How do we fix the Chicago problem?

How do we fix the Chicago problem?

Attached: chicagocity.png (1044x1102, 2.99M)

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Change our macroeconomic and political policy to crush cities in blue states and favor red states.

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let it burn down. then there wont be a chicago and therefore no chicago problem

Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

China-style corruption purge

fixed it to make it more legible

Attached: chicago2.jpg (1365x1257, 576K)

>move every nigger in the world to Chicago
>white man listens to Europe's cries for help and returns home
>niggers get to keep America
>go to Europe and kill sand niggers
>test horrible chemical weapons on what's left of the USA
>use those chemical weapons on the entire Middle East

I just created a solution for world peace. Where's my fuckin Nobel Peace Prize, faggots?

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That's a big bomb

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