What's with people these days waiting until later and later in the night to have dinner?
I see and hear about people not eating dinner until 8pm. Fair and honest people eat their dinners between 5-6 just as God intended. Waiting later than that for degenerates and is immoral.
Red Pilled Dinner Time
I can confirm I wait tables at a supper club families will show up at like 9 with young children. Fucking terrible parenting
7pm is dinner time. 5pm is for old people.
>complaining about late dinners
boomer please die already
I'm a manager at a Restaurant over the summer in between years at my University and all I see is a bunch of degenerates coming in at 9pm acting like it's not late as fuck. It's a sign of a poor life schedule.
You take this pretty fucking seriously, user. Get that stick outta your ass.
>Fair and honest people eat their dinners between 5-6 just as God intended.
Fair and honest people call it supper, just as god intended.
6:30pm is dinner time you degenerates
you niggers better say grace too
>Heavenly Father, accept our thanks for these, and all our blessings. In Christ name, amen!
the fuck did you get your numbers from
I just met him 4 days ago in Montreal.
Great guy
Basic decency
>expecting me to live my life around your schedule
This is why boomers need to die.
True. I can’t believe how many terrible parents I see taking their kids out to restaurants and bars late at night. Kids need sleep. Hierarchy of needs, you selfish assholes.
Inb4 degenerates defend this.
I'm no boomer user, I'm just not a degenerate is all.
>Onions face
Checks out
You retarded boomer christcucks ruin everything.
5 or 6 my ass I'm not even off work til 7 or 8, single and no kids though but I make my own meals
Plz die.
Just because you are all wage slaves and work 9 to 5 doesn't mean that other people don't live at different parts of the day.
I had supper anywhere from 6-10pm, more often around 8 or 9. Parents were always working late as fuck and it sucked so I just said fuck it and started cooking for me and my brother at a reasonable time.
Eating past 6 shoulf literally be grounds for federal execution. Degenerhate people eat at 8pm. Makes me sick desu.
Gotta eat dinner and get up early so you can mow your lawn at 6am amirite?
Exactly. I am a god fearing communist hating american and I ll be god damned if some lady gaga commie whore is going to corrupt my life. Pursuit of happiness. Only good thing they had was 7.62 but now so do we so FUCK YOU SCHILLS
What if you eat earlier than that?
I usually sit down to eat between 3:30 and 4:30.
Does that make me more holy, or is there some sort of reverse time overflow that I've actually been worshiping Moloch for most of my adult life for eating so early?
I eat dinner before 5 so i get the early bird specials. Combined with my senior discount I can get a nice meatloaf and potatas for $9.95+tip. Coffee is free, of course. Bed by 10 and I'm at the Senior Center first thing for pickle ball and good friends.