>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>VP Pence on Huckabee 7/20/18
>Pres Trump arrives in NJ 7/20/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 7/20/18
>SoS Pompeo/UNAmb Haley press conf 7/20/18
>DNI/DHS Officials @WashCompost CyberSec event 7/20/18
>DoDVideo: Just Another Day 7/20/18
>This Week @State 7/20/18
>WHVideo: Pledge to America's Workers 7/20/18
>Pres Trump on CNBC 7/20/18
>Ivanka on F&F 7/20/18
>SoS Pompeo on Fox News 7/19/18
>SpiceDaddy on Fox News 7/19/18
>Pres Trump/Ivanka host Pledge To America's Workers Event 7/19/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Tax Cut Event in St Louis MO 7/19/18
>RUS Pres Putin on Helsinki Summit 7/19/18
>Mooch on Fox News 7/19/18
>Ivanka &Nog on CNBC 7/19/18
>DHSSec Nielsen @Aspen Sec Forum 7/19/18
>DepAG Rosenstein @Aspen Sec Forum 7/19/18
>Pentagon Press Brief (CentComCdr Army Gen Votel) 7/19/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:



Is it ok if I lurk here only for the bullying?

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>and check


>The Japanese carmaker is busy analyzing scenarios about how tariff schemes could affect each of its car and truck lines, said Jim Lentz, chief executive officer for Toyota’s North American operations.

>“If it winds up being 10 per cent or 25 per cent, almost on a series-by-series basis, we’ve got to evaluate what we’re going to do,” he said in an interview. “In some series, we may raise prices. On other series, we may stop imports, and then consumers will have less choice.”

>Toyota is in the process of building its 11th U.S. factory, a joint car-assembly plant with Mazda Motor Corp. in Huntsville, Ala. It has no plans to add another production facility, Lentz said.

>Still, Toyota imported more than half of the 2.4 million vehicles it sold in the U.S. last year, including several of its top-selling and highest-profit vehicles. The RAV4 crossover took over as Toyota’s leading model in the U.S. last year, with sales jumping 16 per cent to about 408,000. All of them were shipped into the country from Japan and Canada.

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Angela Merkel has a doctorate in physical chemistry and is an accomplished scientist and academic in addition to being the de facto leader of Europe, and is both popular and supported by her citizens. Macron graduated from some of the best schools in France and had an accomplished career in both the French civil service and in investment banking. Theresa May graduated from Oxford and already had a successful career in politics prior to becoming Prime Minister. Trump, by all accounts, was an abysmal, piss poor student who coasted through school on his family's wealth, and has nothing to show for himself except a string of failed business ventures and bankruptcies, and he knows, deep down, that he never won the popular vote and that his entire Presidency is built on meddling. He has no accomplishments of his own. He knows he's not as smart and accomplished as them, all he can do is act like a child and ruin things out of spite. I think this also explains why his most zealous base supports him, they're also unaccomplished, uneducated people living in derelict, rundown rural towns who have few prospects because of their lack of education and social capital, and they want to make educated elites suffer. They see themselves in Trump.

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Hail Hortler

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Tonight I phone post. Feels bad

At least I own a gun which I use for all lawful purposes.

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Based and unironically redpilled


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Is he right?

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I guess I'll dump some of my old OC awoos I made during the election

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Only if I can push your shit in while you wait.

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>Russiagate is nothing like McCarthyism!

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civic 101? Where did women and lesbos ever make anything worth of note throughout civilization?

What is your favorite board other than Jow Forums?
Mine is /ck/

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You jest, yet raise a vital point: Every foreign leader knows Trump is an idiot, which has exposed the truth about the dark underbelly of American society. Russia and to a degree China have spent years learning about the American electorate and American society. Now everyone in the world sees America is basically controlled by a loud, racist, uneducated minority. Our Achilles heel has become our calling card. We have not only lost the moral high ground and leadership we once held, but Trump is actively giving it away at a time nations like China are coming into great prominence, and have been looking for a way to get advantage over us. We ran the race masterfully, always able to stay ahead of the pack despite some stumbles. Just as the competition was catching up, we passed the baton to Trump who stopped running, and started walking around in a confused circle mumbling 'which way did he go?' as the pack passed him by.

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You’d have to read Blood Meridian and picture it all simultaneously in your head.

>Rick Wifeson
We must all prepare for the final October surprise.

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War is terrible and hope that nobody here ever gets sent to one.

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Is it Real Awoo Hours?

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I have 3 different versions of Goebbels awoo

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/lit/ and /his/

you get intelligent conversations from people who are redpilled but not all brain dead stormfag shills either

No it's a false equivalency

>Deep State thread

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>When one side of an equation includes neo- and cyrpto-Communits, black supremacists, the KKK, Antifa, alt-left neets, and a San Francisco street of human feces... they're always wrong.

This is Civ V stuff.

No; as everyone knows, Jow Forums is always right.

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>Mueller still using taxpayer money to do opposition research

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Isn't Rick Wilson an incel though? I could've sworn that was one of his things, but then I also thought he killed himself so my memory's fuzzy or this is a mandela effect thing. Anyone else remember Rick Wilson killing himself?

There are other boards?

>Grandpa Rick

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Reminder that Bolton is good on TV, is not a limp wrist, has been explicitly acknowledged as NOT SCREWING TRUMP AT HELL STINKY, and has a cool fucking stache. He's /ourjingo/.

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make that 4 different Goebbels awoos

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That sounds nice. How well read should you be?

If you enjoy new knowledge and entertainment, then yes.


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He doesn't understand the irony of that statement

Good analogy of his genetic line

Nah he's not an incel, he's the guy that was talking about tentacle porn existing to his wife and then being unable to find any proof it existed.

No but he did have one really good Idea.
>pic related

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I don't like change.

This is the best one.

Should I play XCOM 2 or Divinity OS

>there were no bad apples on the antifa side

I want more winning.

Specifically in the realm of leftists facing justice for their crimes.

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Pretty cool I.D

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He thinks Bill Kristol is on the right side of history. His neo cohen ideology only got him a nigger grand child.

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lemme check

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Alright, I'm reading this, and part of their justification for the FISA warrant was a news article that was later proven to be incorrect. Namely, the one that states that the Trump campaign forced the RNC to give up their plank concerning giving weapons to Ukraine. The RNC never gave up said plank. It also uses articles that speculate on action as a basis for a warrant.

This actually terrifies me because it pretty much means that any shoddy news article can be used to get a warrant that allows for unlimited surveillance.

And as far as I've read, this doesn't prove much except that Page talked to two people. Where exactly is the "treason"? The worst I can see Page having done is violating the Logan Act.


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>mfw Rick's October surprise is just around the corner


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Old /ck/ was comfy as fuck, but /tg/ is the only board I have open as much as Jow Forums. Jow Forums is pretty comfy for hating jews too, but lots of worthless iShit threads

At this point that money drain for oppo is going to only get worse unless it's a bloodbath in the midterms.

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Nah, that was Kurt Echinwald or something he was the one who got that twitter faggot arrest for a seizure.

I hear Divinity OS is a great game.
I have it installed, played it for a bit. But it just didn't "grip" me.

>/lit/ and /his/

We have some commies to kill, brother.

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You should read a book.

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>is he right?

It's Rick Wilson. Of course not.

The U.S. government already has unlimited and complete surveillance of every American. Snowden already showed us that. Doesn't change the fact that Carter Page committed treason and that the surveillance paid off in this instance.

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I'm pretty drunk, niggers.
Only question is how much of the pizza (literal takeout including bread sticks, non pedo sense) do I have now and how much is breakfast tomorrow

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Have they always been this annoying?

I have heard people rave about the co-op roleplaying in Divinity OS, but I have no gf so maybe go with Xcom

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Charges were dropped though

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

i shiggy diggy

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Jow Forums is honestly a better board for historical discussion than /his/ mostly because of a broader user base. The same handful of grad students repeating professor shekelbergs talking point or obsessing over irreverent minor details often leads nowhere.

It was just some jokes guys, let's let bygones be bygones

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some hats

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I didn't know haven't kept up with it.

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