A liberal lesbian couple drove their family of 6 minority adopted children off of a cliff, according to family and neighbors, the children were severely abused at home. They were punished for having money, for example, one daughter was found with a penny in her pocket and punched in the face by the mother. If the children ever misbehaved they were starved and forced to lay in a completely dark room on their stomachs anywhere from 4-7 hours. Pic related. Keep in mind all the kids in that picture are teenagers with the exception of one 12 year old. The girl on the far left is 16 but her growth was severely stunted due to malnourishment. What the fuck is wrong with liberals? Why are the so self-righteous and such moral high grounders. These are the people we’re fighting against, don’t forget that.
Liberal lesbian couple drives themselves and 6 adopted minority children off a cliff
this is pretty based if you ask me
Wow. Even a black crackhead single mother isn’t that bad usually.
lesbos are the worst creatures on the planet. i learned that by dealing with those deranged things.
>POSTED 5:16 AM, APRIL 16, 2018
Slide thread.
based lesbos.
Adopt the coal.
Speed through the toll.
The reason why the story has resurface ( I should’ve linked a more recent article from today) is because allthe bodies have now been found, and a bunch more stuff has come out about the abuse. By the way, sage goes in options, not name.
old news, gays shouldnt be allowed to adopt
>By the way, sage goes in options, not name.
Sage goes in all fields, sunshine. All fields.
You’re a newfag, it goes in options dumbshit r/thedonald transplant
Highest rate of domestic abuse too
Based nig-killing dyke kikes
>he doesnt know about sage going in all fields
>calls someone else a newfag
Only people who sage in all fields are fucking r/thedonald transplants AKA zoomers in fucking Highschool who think that used up memes from 5 years ago are still popular or even relevant here. So fuck you too
100% correct, and nobody talks about it, it's the most concealed fact in the country.
you seem upset
I just find Zoomer-humor distasteful is all
Awesome, this is what they should all do
what vintage of meme do you suppose we can use, your majesty? Can we shoop da whoop? mudkipz? ralph pls go? or do you only accept memes made popular in the last calendar year? please help me, i very much want to be relevant and popular to you, a 17 year old pretending to be in college
>3:1 minority k/d ratio
>t. Zoomer
so you're not going to post any updates?
>2 dead ultraDykes, 6 dead niggers
This should happen more often. Good for them.
Just google “two moms kill 6 children”, there are a bunch of articles each with different details
>Liberal lesbian couple drives themselves and 6 adopted minority children off a cliff
I haven't been this happy since 200 afreekan migrants drown when they rubber boat sprung a leak.
Cool iFunny meme man!!!
>Liberal lesbian couple drives themselves and 6 adopted minority children off a cliff
I think the only one worth saving was the chimp in the hate. Somewhere is a picture of the chimp embracing a cop against hate.
>Biological trashheap cleaning itself
Further proof of intelligent design?
>They were punished for having money, for example, one daughter was found with a penny in her pocket and punched in the face by the mother. If the children ever misbehaved they were starved and forced to lay in a completely dark room on their stomachs anywhere from 4-7 hours.
Never change.
>gays aren’t mentally i-
Nothing of value was lost.