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>FISA WARRANTS ON TRUMP ARE LEAKED Anonymous (ID: 0xcqcWsg) 07/21/18(Sat)19:23:11 No.179614696
Where is everyone?!
400+ pages! Start digging, negroes!
Probably in the other 5 threads.
Who's going to jail next boys???
witch hunt confirmed!
I looked through them. Another nothingburger. Dont waste your time.
Saving this one for later. Anymore of this bitch?
And bump.
this but unironically. i unironically sniff my gf
shill shillington in the flesh
So who is it?
obama giving hillary bunny ears is really funny to me
Page 88 is part of the FISA warrant application submission. The footnote denotes the fact it acknowledges Trump won the election. That means this application was submitted AFTER he won.
Strzok and Page talked about an "insurance policy." This is it, lads.
What's the point when it's redacted?
True if big
It continues into April of 2017. These people were spying on Trump into his presidency.
By definition this is a soft coup.
Of course.
Have you pieced together identities yet?
Things that will happen:
it's always happening, faggot.
hillary holding huma's hand is better
fuck off
All wiretapping operations ceased by October 1, 2017.
how can you post while being that retarded?
This explains the outcry of TREASON from the lefties. They knew this actual treason was dropping.
Besides the basic chain of command, no. Hard to say if Strzok is in this, but he WAS one of the top intel guys on Mueller's team.
why does she have acne on her legs and carcass?
This looks like a reapplication. First one is in 2016 but still pretty big Comey signed it after Trump already won the election
Holy shit here we go.
So glad to see Zyklon Ben's work no longer gets fucked with.
They’re blacking our the day of the month? That’s pretty suspicious right there.
Also, if we handwriting examples of major players, can compare it to the digits that aren’t blacked out:
Comedy? Or McCain. Those are my guess
Correct, they resubmitted it. The fact remains that they had a contingency in place. And their info was from a source who was not reputable to boot.
I say we look into that month and see what was going on in the news. These guys were leaking to the press left and right.
Just need to connect the dots.
Do you know what a leak is?
Hint: leaks aren't redacted, judicial watch probably sued for this.
>October 2016
There was a lot going on user.
>leaks aren't redacted
You are a faggot.
that source was Steele and the pee-tape dossier, right?
Woops, meant 2017.
They were getting their assets in place before they finally submitted the application afterward.
Bottom line is they kept submitting it even after Trump won.
based as fuck honestly
scrooge if yew
Unelected officials spying and intercepting communication from a president. Jesus fucking Christ.
They need to hang
>b-b-but this time iz real
Came to post this.
Baron acting odd.
Leaks can certainly be redacted.
This is a good idea.
lol Baron has legit autism. I love that kid.
>implying any of these criminals have gone to jail.
the slash lines in the date line (10/16) do not look like they came from a right-handed writer. who among the coup plotters is left-handed? and that is a distinctive looking "6."
they fucking used a lie, and didnt bother to VERIFY the lies, as a means to get wiretaps.
>the state of the FBI
guys, look at the signature shape
it goes below the line at the start, who else does that?
John Mccain.
we need examples of him writing digits.
Strzok may be right handed, I'm looking at his hearing right now
Tell me more. I sniff wife’s farts
Those edits were always funnier and ben knew it. And ben would be even more irrelevant without those edits and he knows it.
Somehow wanting to reduce tensions with russia puts trump under suspicion of being a russian agent. This is completely out of control, FBI has absolutely no authority to dictate foreign politics.
soon as i saw the acne on the ass
i vomited
>Hey guys lets dig through all this worthless paperwork that will never be used in anyway to hold people accountable because the DoJ and FBI are beyond corrupt
>Dont ask why Trump isnt taking care of his own executive branch instead of you having to dig through all this meaningless leaks.
Fuck off and die already you worthless fucks.
Tell Trump to police his own god damn doj.
im so sick of this stupid fucking witch hunt. he can end all of this, fuck this im out.
>The Silver Shill
Well at least you're honest
there's a fine line where the idea of a woman farting absolutely repulses me but that general area smells fantastic to me, but it's probably because she keeps clean
Couldn't find a single FUCKING example. Sorry, user.
This niggas handwriting is almost as bad as mine kek
McCain is not an employee of the FBI.
On Page 8 the FISA APPLICATION clearly state's that Candidate #1 is Donald Trump has Carter Page and Papa worked for his campaign.
Then states on page 18 that Carter Page went to Russia to get "kompromat" on Candidate #2 (Hillary's campagin) for Candidate number #1's campaign (TRUMP).
Page 27-31 are redacted
What the fuck is the point of leaking redacted documents?
BUMP. keep this going through the weekend.
we get to play fill in the blanks.
Totally this.
Trump needs to get his executive branch together
Like Mad libs?
He is gonna be Done
>in 2024.
Bump, Shills hitting thread hard I see
Lots of shilling.
How is this the only thread on on this on Jow Forums right now
> the paperwork has finally started leaking
The FiRe RisEs
anyone have a reference for the redaction reason codes?
Massive shilling currently.
We really need to start trying to map out the FISA judges and shit, but I was thinking of taking a nap and waking up around 12 or so to get reading. Or go to that double chan place.
Probably Strzok.
This aussie fucks.
See: Also this:
Devin Nunes and Carter Page if they don't cooperate with Mueller's investigation
How many times will we dig through a bunch of shit while the real people in power do nothing?
This isnt going to help or solve anything man.
Only Trump firing Sessions and Wray and going completely HAM on the deep state will change anything, but if you want to spend your free time looking through insanely redacted documents released by the very same agencies that need to be dismantled, feel free.
All that ass pimple...
Strzok was the lead agent investigating russian collusion. Its almost a foregone conclusion he had sone part in putting this sham of a fisa warrant together