Major happenings tonight!

Major happenings tonight!

New PM of Ecuador withdraws political asylum for Julian Assange; Assange to be turned over to authorities
Carter Page fisa warrant docs

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checked and ... where were you hours ago? this is old news now

this is good, finally assangetards will stop saying he is dead

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how about the hollywood hunt, did that get slid?

fuck off small dick rice nigger

Look into Death to Smoochy , pretty much the whole movie has pedofilia symbolism in it . Look at the cast , look for the symbols , it’s all in plain view .

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This is just more proof that D.A.K is real you dumbass.

The shitposter who came to Jow Forums that day gave a narrative where this situation was inevitable

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You do know that Jeselnik's stand-up routine is all about saying the most fucked up shit imaginable, right? Calling out Gunn, Black, etc is fine but you're going to lose if you start going after shock comedians. The next logical step is calling out his actual routine. You're going to lose credibility if you go down that road, it's what the left does. Take my advice.

he's a comedian, boomer.

Good. It’s about time we all straight up start acting like fascists. If the left can erode the republican base we should definitely do it for them.

Wake up you dumb bitches, it’s comedy. He’s making fun of pedos and it’s great. He’s not encouraging pedophilia. Watch a Jeselnik special and get back to me you bunch of fucking phony, bible clutching tards.

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user dropped this in another thread
Get em boys

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>it's what the left does.

It's what happens in war, user. One side bombs you, you bomb therm back. Welcome to war.

That wasn't my point at all. But Jeselnik does this shock humor. Do you plan on getting him fired for his stand-up routine as well? Like I said, the Gunn tweets are weird and I'm glad they were called out, but you're going to lose if you start crusading against actual jokes. Don't be that guy. What the fuck happened to Jow Forums?

To this end and in this battle to control bad comedy from happening, we are only bombing ourselves.

I really really enjoyed GotG 1 and 2. It's too bad, really, what must be done.

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Go back back and watch some Bob Saget routines, yeah Danny Tanner. It's some of the most debased comedy you'll ever hear. Should he be run out of town by you busy bodies too? Use your brain, if you want to expose legit pedos openly bragging about it on Twitter, don't sacrifice your credibility by moralfagging comedians.

wait what. What ever happend to the Snctm stuff? And how is that manifesto related and not a honeypot?

>reboating this
in a sense, i hope the Glow in the Dark niggers finally do succeed in kidnapping Assange, zip tying him, and tossing him into a Gulfstream V jet with tailfin number

N379P for his rendition to Gitmo.

because then the Stochastic Terminator activates, and the passwords to decrypt all of the Wikileaks insurances will flood onto the Internet.

shit has been to fucking boring since Trump won. we went from monthly and weekly Happenings, with bigger and bigger leaks piling up until in October 2016 it really felt like the 7FG Shadow Govt was on the verge of being lynched by peasant mobs bearing torches and pitchforks.

well what the fuck happened? why did everything dry up? why did Wikileaks turn into drip drip drip?

and where did Guccifer the Shadowbroker go? where's the rest of Vault7? where's Vault7 Part B Media Ops, which proves CIA hacked elections of all of our "allies", in 2,754 encrypted top secret pdfs? and given the Shadowbroker still has NSA's best exploits and turn key C2 shitty coads, why hasn't the Shadowbroker used those goodies to hack back and steal even more goodies from the traitors at FBICIANSA? why has the Shadowbroker stopped when they were on the verge of total victory?

why have we the Spectators been left with a shitty ghetto substitute for Wikileaks, in the form of QLARP and his JTRIG e-army of Boomer cocksucket shills?

i welcome any new Happenings that move the needle. if Assange has to be waterboarded and have his balls zapped in a CIA black site in order to anger the user hackers enough to pull the Samson Option and hack the planet and pull it and crash the US Govt in retaliation, then i say so mote it be.

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Time to get to work lads. Let's expose all of these fuckers and end their evil once and for all.

asleep, just woke up
thanks OP

Hey faggot, apparently you didn't understand what I said about war.

>ted cruz saving face
fuck these satanic kikes and their reprobate minds, they are a scourge upon the earth

oh well, assange cant live the rest of his fucking live in the fucking embassy

>Vault7 Part B Media Ops

This could save Europe.

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You have forgotten your PLACE, HALF-man. Humility is in order.

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We'll never see assange. They'll just claim he was transferred into UK custody. The UK will most likely deny it and everyone will be like "Where's Assange?", but we already know where Assange is.

There is nothing happening

sage these dumb threads

What are you trying to show here?

Havent checked the ip yet but i imagine its a hosting service?

I see snctm. What is special about the possible sibling sites?

nvm, not a host..

Apparently you didn't understand what I said. Bomb them back, but if you're choosing comedians like this as your target, you're going to lose. Since when did Jow Forums start taking Cernovich serious? He'd love nothing more than to subvert your cause. Go look up the tweets by his good friend Loren Feldman and then ask yourself why Cernovich is always doing more harm than good.

maybe those mail servers...

Yeah missed that the first time...

Still i am curious.. Is there a dump i should be looking for?

it's a derail attempt
inb4 cicada discord shit

Feels a bit too much like b8 desu Never went manic with nctm so i cant really be botherd to spend hours on that thing.

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yea but everything Jesenik says is offensive so thinking he is a target is fucking retarded, its not even low hanging fruit or some shit, it's just completely irrelevant. I wouldn't be surprised if picking him for this shit was someones idea of a joke to make people like you look stupid,