The giant redpill

The biggest redpill of all is that all of modern day racism is mostly made by (((them))) to devide everyone. National socialism tells you that you should love your own people, while still respecting and understand that what makes us different as humans. You can be pro ethnostate and still not hate other ethnicities.

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damn you must be fucking stupid, and that’s coming from an american

All redpills are same size. You take one every day and you progressively improve.

Say final redpill, not biggest. Biggest is just gay. Like you're talking about dicks or something.

You're fucking gay.

True. Look at

You don't hate niggers?

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I mean they do act like scum in caucasian places and I oppose race mixing, diversity and multiculturalism, but if they lived in their own homeland I wouldn't have a reason to hate them.

Not the "biggest" but you're wrong with Racism. It was creates by Trotsky, a jew, who first used describe Ukrainians who didnt want to live with the Soviet Union. Since then it has been amped up and used to help non-whites attack white since we are (((their))) biggest competition. I do not hate non-whites but they need to understand this is our land and they cant live among us. South Africa had few natives before the whites came in, same with Rhodesia. The whites made these places great so Africans flocked to them, over populated it since they are the only ones who have increased birthrates when they go into industrialized areas and overthrew the governments and made the places shitholes again. They are still an enemy, but that is simplu because thats how they live, but is easy to see why others do hate them.

Yeah thats true...

Bullshit, but nonetheless, if a Jew invented the notion I'm superior to niggers, then I just co-opted the idea. Because I fucking am. I'm not different. I'm not just of european ancestry, and their of baboon ancestry... I'm better. I am superior, to a nigger. A nigger is inferior, to me.

I don't care if that "divides" ((("us"))) either.
In my most idealistic world we'd genocide the niggers in Africa and take that shit over, too.

And newflash, neither do the niggers spics ect ect el al, see things any differently than that for themselves at any time, anywhere, when they aren't in a position of weakness.

This is cute optics talk but no, in reality nogs and spics and browns aren't equal to whites in the modern setting real world we live in. They are an inferior people. They're lucky to be treated with decency, instead of naturally as base slaves.

>it's not jews

Yes, it is. The reason you hate blacks is because jews made blacks hate you.

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