The Truth About Jazz Jennings

I decided to read her entire book ("I Am Jazz") out of morbid curiosity. This is a political post because Jazz is used by the left to promote the trans agenda.

1) Jazz discusses drawing pictures of a sexual nature as a child, which can be a sign of abuse, specifically sexual abuse. "She" also speaks about constantly wetting herself in school. This can also be a sign of abuse - though he claimed he would rather wet themselves than use the "wrong" bathroom. Really? This kid who is so worried about being ostracized is not worried about being made fun of for peeing themselves daily at school.

2) The family agreed to do the 20/20 interview as long as NO counterpoints from a "whacked-out doctor" were presented.

3) Jazz repeatedly states that her problems with depression and anxiety have nothing to do with being trans.

4) Jazz seems to still be attracted to girls, discussing making out with two of them and possibly identifying as pansexual.

5) Jazz is Jewish but there is no mention of God or religion anywhere in the book. By the way, Jazz states, "I will spiral out into this kind of existential dread that there is no meaning in life." It is interesting how Judaism plays an important enough rule in her life for her parents to ensure she goes to specific Jewish schools, yet she has no concept of God.

6) She is pictured wearing stilettos at 15 months, yet claims this is all on 15 months she somehow understood gender concepts and roles.

7) Jazz talks about bigotry and not being treated fairly, yet he did not care that girls felt it was unfair for him to compete on girls' teams. He has no concept of why that could possibly be unfair.

Jazz is a victim - just not in the way he thinks he is. Jazz never got the chance to hear true counter-arguments. Jazz never went to a neutral therapist and his family never sought true, unbiased medical attention for him.

Is it any surprise Jazz his family ensured he was in acting camps at an early age?

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>It is interesting how Judaism plays an important enough rule in her life for her parents to ensure she goes to specific Jewish schools, yet she has no concept of God.
Not really. Jews haven't had a proper concept of God in 2,000 years

By the way - isn't it ironic that feminists want to break traditional gender roles, but these trans activists reinforce them by making stereotypic characters out of women? How do liberal/SJWs justify these juxtaposing viewpoints?

Also there are tons of posts here about Jazz so if this gets removed...something is up.

>I decided to read her
stopped reading here

interesting ...can you cite the pages where she states these things?>

True but youd think they would fake it a bit more

Sorry the rest I used he/him. It is confusing.

Sure if this thread stays up I will do that.

Interesting theory user, do you think the father sexually abused "Jazz"?

I do. I think any gender dysphoria was related to the mk ultra style abuse that is typical of these wealthy families.

By the way - that would be a HUGE sign to report at a school.

Also, I think neglect and other abuse likely happened.

I listened to this interview on a former mk ultra victim from a wealthy family. She explained the parents not only sexually abused her but "fragmented" her mind through a contrast of love/hate. Dropping her, neglecting her, etc...

But then also the double life of love for the outside world.

Have you read up on Dr. John C. Money? Perhaps the parents have ties to him.

Not yet but now I will...what do you think?

By the way in the book there was never a moment where he seemed to address anything related to counter points...

If he/she was abused as much as you postulate he/she would probably lack the self-reflection to address ideas contrary to her identity.

thats even before Jesus. even by David's time the people of Israel were already struggling with demon worshiping creeping into Christianity (Jews in that time believed in a savior)

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Yes and his parents make sure to guilt him into doing things for "bravery"

Yes the entire book was sad to read. He honestly felt by 11 years old it was his role to change the world.

Transgender or not, children deserve the freedom of childhood.

That forced smile.

Agree with all points - but refine point 6. My daughter learned differences between genders at 15 months.

I noted the God thing, too, because I believe the transgender agenda is Satanic.

I have heard about some kind of handlers being able to fragment their victims into multiple personalities through sexual abuse mostly. and then program those personalities. It sounds far fetched, and i dont know if there is any solid evidence that this is going on. most of the time is just hollywood actors acting weird. which can be N different causes.

All i know is that victims report out of body experiences when this kind of this happens

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It is not so much one cannot identify differences. It is more that they are leading people to believe that Jazz had a true accurate gender concept by 3 years old....

I agree on this. My daughter acted as a girl just a couple of weeks after birth. If you are a parent you know the entire gender programming is pure BS

I was abused and a child and as an adult.

One thing was I had a journal and it was like I had two identities. In the journal I would block about the abuse even there.

It fragments your mind for sure. Also when I was being abused I would disassociate from my body as it was happening.

They started transitioning him at 5...not even taking him to a real doctor.

i remember realizing this cognitive dissonance when i was a kid but somehow i never hear people mention it.

I mean how do you know you feel like a woman if youve never felt it

C o g n i t a v e D i s s o n a n c e

my kid was acting as a girl inside the womb

I know more about the show from here than actually watching it. I did watch one part of an episode once. He was overweight, depressed, and was going to doctors to see if he can get his penis chopped. I was truly amazed that the production decided to keep going with this. Must be pretty though on him. All the pressure built on displaying "happiness" just so the people can accept this degeneracy

Also dont get me started with that kid that their parents forced him to dress like a drag queen. how is it possible that people are ok with that

There's an ongoing social war between feminists and trannies. Browse /lgbt/ if you want to learn more

my daughter immediately like earrings, jewelry, wearing dresses and shoes, and she could barely walk.

Exactly. It is that simple.

That is what trans people I meet do not get. They can only act as some type of stereotypical version because that is all they know.

And it is sad he cannot even say like "Yeah I am depressed because I am trans."

It is just a level of delusion that is so fucking sad.

That kid was on video miming snorting ketamine and was with a guy convicted of murder. How the fuck CPS hasn't intervened rustles my jimmies.

Sexual abuse isn't always "touching". It's pretty obvious that the mother has treated her son like a dress up dolly, much like the mothers of beauty pageant kids do. SHE sexualized him from birth. He never stood a chance, because he had "you're a girl!" imprinted on him from the beginning.
I don't think Jazz was touched, as he is pretty much a eunuch at this point, and has been since puberty. His sexuality is a captive of his mother's, for whatever fucked up reasons she's doing it.
Every single person I know who runs around with the whole "trans" thing, or "pansexual", or any of the more extreme poses, are victims of some sort of abuse as a child, be it sexual, emotion, or physical. Their parents fucked them up.
Jazz has all of the symptoms of abuse. The weight gain was also a red flag, obesity doesn't run in that family, he was building a physical wall of fat against whereever the abuse was coming from, and it's pretty obvious it's the mom. And she won, she talked him into cutting his junk off, to please her.
That's why he's a prime risk for suicide. When it truly sinks in what she did to him, what she robbed him of, and the hellish prison she put him in, as the huge fucking narcissist his mother is, the only way out is anhero. And then his mother will suck up every bit of attention and fame and money wailing about her dead daughter and how society is to blame.
I'd bet serious money on it. His days are numbered. Even if he gets away from her, and her forced enmeshment in every aspect of his life, there's no going back from the mutilation to his body that occured, and how he's been robbed of a normal, healthy life, and working genitalia. Some claim that he's never had an orgasm. Think about that. Think long. Something we take for granted, something we do for a moment's buzz and please, has been robbed of him. For his mother.
Everyone with half a clue sees it, but nobody will say shit, for fear of being shamed by SJWs and sued by his mother.

Oh I know...


Considered a hate group by the trannies

I think there is a biological component to gender to an extent.


He had everything stolen from him, by his mother. A childhood. A healthy set of parents. A normal school experience. Puberty. Dating. Sex.

His mother ruined him, to have her very own living and breathing dress up dolly. She's an evil narcissist.

I like your analysis.

This is an abuse victim - any angle someone looks at it.

Yep, robot mode. You show the world what you're allowed to by the abuser, and the internal you is completely different.

It all boils down to hating white men, for being the most successful people in history.

That's literally all there is. That's why the left embraces feminism, islam, and many other, seemingly incompatible, things. Once you realize that what they have in common is standing up to the white man.

if we're blaming parents for behaviour then we can just blame the mother's behaviour upon her own parents and so forth until we end up at single celled organisms senpai

Kind of like munchausen by proxy

I say it boils down to the hatred of God.

God created man and women. Satan cannot create - only twist.

Cycles of abuse exist, yes.

>obesity doesn't run in that family
But wasn't he adopted? Jow Forums told me he was Palestinian.

dude what the fuck are you on about?
Davids time was just the torah, christianity happened after jesus had already died...about 20 years after, your timeline is complete BULLSHIT user

Good post user

I know soneone with a 5 year old kid. Hes pretty interesting, the parents didnt push any gender norms on him,let him do as he pleased. He really liked mermaids and wanted to keep his long hair, like his moms long hair. They didnt present him any pop culture or tv etc before introducing him to school. Once he was around other boys he started to act slightly more like a boy. But he still likes long hair and mermaids.

do you think it affected your sexuality in any way? I dont remember ever being molested, but i do have a particular fixation on sex since when i was very young. almost since i could remember. i dont know if thats just normal for some boys. I even did some "gay" acts with other kids, but i would have preferred a woman any day, and felt pretty regretful afterwards

Good post


Thanks. I spent the entire day reading the book, and had to share it somewhere.

Overall pretty boring but easy read.

Kids experiment, too, it's normal. It's part of exploring and experiencing the world. It's normal for little boys and little girls to play act as the opposite sex, it's not a sign of being trans, it's just curiousity, like playing doctor is.

Funny how very rarely we see little girls being pushed into being trans boys. It's almost like theres an agenda to feminize boys. But that's crazy talk. If a boy plays with a doll, "OMG HE'S A TRANS" (meanwhile, GI Joe has been a thing forever), if a boy wants to know what wearing a dress is like "OMG HE WAS BORN INTO THE WRONG BODY CUT HIS DICK OFF!"

If a little girl shows interest in boy stuff, it's just "well, that's normal, and she should be able to", and they don't try to sew a dick onto her.

Normal, curious exploration by kids, especially little boys, has been completely hijacked by agenda. It's sick, perverted, and horrific, and it's going to be ugly when the backlash happens. And it will be deserved.

This only proves that interests in "feminine" things are just that- not that their entire gender role needs to be reversed because some liberal psychologist played along with their parents' confirmation bias.


Btw I am screwed but I am a girl (i know tits or get the fuck out) but what guy here would read that book?

I hated men. I think it is possible my dad sexually abused me.

Also I thought I was a lesbian when I was 13.

Thank GOD I did not accept that as my identity and society was not pushing shit on me.

That is why I am so fascinated in this topic.

This follows the trend of so many bay area parents. The kid mentions they like dresses or pretty shoes once and BAM on hormones they go. How progressive

We are making children form identities they cannot even understand.

Let us let kids explore and learn like they have for ever until this bs

Actual real jews believed in the savior. just like Christians do. Fake talmudic Jews dont

God help us

>Not really. Jews haven't had a proper concept of God in 2,000 years
This is why I have come to the conclusion that the reason Jews push atheism so hard is because atheism is Judaism for goyim.

It's the same amoral worldview as Judaism, but stripped of all the survival mechanisms Jews use to ensure their own survival. So Jews benefit doubly by ensuring that society tolerates Jewish amorality, but is simultaneously unable to defend itself from Jewish predation.

>inb4 butthurt kikes larping as pagans hijack the thread saying that Christianity is the REAL Judaism for goyim, even though Christianity lacks the amorphous morality in which Jewish pilpul prospers and triumphs.

With jews you lose. Even as a jew
Sorry kike, you got kiked. gas the juice.

And ignore all the studies about outgrowing gender dysphoria naturally

Exactly. They don't even have fully formed genitalia. Puberty is confusing as fuck for everyone, and a lot of people experiment with sexuality growing up.

I get that there can be people with such extreme body dismorphia that they have to change gender surgically to try and gain stability emotionally, but they're rare, but every slight interest or curiosity in the opposite sex is now treated as an extreme case, and treatment forced onto them. It's the same as ritalin. (gee, another thing forced onto little boys, for being...little boys)

It's an agenda to attack boys. Clearly. Boys are bad. Because they grow up to be men, who do things like build the world.

It's mental illness. Widespread mental illness, and god help you if you speak out, because you'll be lynched - mostly by women, and their feminist white night male enablers.

Its called a reprobate mind bro. God even tells here why and how

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>I think it is possible my dad sexually abused me
What do you mean? You're not sure that the abuse happened?

ok so how does that explain " even by David's time the people of Israel were already struggling with demon worshiping creeping into Christianity"?
davids time was 1000 years before christs...

pretty sure her grandma or her sister raped her

Yeah that shit drives me crazy. I had all kind of "masculine" and "feminine" interests as a kid. Really glad i had conservative parents who treated me like a normal kid and just let me explore my childhood.

It goes back to the whole idea of masculinity and femininity not being specific to males and females. Not all men are super masculine but that doesnt mean you should chop your dick off. Yet somehow these "progressive" parents see the world in black and white.

Thank you

I feel bad for people like this. The left uses them and the right hates them. We could just give them psychological care so they dont want to cut their dick off.

Remember, if you hate this you hate Jews

Well I had a lot of signs of sexual abuse but could have blocked it out

1) Excessive masturbation
2) Waking up without clothes
3) Knowing too much about sex
4) Hatred/fear of men


Victims will block out the abuse. But it is 100 percent a fact he abused me in other ways. Child molestation also runs in the family.

Further still, the roots of the Talmud began when Moses spoke to God and came down to find them worshipping a brazen bull. Actually they are pretty open about it, /ourpastor/ did a documentary on it

It's called testosterone and estrogen.

Imagine if Jazz had gotten testosterone therapy, instead of chemical castration.

Dissociative amnesia, look it up. I still recover memories of my childhood, several every week. Dealing with this shit is like jumping into an inky black painting. You have suspicions, but they never seem to carry any weight. You see evidence, but it floats without touching anything, like it's suspended by fishing line. Others hint at horrible things done to you, but you can't help but react as if they're talking about the weather or something. Most of the time the best you have to go off of is suspicions.

Gender roles have a place but people can break out of them. Gender roles are rooted in biology but also exist in a cultural context.

Biological women will always be more likely to be nurses, teachers, etc. Biologically, we are care givers, which affects our gender roles.

Of course gender roles are not rigid. Women can occasionally break their biology but it is rare.


Yup! New memories come to me a lot.

I will never be able to prove 100 percent but all the signs point in that direction.

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Was yours sexual abuse too?

That poor kid has already developed a serious case of man face, which will only add to his depression.

because Christianity has existed since then. They believed in a "CHRIST" in a savior. "Jews" of today are fakes, they dont care about the old testament. Even the bible talks about this

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Tits rule only applies when your sex is irrelevant grab for attention. You are talking about being sexually abused.

my fucking sides

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I appreciate that.

No fucking clue. If it was sexual abuse either it wasn't outright rape/molestation, or I have severely fucked up boundaries. I do know that my brother showed me porn when I was like 10 or 11, I have an irrational fear of the dark, and I freeze whenever anyone touches me or pressures me into doing things. I also have a few odd memories, people telling me to stay quiet and not say anything, etc.

I don't know any right leaning people who hate trans. They might be uncomfortable around them, but the "hate' is blown out of proportion a lot of the time, like it is for any victim group these days.
And, if trans people just want to be accepted, that's fine. It can be done quietly, and respectfully. But it's not, it's being forced on people, many of whom aren't ready to deal with it so suddenly, and a whole bunch of bullshit has been hung on the issue by the activists, who are living vicariously through this new victim group. In a couple years, they'll move on from trans, to some other new, made up victim group. It's professional martyr making, and it's mostly the media and C gpa level social studies majors who can't get real work with degrees in "gender study", so they make up issues to get paid.

The whole thing is filthy. I'm not mad at Jazz, or any other trans - if what they claim is true, that's tough to deal with, and giving them the right to move through life unfucked with is fine with me. But forcing it on kids, on parading them around like dress up dolls, and seeing trans everywhere when it's a very rare condition, that's fucked up.

capitalize that D in Didn't and i think you got something user

Yes that is similar to many of my experiences. Parents had sex in same room as me?

Dad did touch my vagina to supposedly clean it a few times??!?

Sister tells me similar things.

Yes good point. I do not hate Jazz. I do not hate LGBT people...

I hate the propaganda.

Thats why transgenders will never really be a convincing women/man.

A girl parading around as a guy will still generally have those female caring, maternal instincts. Just like man parading around as a woman will sonetimes lose his cool, switch to man-mode and threaten to beat the shit out of someone, for example

Yep. After my dad died, and I realized how much he'd fucked me up being a narcissistic violent alcoholic, memories from childhood, defining memories, the ones that made me who I was, came bubbling up. Took me years to work through that shit. No sexual abuse, but I was basically an emotional and physical punching bag, and I constructed a fake public persona to cover it up.

Fuck you, dad. Rot. Every bite a worm takes is less of your shit body on the fucking planet. His cycle of abuse ended with me, and everyone knows about your shit now, including the kiddy porn I found on your computer. Sick fuck. You wanted to fuck your sisters.

Good point.

Also the gender roles can be helpful.

Women are more prone to anxiety biologically.

Now they are working full time and becoming alcoholics.

Women do better in a quieter role of motherhood for this reason.


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