Brexit will fail they said

>Brexit will fail they said

We fucking did it lads, we won

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Other urls found in this thread:

The old one felt better in my ass


Wohoo yeah man, fuck those swiss chocolate bastards


American chocolate is better anyway

Attached: Cadburys-Dairy-Milk-Chocolate-Bar.jpg (1200x630, 130K)


Cadburys is french dipshit, from the cadbury region

Were the old ones 150g also? If so, what significance does the pitch of the peaks have?

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I don't know if these are still legal in Bongladesh, but they're worth a try, Alistair. We have breddy gud sweets if you know where to look.

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>m-muh brexit means we have to reduce the size
>they revert back


Their company's site says they're based out of Uxbridge, London so you're both wrong.

>American chocolate.


rolling desu

Lol toblerone is so overrated
chocolate in general is pretty disgusting. its a food for women and children

Milka Masterrace.

Mit toffee is the best flavor

Switzerland BTFO.

When did they change that?
I still have two bars from Winter Holiday that are the regular triangles

>Try Frozen

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Yes, its almost like we were trolling isnt it?

You better believe it.

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not realy
has a awful aftertaste

The biggest redpill on the Eagle is it is literally a far future evolved raptor. Nice.

(Non midget brains understand now that Dino’s may not have gone exctint, but rather simply evolved into birds after many millions of years. Look it up.)

>not storing your chocolate at slightly below the freezing temerapure of water, to preserve the firm crunch of each bite

>the upper classes begin a ruthless campaign of economic terror in order to scare the lower classes from voting for their interests

remember when chrissy stole t's toblerone.

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t. Butterfinger user

do it faggot

Plus, there's only one chocolate an englishman should be eating anyway. Everything else is for poofs

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Cadbury hens lay Cadbury Eggs?

>falling for the cocao jew

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Surely you can allow a cheeky Fredo now and then

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Dulce de naranja, bueno

I remember that candy bar when I was in the US
was a bit hard, but still fucking good

dont ask me why but these are seasonal to christmas in the united states. Always buy a milk and dark chocolate one every year. good shit

There's nothing more manly than a curly wurly

Attached: curly_wurly_1.jpg (640x480, 30K)

I'm not made of money

>Their company's site says they're based out of Uxbridge, London so you're both wrong.
It's owned by Americans, it was British but they sold it, same as Rolls Royce, Austin Mini, Land Rover, Jaguar etc etc etc

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shame she got a facefull of bullets then chucked down a mine shaft huh

How is that bait, it literally IS American chocolate.

Well, I guess it's both county's then now? I don't know.

Birmingham, United Kingdom

If it's manufactured in Britain and doesn't taste of vomit, it's still British chocolate.

No, it's 100% owned by Americans therefore it's American chocolate, quality went down after it was sold too, shame, it was preddy gud chocolate before that.

Invented in England by an Englishman therefore it's English.

>Birmingham, United Kingdom
Yeah so what ? it was sold, it's no longer British, if you had a bone of patriotism you'd boycott it & eat kinder eggs instead.

If I could choose I wouldn't be posting under this flag.

I never used to notice the butyric acid taste until you faggot Euros pointed it out. now Hershey's is ruined for me.

>doesn't taste of vomit
Hershey bars only smell of vomit, they don't actually taste of vomit.

>has no idea how parent company's work
It's still a British company retard

American chocolate is fucking awful

Ruined since Americans bought it out.

Wait, is the chocolate one not artificially flavored?

No because it's owned by Americans & they decide what goes into it, that's why the quality has gone down, if you eat Carbury chocolate you're basically sucking burger dicks.

Kinder is made by Italians! By your logic nike and addidas are Chinese brands.

I wouldn't know. Most sweets taste kind of nasty to me.

>It's still a British company retard
No it isn't, it's wholly owned by burgers

>Ruined since Americans bought it out.
Exactly what I've been trying to explain to these thickos.

And this is why your country is in collapse. You need to stand by your flag and fight. Pick up some spirit and energy from we burgers. We get memed all the time as "mutts" and "56%ers" even though we're one of the finest, most productive stock of whites to ever walk the earth. Do we cuck out, chicken out, feel sorry for ourselves? Nah m8, these colors don't run.

If I have to go six feet under, it will be with my hand over my heart and my boots on. You Euros should try to be more like us and emulate our verve and gusto.

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American chocolate is either too sweet or too bitter, and generally has poor consistency. That said we are pretty good at fortified chocolate bars/protein bars and the like

I get that obviously but it's still something that was invented by an Englishman so I'd call it more English than American.

Do you even produce anything anymore?

I don't care who owns it I just like kinder eggs, the toys used to be better though, they used to include lots of tiny parts to assemble, I guess they figured children might chock on them or something, sucks, still the chocolate is good, especially the smaller yellow chocolate egg inside.

I honestly never understood why they changed it. Seem forced and gay.

i listened to some radio host around battle mountain, nevada talk about a "Toblerone Gap" for about twenty minutes. it took me ten minutes to figure out he was referring to the thigh gap.

That’s because it contains butyric acid.

>Butyric acid is present in, and is the main distinctive smell of, human vomit.

I can't be the only one that misses nice clean packaging, that isn't covered in 10% OFF YOUR NEXT ORDER AT FUCKDILDOS.ORG

Cadburys is a British company owner by an American parent multinational national company.
Cadburys is still a company in its own right and it's British, based on the uk

It's because I'm anti-Unionist mate

Attached: National Entities of Britain and Ireland.png (1200x1500, 148K)

Well yeah, the old one was better in absolutely every application.


>Most sweets taste kind of nasty to me.
Oh yeah, so what is your favourite snack food ?

coping this hard, give it up we lost already

Charleston Chew are probably the most based snack. Sometimes I’ll burger out and buy all 3 flavours.

The internet, the Windows operating system, the modern smart phone, Jow Forums, the personal computer, all that shit you're using to communicate with me right now, do you want to get started, Pierre, or do we have to go further?

They're really good but I used to finish them in a few seconds.

Let's agree to disagree

Dinosaurs are a scam. Google dinosaur bones and see what you come up with. Models and extremely shitty (((fossils)))

This. For example a pasta company manufacturing pasta in Italy using an Italian recipe would be producing Italian pasta no matter who owned the shares.

They changed it so they could supply you with less chocolate for your money obviously, you obviously aren't circumcised.

sure, tastes shity

>The internet
That was the 80's of the last century.
>the Windows operating system
Nobody uses that anymore but retarded Gamers
>Jow Forums
>the modern smart phone
Korea has better ones
>the personal computer
You could get a Chink one but granted the US ones are vastly better.

And what the fuck was the British Empire then?

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apologies for the gratuitous use of the word 'obviously', it was uncalled for in multiple & quick succession thus

I like salty stuff.

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is budweiser a german beer

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>The internet


>They're really good but I used to finish them in a few seconds.
Agreed, they should make them bigger.

Despite your diabolical vomit chocolate, your vast range of crisps and dips are bretty gud.

>using an Italian recipe
yeah but they changed the chocolate recipe doe

an empire?

yeah they look breddy gud as well

Chocolate gives me the wet shits, feels bad

damn I might be hungry, all this talk of 'food'

They're amazing with beer. I'm surprised bars don't put them out.


Is that image legit or a just a mock up? Haven't had a toblerone in god knows how many years