Be young kid

>be young kid
>get tattoos
>permanently infect your lymph nodes and brain with nano particles

Is the stupidity of this generation correlated with tattoos that deposit nanoparticles inside your lymph nodes and nervous system?

Tattood people are literally walking diseased creatures.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's why the bible says don't.

That bible has a lot of sound advice for yout health even if you ignore all the religious stuff.

tattoos are bad (time when disinfectant tidnd't exist)
rule about fish (no fridges back then)
pig was dirty (pork was near inedible with brain parasites in ancient times)
marry a virgin
if you rape a girl pay her dad a fine and marry her

>it gets in your lymph nodes
yes, but then what? what does it do? People have been tattooed for millennia, there's gotta be some knowledge or study about long term effects.

>but cut off your foreskin
>inb4 jesus "said" you don't have to anymore

also tattoos are for slaves

ancient cultures all practised tattooing, ate fish and pork and fucked each other left and right and we're still here.. just saying.

>no link
Just go die, OP.

>People have been tattooed for millennia,
With berries. What's in the ink they use now? isn't it onions based or something.

faggot filters

I take it you meant to write the English word for soja, but afaik no.. there's no soja in normal tattoo ink.

Those are the shitty ones.
Literally the ones that are invading the good ones and abusing their empathy.

tattoos + fish + pork + promiscuity = all of my ancestors, all Germanic and Celtic cultures and most Mediterranean too. All of Europe.

you were saying?

I got exposed to hep B by going to a shady tattooist when I was a teenager. Thank God my immune system is fucking boss and I fought it off.

Yeah, after Christianity went to the gentiles

still doesn't answer my question..

>That's why the bible says don't.

No the bible includes a passage specifically for one of the 12 tribes of isreal.

Are you a Levite?

Then why the fuck are you reading Leviticus, the letter of instructions specifically for them?

No tattoos is in the same set of instructions that says no mixed fabrics, and dont cut the hair on the side of your head.

You fucking retard.

>dont cut the hair on the side of your head
.. so that's why they have those weird braids?

here in a tourist place in south thailand i am amazed at how many people are not only already tatooed but they go make more tatoos, and let local thais do it
thais have zero sense of ethics and zero responsability, but they are allowed to tatoo tourists, because by the time problems arise the tourist is already back home
if dumb tourists would understand that it is cheaper for a reason here, they would be better off

Galatians 5:2

Tattoo ink in America is unregulated. It's pretty much printer ink and is proven to give you heavy metal poisoning.

it also makes you look like a fag

>if dumb tourists would understand that it is cheaper for a reason here, they would be better off

They dont care they're living in the moment.

Of course. It's an ancient guide book for maintaining a civilization.

they also die in the moment

based Thai. Show western tattoofags no mercy

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not thai you retard, just someone having biz here

Jewish law doesn't allow tattoos. The Jews have it right again.

>and is proven to give you heavy metal poisoning
link to this, I've known a fair share of tattooed Americans, none of whom have had any problems with their tattoos.

>Thinking God changed His mind

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Tattoo fags are universal reatards.

A new report has raised questions about the safety of tattoo inks used in Europe, most of which are imported from the United States. The inks have been found to contain hazardous chemicals, including carcinogens.

The report, from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, also identified heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and nickel, preservatives, organic compounds, bacteria, and other potentially harmful substances in the inks.

It calls for a thorough review of tattoo inks in use throughout the European Union, and it highlights the need for strict regulation of the inks, which are also used for permanent makeup.

After the report was released, the organization asked the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to look further into tattoo ink safety.

“Tattoo inks and permanent make up (PMU) may contain hazardous substances -- for example, substances that cause cancer, genetic mutations, toxic effects on reproduction, allergies or other adverse effects on health,” an ECHA statement reads.

The concerns accompany a rapid rise in the number of people getting tattoos. Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. adults have a tattoo, according to a Harris Poll. Four years ago, only 1 in 5 adults were inked. Two tattoo industry trade groups, the National Tattoo Association and the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, did not respond to requests for comment.

In this country, the FDA has also raised concerns about tattoo ink.

Last August, the FDA announced a voluntary recall of A Thousand Virgins inks, which were found to be contaminated with bacteria. The year before that, another company, White and Blue Lion, recalled its inks and other tattoo equipment because of contamination that could have caused sepsis, a potentially deadly complication of infections. Other recalls have happened in previous years, both here and in Europe.

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Accept Christ? You're Christian, doesnt matter who you are.

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Other concerns the FDA raises on its website include:

Allergic reactions
Itchiness and inflammation when exposed to summer sunlight
Granulomas, or small knots or bumps that form around areas where the body senses foreign material, such as the pigments in tattoo ink
The spread of tattoo ink to the body’s lymphatic system. It’s unknown whether this has health consequences.

It is true that some red inks used for permanent tattoos contain mercury, while other reds may contain different heavy metals like cadmium or iron oxide. These metals—which give the tattoo its “permanence” in skin—have been known to cause allergic reactions, eczema and scarring and can also cause sensitivity to mercury from other sources like dental fillings or consuming some fish. While red causes the most problems, most other colors of standard tattoo ink are also derived from heavy metals (including lead, antimony, beryllium, chromium, cobalt nickel and arsenic) and can cause skin reactions in some people.

Helen Suh MacIntosh, a professor in environmental health at Harvard University and a columnist for the website, Treehugger, reports that as a result of a 2007 lawsuit brought by the American Environmental Safety Institute (AESI), two of the leading tattoo ink manufacturers must now place warning labels on their product containers, catalogs and websites explaining that “inks contain many heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and others” and that the ingredients have been linked to cancer and birth defects.

Tattoo ink is placed via needles into the dermis layer of the skin, where it remains permanently (although some colors will fade over time). Some people have reported sensitivity springing up even years after they first got their tattoo; also, medical MRIs can cause tattoos to burn or sting as the heavy metals in the ink are affected by the test’s magnetism.

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sorry my lymph-nodes are full of poison

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All my girl friends got the most ridiculous tattoos imaginable.

Like a robot on her chest...

I am so glad I never did it.

>reports about it maybe being dangerous
>lol ur an tatuu phaggot kek
evidence that people have gotten sick from long term effects of tattoo ink.

pretty please with a fucking cherry on top, you angry little burger child.

ok you win

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They had each other to live for, today we are sold ourselves.

Hey buddy, you know who founded your wonderful high trust society? Faggot Christians that’s who. Even if you don’t agree with it, the fact that Christianity gave us the cultured arts and preserved European knowledge for 1000 years is bretty gud. Much better than Buddhist, muslim and Hindu cultures.
Although of whites adopted those religions we would still be better because we are just higher functioning creatures than they.

Does that mean all the stuff about how the Jews are going to rule the world is still on too? Or are you cherrypicking OT like always?

black pill supreme edition, almost so poetic it covers the bitter after taste.
I don't ½ a ½ cooked shit about your dead jew on a stick, I asked about the possible long term consequences of tattoo ink, ffs... you infinite moronic burger child, this is not about you or your dead semite carpenter.


Tattoos are disgusting. They don't make you look cool, white-niggers of Jow Forums. They make you look like a thug.

Christcucks can't talk about anything but Jesus. To them everything is about Jesus. Tattooing is about Jesus, hamburgers are about Jesus, underwear is about Jesus. And especially every thread on Jow Forums is about Jesus.

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And the ten commandments too. We aren't kikes, let's kill and rape everyone!

true enough, my nordic brother. Jeg savner jeres fjelde, og midnatssolen...

The bible says not to not because of some kind of magical foresight, but instead because of a few other, more practical reasons.

Putting markings on your body affirms an identity. The folks writing the bible probably wanted to ensure that people would not adhere to other groups. Fair enough.

The other is something a bit more complex, but within the same vein of thought. When you mark yourself, you tell your future brain that your current thoughts are to be adhered to - or rather, that the thoughts/identity you are aiming at or expressing with the tattoo is to be adhered to. This can really limit your ability to make personal progress. If you are stuck on some superficial idea of what your "self" is, you can do yourself real harm.

More abstractly, it may be a warning against processing problems through trivial, and distanced means. This is an unhealthy, and ineffective way of processing the difficulties we encounter living a typical human life. Tragedy happens to us. We make mistakes. Things don't work out. We need to investigate these things thoroughly and make sure they are dealt with properly. When we have an easy way to defer this responsibility (such as a tattoo) then we miss out on really fixing the problem and learning from it. This makes us into worse individuals. It also leads to attention seeking behavior. This is an imminent weakness that leaves us vulnerable to the assessments of others, rather than the reasoned belief system and convictions we have built up.

It could also be an infraction on the sanctity of the individual. Profession of adherence to a tribal group could weaken the importance of the individual.

Either way, they hurt, they look like shit, they are a cry for attention, and the cost money that could be better spent.

That most people do things stupidly for stupid reasons doesn't have any real bearing on the thing they attempt to do, now does it? Most people write shitty and useless books, ergo writing books is bad?

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>mosaics law

user i...

Are you the type of Canadian that just looks completely suicidal and despondent because you view "hostile opinions" daily?

I take photos of your kind every time I visit my Uncle.

Tattoos uses to be a tribal thing

Nowadays it's just a fashion statement.

>If you get a tattoo you have to live your entire life by some arbitrary code, never change and live by your tattoo forever!
This is why people lump all Christians together as retards.

That's ironic, because your uncle takes pictures of you when you visit.

my uncle takes pictures of your uncles

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Yep. This one goes in my uncle compilation.


I never saw the point of a tattoo. I cannot think of anything I'd want to personally mark onto my body until I die. This is my body, with all of its strengths and its shortcomings, this is part of me.

some of my tattoos "mean" something, other are just decoration. Homage to ancestors, adornment. It's not important, it's just Nordic tradition.

none of them mean anything, all of them are shit and you're a fag

I feel like you’re on to something but maybe you need to reword it.

>I'm very concerned with other men's bodies
>so you must be homosexual

.. sure, but at least I'm not a Balt.

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Tattoos are important for identifying degenerate white women.

>Tramp stamp
>Slag tag

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the poor Eesti still longs so hard to be Nordic.


and no, people are finally realising what was clear as day to me already in the 2000s - nordics are effeminate, annoying, soft and sheltered, and the state of your gay societies is not something to aspire to

you got it fundamentally wrong

Yeah Celts were the niggers of Europe before Rome civilized them, forcefully. It also took over 1,000 years and the dark ages to wake you cunts up. Some say you're still useless and shitty to this day