***Happening*** 40 hostages

40 hostages Trader Joes Los Angeles

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1 dead

false flag
fuck LA

glad you could join us for class mr. Spicoli

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What kind of low life shoots his own fucking grandma? Even for a nigger that's fucking low

And what is going on in this picture?


>Devin Field
>writer for @JimmyKimmelLive / UCB LA

the fake and gay kind

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I doubt this is true. Trader Joes is a Gun Free Zone.

>trader joes
cool, 40 less queer leftist kids

>Los Angeles

By default nothing of value could be lost, who cares?

No, lots of people live over there. It was just dumb luck he crashed there, the streets from South Central run right up into there. It's just a bit past Sunset Boulevard.

yea but they set it up like a flash mob. I bet that car didn't even crash and was there for a while. then they start tweeting about it.

>40 hostages Trader Joes
Stopped caring at "Trader Joes"

this is like asking Jow Forums to give a shit about the Pulse fag club purification.

It will be an opening for them to try and chip away at the 2nd amendment but ultimitely, since Kavanaugh is pro-gun and AR-15s, we can be grateful that only leftist cucks shop at Trader Joes.

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also that crashed car was completely missing its front right wheel. it looks like they towed that shit in from the scrap yard

Trader Joes is delicious you absolute faggot. And reasonably priced

There is not much more to chip away at here in CA. Bunch of fucking leftist fucks.

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True as that may be, silverlake residents who would shop there need to go.

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100% this shit is fucking stupid and the entire police force needs to be executed for their complicity and crimes.

Enjoy your s o y tits

You're entitled to your opinion but I've been to the store. I know this neighborhood. If anything the girl that was killed unfortunately was probably killed by police fire, because they were so gung-ho to shoot at this kid.

This is a quiet neighborhood, these people don't do anything but cruise each other at this store, it's very unfortunate they don't deserve it. I prefer the Gelson's across the street, it's very nice.

holy shit, i think i stopped at this exact trader joes when i was staying in hollywood last year, but they were closed because it was after 10pm.

is life in America.

That's a spooky picture. Who is that? It looks or chloe moretz.

It is.
It's her in the vampire makeup from Let Me In

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another white goy shooter I'm sure. Pol and rural idiots are the laughing stock once again

I know a girl with gums like that. She's a qt otherwise, but damn

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she's cute

She's really pretty.

prettier with her mouth closed

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Let my numbers be the final body count for this happening. Praise kek!

I thought this was over. It’s still habbening?

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Darn those White cishet male shooters. It's always th-

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Oh lord shes beautiful

>let me just exclude them
aren't they all
it is over

weird this happened in silverlake it's a pretty white area

mfw leftist keeps turning this into a domestic abuse issue for no reason
all they ever do is take real events and then hijack them for their 'cause. it's beyond sociopathic

the fucking infographic isn't even applicable to the situation yet all these roasties keep flipping this.

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Dazzling beauty

39 out of 40 Trader's Joe customers suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

That's what I've been trying to say. It's very unusual.


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Got it in one.

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So are you saying Asian and Hapa men are more violent than white men? LMAO


Cool story faggot

So did they catch the guy yet?

Fuck off Chang Williams

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CNN ran the photo. LA Times is still trying to pretend they don't know.

Lol a black guy? This will be forgotten tomorrow cause muh drumph

is nothing sacred?
(((*muh liberal tears*)))

i like this shit desu

Never a smile with these types. Always looking buttblasted.

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Dita Von Teese shops there go look at her Twitter. There's a lot of celebrities over there.

i used to live in this area and i shopped at this trader joes

theres a gelsons across the street and their deserts are good desu

>Excludes the overwhelming amount of white cis males from the pic
What a dumb nigger


>“I think like many parents out there, it was difficult to keep things together watching small children come out of windows on the second floor who were hiding,” Garcetti said.
Garcetti sure does get upset to see "product" escaping

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I got some shots of the kids they kidnap

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haha CA

is one of them OJ?

>false flag
CA always bringing the top level psyops

>>The woman who was shot was pulled away from the scene by police as the situation was ongoing, and she was treated by Fire Department medics but did not survive, Mayor Eric Garcetti said.
I think I saw this lady it took like 4 police to finally pick her up and they carry her off down the street like a sack of potatoes

Traitor Joe's? If this is a psyop what exactly is it accomplishing?

who knows maybe they knew the guy and he was all
>yea you can use my store for fake hostage event

>hurr we need our rites!!!!
america is so fucked up. I can't imagine fearing for my life every time i leave the house

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>The suspect then fled in his grandmother's 2015 Toyota Camry, taking the wounded female victim with him. Police said she suffered a graze wound to her head and is expected to survive. It's believed the woman may be the suspect's girlfriend.
>Officers were able to track the car using LoJack - a stolen vehicle tracking system - and officers tried to stop the car in Hollywood, but the man refused to pull over, Moore said.
>During the chase, the suspect fired at officers, shooting out the back window of his car, before he crashed into a pole outside the supermarket, and an officer-involved shooting occurred.
not once does it bring up the fact the car had no front right tire & there is no way that shit flew off into another timeline when he bumped into the lamp post

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What have any false flags accomplished?

If I knew all that id be a wizard

its californians, who cares.

I was thinking Joe Biden who was in the news this week. What you said is entirely possible but I don't think they knew this was coming at all.

That does look odd.

>dominates news cycle
>no need to report on Pedo Holywood scandal that is blowing up all over Twitter right now
>no need to report on FISA warrant publication
>everyone just look over here at this terrifying event, hopes and prayers and hopes and prayers

Silver lake is the biggest hipster neighborhood in the country


californian here

Here you go.

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>What kind of low life shoots his own fucking grandma
A white dude

>This is a quiet neighborhood, these people don't do anything but cruise each other at this store, it's very unfortunate they don't deserve it. I prefer the Gelson's across the street, it's very nice.
>cruise each other
so you are saying its just faggots and faggot lovers taken hostage? so nothing is lost?

>roasties hijacking shit with garbage memes
Need to have a return meme for all their hijacking. As soon as its like YAAAAAAAAAAAAS GUN CONTROL, or YAAAAAAAAAAS DOMESTIC GUN VIOLENCE, need to be able to counter with something, I'm currently to drunk to be able to suggest something but this did come to mind.


Wrong. I went inside the store one time. A woman literally followed behind me out to the parking lot trolling so hard. I heard this was a cruise spot, this was in 09.

I don't buy sprouts and kale they didn't have anything that I liked. I like the store across the street. Nevertheless those people are harmless and that girl did not deserve to die.

This isn't West Hollywood. The gays over here are ultra professional designers, producers, actors. They are virtually invisible.

Nothing because they don't fucking exist. I'm pro-gun but false flags are nothing but the delusions of paranoid boomers.

>They are virtually invisible.
by your californian standard maybe.

uhoh someone is a cranky baby

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Don't worry.. if you like, you can cruise over to Sunset and buy a Bubinsky Hammer at rough trade

google.com/search?q=rough trade sunset blvd&oq=rou&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l2.1359j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

see, you revealed yourself faggot. You aren't invisible to normal eyes.

Lmao. It's across from the coffee shop. They are probably some of your favorite actors by the way.

Very funny

Where do you think you are? jewtv&movies, what are those? haven't seen them in years, same as jew "news."


>On Facebook, Mely Corado, as she was often called, had shared videos from March for Our Lives, including a well-known speech by Parkland, Florida student and anti-gun violence activist Emma Gonzalez.

CRISIS-ACTOR "brother"

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god damn what a boss

>>you will never time travel and make badass video games in the past with programming knowledge from the future

Brother's twitter feed reads like a bot

twitter.com/search?q=@digitalurn until:2014-01-01


Badges acting like bitches
Where's the shilling?

Big gums make me sick. Like completely nauseated. I could never get it up if I had to look at a face with shiny gums showing,

That's a damn shame. Don't reproduce with it tho. You wouldn't want gummy kids.

CA is one step away from being more draconian than NY in gun control.
Think about that for a minute. 30million + state will effectively make gun ownership and self defense brazil tier, but not even cops can justifiably shoot a criminal if their skin is darker than hazelnut without pritests and flag burning. At least in 3rd world shitholes, the majority of the populace celevrate dead criminals.

Hahaha why is trader Joe's open?