Why is USA so good to Russia ?

I am starting to get familiar with global politics but I can't wrap my mind around what's behind of making good connections with Russia.

Someone care to explain ?

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Reverse Kissinger's strategy during Nixion.

When Sino-Soviet split happened Nixon went to Beijing and met with Mao. They have agreed to put mutual pressure of SU, forcing them to spend more, driving their economy faster into the ground.

Today Trump is trying to do the same with Russia against China. But it won't work. Russia needs things that USA is not willing to provide (entire Ukraine, decreasing NATO deployment in the Baltics, new START treaty..)

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>Why is USA so good to Russia

The tape of Trump peeing on prostitutes is real.

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BC when bombing the ME don't accidentally nuke each other. Also the they are more or lest western, good luck trying to get along whit the Chinese when they start to project their power

To prevent a possible war. Russia ain’t no game.
Vladimir Putin and Trump need to have a good relationship and Trump is doing a great job.
He is not a traitor, the Cold War ended in 1991.. Russia is just a competitor nowadays.


anyone who says anything else is a

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because the USA isn't?

where are you getting your false information?

USA and Russia are both controlled by Israel.

Did you miss that one time when they tore our economy to shreds? We're still under heavy sanctions remember.

>first blackmailed president
Yeah because JFK got no warnings right?

Every single president since the cold war has tried to improve relations with Russia. The only reason Trump is bad for doing so is because the media is obsessed with collusion.

JFK was a mafia plant, and a war mongering fag.

The origin of that story may surprise you.

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better russia than liberals.

didnt the trump government add more sanctions when the old russian hacking bs was at high fervor in the news midway through last year

>literally assassinate for refusing to expand the war in vietnam

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Yep, they sure did.

This, they need to stop with their russophobia.

This is real and awesome.

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>Why is USA so good to Russia
Because the Magnitsky act is based on the lies of a Kike Billionaire who swindled Billions from Russia and then bought off a lot of American Politicians to avoid paying taxes or going to jail.
Why is that important?
>>The Magnitsky Act is essentially the genesis of a new Cold War with Russia and Browder is responsible for the Magnitsky Act. You expose Browder, you expose the Magnitsky Act. The establishment will do anything to protect Browder because revealing the truth about the Magnitsky Act would vindicate Russia. Russia is needed as a scapegoat to justify NATO's existence and to go to war with Syria to ultimately obtain the Golan Heights. Browder himself wants Russia as an enemy so he doesn't have to go to jail.
Read more here

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Deep state works together with Russia to maintain the military industrial complex running, Russia plays bad guy while USA is the good cop. Only a pleb would not get it.

That's not enough for him to lick Putin's asshole in front of the world. It has to be some gay shit. like male prostitutes peeing on him.

lol get fucked ruski

why is usa so good to Isreal?

isreal has killed more america soilders than russia

Because no one cares. Sage



>Someone care to explain ?
Back in the aughts i saw some "meanwhile in Russia" videos.
Basiccly videos of a white people my age doing all sorts of crazy shit.
But not that crazy
it reminded me..
it reminded me of anywhere USA
But with more chickens and vodka.
It endeared them to me.
I wanted to be buds with russianbros on the Internet.
Still do
Kikes prevent this
For that (((they))) will be gased.

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Remember when Russia was our ally? Communism, neoliberalism, neoconservatism fucked everything up. Jews do not like traditional Russia.

good to russia? does a single product made in russia make it into america for sale? Aside from maybe specialty imported food/media for russian immigrants? We dont do shit with their economy. On top of they we completely BTFO russias oil industry and now produce more than they do and are actively developing ways to import LNG to europe to further fuck russia. We are fucking with them all over the world. So trump is being nice to putin in person, theres no point to be an asshole publicly when russia doesnt do shit and we are actively trying to fuck the only shit they do, which is oil/gas. I say play nice with them, they havent a single thing to lever against us in any way. Continue the public nice talks and start shipping LNG to europe to further cement russia as a 3rd world country with no global market power.

well the jews should be pretty happy then because russia is not traditional

And yet Trump is a well-known germaphobe. I remember hearing years ago men would "recognize" Trump and approach him in the male bathroom while extending their hand to shake his hand. Trump would just look at them in disgust.

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Democrats want "war" with Russia - because they are butthurt over losing an election. Luckily, the adults are running the show.

>but I can't wrap my mind around what's behind of making good connections with Russia

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This is real and awesome...

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This is real - and totally awesome.

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>Two leader of halfway opposing nations understand each other and are willing to make compromises
>The left loses its shit

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This is true. Our State Department would agree that you "don't" publicly humiliate the leader of a country you are trying to negotiate with. Leave that stuff for the back room and diplomats.

In recent times the Russians have been harassing our diplomats in Russia. Their aircraft have been buzzing our aircraft/Navy. Just like the Cold War. If we want any of this to stop, humiliating Putin in public is not the way to do it.

what are you 14?i swear these shitstains come in here act like they know something then proceed to exemplify the know-nothing generation.read a history book you mook.

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>Something something nuclear armed state... >something something former cold war rival...
>something something nation that since Libya has taken delight in publicly contradicting American foreign policy

Its a no-brainer speak softly but carry a big stick.

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>what's behind of making good connections with Russia.
2 huge groups of people who could be trading with each other, if both nations traded openly huge numbers of poor people would be lifted from poverty

thats why the position was there after WWII, with Russia as enemy you can keep everyone in both nations broke and sell black market luxury goods to the elite of both nations

>Russia needs things that USA is not willing to provide
both Russia and China depend on us for food

Obama foreign policy was so terrible that it has destroyed europe

Why is this negro talking to us?

Because (I shit you know) there are too many inbreds who actually think that puting enough jews together would summon their aryan imaginary friend.