Wow... I can't believe how many people here are fine with this. Sorry...

Wow... I can't believe how many people here are fine with this. Sorry, but sexually harrassing underage girls isn't okay. It wasn't fine during Pizza Gate and it's not fine now.

Just because it's /ourguy/ doesn't mean it's forgivable. I STRONGLY disavow.

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>1 post by this ID

fuck off and kill yourself, shit head shill. no bump.

Fuck off, nazi shill


Pick one you fucking leaf faggot

>New Allegations
>From decades ago


Do us all a favor and take a nap in your garage with the car motor running.

When can we kill the jews again? I hate them so much.

if true, then I love Trump.
if not true I still love Trump.

If you can forgive shitskins raping thousands of young girls, I can forgive Trump for allegedly harassing someone.

Trump is just staging an elaborate coverup for the fact that he is gay.

I mean look at him, how could he not be gay? Putin, definitely some romance there. Pence? The best kind of lovers. Obama? So much sexual tension in that one. Donald trump is such a raging homosexual. He probably is going to turn the White House into a gay strip club. Love you guys! Have fun with our 1st gay president!!!

Are the jews trying to be gassed. Ive never seena group so hell bent on people collectively hating them. They are so obvious and oblivious with their annoying nature that people kick them out.

This is a Shareblue shill thread paid for by the Democratic Party.

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pretty much.

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I really wish we could just nuke Canada. Warmed honey is a thousand times better than maple syrup anyway.

Yeah but the holocaust is a laughably implausible story

Rafi (((Schwartz))))

fuck off shariablue shill leaf

Please, Burger-san. Do it. I'm ready. My country is so unbelievably cucked it is unbelievable. The city I grew up in with all white neighbours is like 80% stinky dirty Punjabi Sikh now.


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>Wow... I can't believe how many people here are fine with [NEW FAKE THING]. Sorry, but [NEW FAKE THING] isn't okay. It wasn't fine during [PAST FAKE THING] and it's not fine now.
>Just because it's /ourguy/ doesn't mean it's forgivable. I STRONGLY disavow.


Those girls are old wrinkly women now. Who gives a fuck?


shareblue's got saturday night fever

Ah my brother, shall we go to the local Catholic school and "purify" those infidels.

I'd believe it. Russians have something on Drumpf and it'd be hot if he's caught on video molesting young Ivanka but hookers pissing on him would also qualify.

i say obvious shill threads should be responded to with holocaust denial and other abrasive red pills, depending on the most likely race of the shill. They will become afraid to post as it will inevitably result in the opposite information being posted to what they had intended

Yeah but blacks have a low IQ, and jews preach hatred of gentiles in their talmud

Berniebro here, yeah no kidding


You know what I like on my chicken? Sage.

Do you not know anything about Jews? How new are you user?

Trump loves fucking pre-teens. It is known.

The holocaust didn't happen. It will eventually happen

The raking begins after the Civil War.

20th fucking time this week, fuck off shill


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Look at this fucking Jew. What's with shills and conflating everyone right of center, from Republicucks to Drumpfkins to nat socs? Shills are so transparent no matter how hard they try.

>hurrdurr RAPE
>hurrdurr impeachment soon
sage is why

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