be a tad bit insane

And a phonefag who can't use the website.

but the fact is no movement or organization can exist or operate without funds

its simply a movement to restore the natural order of things

Too bad, so sad.

>Christian nationalist movement
where did he mentioned christianity or nationalism? Basing your views on russian empire and soviet union pretty much strikes out nationalism. Russian empire was a colection of nations enslaved by moscow, they were staunch anti-nationalists. Soviets weren't keen on christianity neither and neither are modern communists. National bolsheviks are more into paganism. And with communism you won't have easy time finding someone to fight materialism. It might be most retarded idea i heard whole year.

not sad not yet i have other methods and other means simply trying to recruit

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youre polish yes ? youre one of the peoples i had hoped would most jump on this idea

Jump on idea of fucking what? Do you think that there are any poles with much love to the guy in your pic? Because i must disappoint you my gray matter deficient friend.

Make it a-political then. Calling for people that identify with a political ideology will cause you to be political and scare off people that are not. I sort of understand what you're going for, but I can't explain it thoroughly due not wanting to spam a wall of text. You're on the right track, though.

africa for africans europa for europeans asia for asians

i understand and the polish have good reason to hate the russians but who would you rather on your side multicultural americans or traditionalist russians ?

then help me make it better make it more cohesive

at least im trying something people im not simply throwing in the white flag and saying fuck it all

>traditionalist russians
Holy shit you feel for the memes hard.
Did you know that Russia has highest in Europe abortion rate? And AIDS rate similar to Africa? There are many words i could use to describe russia, but "traditional" is not one of them. For fucks sake "russians" don't even have national identity. Before revolution they were just "subjects of tzar". After they were just "subjects of party". You won't find a better example of nationless state than modern russia.

as i said to another help me improve it then help me make it better


>Legion of Light

And it's masonic.

How about you help yourself and start using capitalisation and punctuation?

He's trying to create a movement that will awaken the zeitgeist. Our societies are filled with egalitarianism wherever we go, and there is a sleeping giant that wants to go back to hierarchal societies, but has been brainwashed by modernity to reject all forms of essentialism in exchange for humanism and civil rights. OP is calling for people that embrace anachronistic ideologies because he understands that people who identify with such "repugnant" ideas, will be understanding of his worldview. What OP doesn't understand, is that it has to be aesthetic movement for it to gain any real traction, because of people's political brainwashing. It's hard to explain, but there's something there.

poland has tradition and history behind it and many well educated statesmen it could be a deciding factor in re-establishing identity and balance

Attached: 14-facts-polish-winged-hussars-770x437.jpg (770x437, 97K)

what this fucker said

Masonic ! now thats funny as hell ! nah its not masonic .

What's going on right now, is that we are speaking different languages and trying to decipher what we mean. Keep explaining your idea more.

Basically the idea is that new age humanitarianism and equality movements like BLM and feminism are destroying long held cultural traditions and splintering everybody and everything off into small easy to brush off groups i want to (at least try) to build a coalition to fight against this ignorance and evil before the world falls so deep into darkness(hence the name legion of light) that it takes 1000 years for it to break free !

If male models were only allowed to join the Republican party, republicans would win every election. This is the easiest/quickest way that I can explain my solution to the egalitarian problem.

Attached: 61e676920cf1fc073a7dbe6f82c12039.jpg (685x960, 74K)

there maybe that will help

well what do you think ?

I'll read it later. Why don't you talk about it on small YouTube streams? There are some that are about 50-100 viewers that have random people on. You clearly have it mapped down, it might be good to talk about it and see how randoms respond to it.

honestly i would run into the same problem there as ive run into here except for there jewtube will ban for racism or bigotry or whatever other stupid ass reason they have

Reading the 45 points, there isn't one thing that I'm opposed to. I'm sure that most people on this traditionalist right, that is sort of evolving off the Alt-Right would agree with you.

much obliged