Liberal = pedophile

Are you sick of liberals calling you racist or a Nazi, they use this as a labeling tool. Return the favor all liberals on social media will be labeled a pedophile. When a liberal posts on social immediatly label them a pedophile.

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Not gonna work


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What's the reasoning behind it?


The raid days at over, lad.I miss the good old days...

How about you attack Zuckerberg for designing Facebook to serve only 1 purpose. An Israeli surveillance and social engineering operation.

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How bout no

No, because then it loses its meaning like the word nazi.

The Kike who runs the mark of the beast is just about as liberal as it gets. Maybe second to Brianna Wu.

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>So much for the tolerant pedophiles
>Pedophiles can't meme
>Pedophiles were the official party of the KKK
>"Jane Fonda on the screen today, convince the pedophiles it's okay"
>The pedophiles are eating themselves

I'd say it's worth a shot.

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Is that a work from illustrator Ralph Steadman?
He was actually redpilled on pedogate, Hunter told him.

But Nazi hasn't really lost meaning. It's "lost ITS meaning", but not meaning altogether. It is effective in demonizing someone and so is pedophile. It's not like we would be rewarded for NOT doing it.

No. That's foolish. When a human participates in pedophilia or related activities you call them out. Plenty of Republican pedos too user. Politicizing this is exactly what (((they))) want. It is a distraction from the unreal depths of depravity going on in the world. Focus on that. Not muh liberals.

Meanwhile, they continue to use "Nazi and attack whites with impunity. Not getting them attacked with the same method will really show them. They're sure to stop then.

>Meanwhile, they continue to use Nazi
At the point the word nazi 100% lost its meaning and strenght.
And today, countless individuals around the world started believing in National Socialism, racial realism, the JQ and so on.
It's insane how fewer we were even 5 years ago.

It worked so well for (((them)), right?
Now you want to do the same, but with "pedophile".
You dumb motherfucker

Start saying "child-rapist" instead of "pedophile". Everything gets better if it ends with rapists.

Sadly this is the only way to break normies out of their brainwashing.

I've been trying to redpill my friends for years, and the only thing that finally got through to them on the inferiority of non-whites is statistics on child rape according to ethnicity.

That's the moment when it finally "clicks". It's the way normies are brainwashed, racism = bad, pedo = bad, and once you point out to them that niggers = pedos their programming completely scrambles.

>Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse.
>African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children

It has worked for them. How hasn't it worked?


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>How hasn't it worked?
Jews are now surrounded by people not believing in the holocaust, but wanting it to happen.


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Found the pedophile, someone get the rope.

found the child raping nigger

Leftist should love this guy. Take him under your wing, nurture him and invite him to the inner circle of PedoWood

Reminder the gay rights movement was started by a pedophile.

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shills are trying to discredit the movement against actual pedos by having us cry wolf at everyone else so it becomes meaningless, pure kikery.

Yep. Never found a decent size version of it until recently.

I hobestly already do this. It makes them shut up for some reason, as if the deepest darkest decret they have just got unearthed before them.

If the Democrat Party adds Pedo-Sexual Rights to its roster of beliefs, then we can. Honestly come the midterms they will.

Forced meme. "Communist" still works with normies and it's much more accurate.

Pedo enabler is better. They are actively supporting a liberal political establishment that enables pedophiles from the "high rollers" like Epstein and Saville down to the rank and file Mohhameds. It also prevents saturation where everyone is being called pedophile so no one takes it seriously, see the weakening of the term racist after they spent five decades labeling anything that wasn't explicitly anti-white racist.

Will soften it. Pass.

>Pedo enabler is better.

Thank you. They keep trying to spin the plates and rearrange history to hide this but it's true.

Want to know how I know you're a kike?
That's their endgame. They played their hand too aggressively with the Ted talk, but at the end of the day they know they can't go full liberal without bringing the kiddy diddlers in on it as well. After all, if the children enjoyed it and didn't get hurt then it's okay, right guys? Never mind that it's completely fucking degenerate.

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I can't wait for Civil War 2..